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About godball50

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  1. You can't say that this doesn't look similar to the Dragon alphabet... http://sambangu.blogspot.com/2011/11/darius-and-dragons.html
  2. I just found this picture on google, and, looking at durnehviir, I think this is a much better form for him. I haven't the skills to make this mod, but I really want to see this in skyrim. I mean, Doesn't this look like something you would see in the soul cairn?http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/219/9/a/9a9f97500bdbf13dfddc1e1b61ace8bf-d6h59lm.jpg
  3. I have a similar problem, except that for me no error message appears for me. My Task Manager shows, in the details section, briefly displays: NexusClient Running Then: NexusClient Suspended Then it disappears entirely.
  4. I have a similar problem, except that for me no error message appears for me. My Task Manager shows, in the details section, briefly displays NexusClient Running Then: NexusClient Suspended Then it disappears entirely.
  5. I really don't understand why people want weapons that look like they weigh twice as much as the average person can lift, let alone swing. I mean, come ON! http://static-8.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/61995-2-1423762758.jpg
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