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About AEntreriX

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  1. ^ I used to use Hunting Rifles but then I discovered an Assault Rifle, I don't find spare assault rifles and ammo for it as often so I have to conserve ammo but It's still better. I haven't even been picking up Hunting Rifles, but I guess I could sell them.... I never sell ammo though, I always keep it even if I don't have weapons to use it with, even missile ammo is weightless.
  2. Really, why are you on the Internet if you have a reading disability? I clearly said I've already done so.
  3. ^ what's wrong with the Fallout 3's Engine? It works and looks great!
  4. What I don't understand is, why is there a level cap? Is there any particular reason?
  5. I just got Fallout 3 =). And before I go further I'm going to add I have the Xbox 360 version, I know the users here will be using PC version. I'm coming to the Nexus becuase I have Oblivion for the PC and come to the Nexus alot and I really like the community so I thought I'd come here for Fallout 3. Please don't recommend any mods. So far I've blown up Megaton and have started the "Quest Galaxy News Radio". My friend showed me how to blow up Megaton if your wondering how I've already done that. And I'm level 3. Besides that I've done nothing in the game besides that quest and up to the GNR quest in the main storyline. Any tips?
  6. I know there are alot of people who haven't yet tried it out. This was on fifth page so....BUMP! Is bumping illegal on tesnexus? I seriously don't know. :ninja: You'll never catch me Mods! Never!!!!!!
  7. glad you liked it =). These are easy to make but the links just take FOREVER to add. I think i'll take a break from the interactives for awhile
  8. Next one is up! TEN different choices, with a subtle hint, but you'd half to know about the Adoring Fan to know it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfVVvPb0qRk Enjoy!
  9. editing is done on the main video. Now to do all the little side parts. This Interactive Hide and Seek is going to have 10 places the Adoring Fan could be hiding.
  10. Filming is finished in the new Interactive Video. Now comes the long part, editing, uploading to YouTube, and then editing the links. Hopefully be done tonight. Probably Not.
  11. Cool stuff people. I'm really looking forward to that player owned store mod.
  12. I can't wait for this to be released but if possible PLEASE MAKE IT VANILLA OBLIVION! Version 1.0 and no OBSE. Becuase I can't use either.
  13. They're just fun to give out. And too me the more kudos a person has the more you can trust the authenticity of his or her statement. But I guess that doesn't say much for me....
  14. Alot of people apparently liked this wand want a new H&S. So far I'm idea is the Adoring Fan hiding in the Market District from a Grand Champion looking to throw him off Dive Rock. Any other ideas?
  15. Thank you for your replies so far everyone, they mean alot to me =). I'm glad to see that you guys had as much fun playing it as I had making it.
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