Just to give a heads up, I've been working on bits of a Benny Companion mod here and there when I get the spare time. Feel free to browse my other two companion mods (linked in my sig) if you want an idea of how I style my companion mods. Right now he's got about 100 lines of new dialogue, which pertain to everything on the companion wheel, miscellaneous reactions like overburdened, stealthing, and stimming, and a few custom reactions like the female courier changing into something sexy, receiving gifts like cigarettes and booze, sitting down, etc. The overall goal is to provide a few distinct ways that the companion mod can play out; one for those who want to torment him and think that death's too good, one for romance (Black Widows only), and the typical goody-two-shoes "I wanna be your friend" approach. Recruitment as I'm implementing it would consist of either slaughtering Caesar's entire force to free him, having him delay using the Stealth Boy until AFTER you've left the tent (then meeting you later), or convincing Caesar to let you keep him as a slave --- the latter entails an explosive slave collar to keep him in check. In all other scenarios, you risk him turning on you if you stray from the Independent Vegas storyline, or a guaranteed betrayal at Hoover Dam to everyone but those who are romancing him. Regardless of how you treat him, he responds to all commands and suggestions in his usual perky manner, which usually isn't very genuine. Can't give a release date since real life tends to get in the way of what I want at times, but I just wanted to say that something is definitely working on it. :) I'd also be happy to take perk ideas. Right now I'm thinking of calling it "Aces Up" for the casino reference, and the only idea for an effect I've had is to give substantial critical hit defense based on the number of luxury items you've got (cigarettes, alcohol, nice suits and dresses, etc.) Seems to fit his personality and fixation on the high life, but I can imagine a lot of people considering this idea to be "meh".