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Nexus Mods Profile

About antomi8

  1. On the topic of Witcher 2 armors, do you have any resources that would help us port over armor?
  2. Very eagerly awaiting this armor. I'm putting off Skyrim until I can play with this armor.
  3. When can we expect a release? :P
  4. What is the mod that added a flame to fire enchants, lightning to shock enchants, and a wispy effect to frost enchantments?
  5. Hey patobek, I don't want to be so insistent or anything, but I had a really cool idea. First, I was planning on editing the texture (when you eventually released it) to a fantasy Grey Knights theme (of Warhammer 40k): Then I got to thinking: how easy would it be to use the games opened-book model and a simple iron dagger or sword to create that emblem on the shoulder's pauldron like this? The textures and model would already be handled by Bethesda, and you would only have to put the 3d mesh on the shoulder.. I know it deviates from your original inspiration, but if you took this add-on request seriously then I would be very, very grateful. Plus, it looks cool. Edit: Also, if you would like help, I'd be interested in helping you set up a quest or alternative method of attaining the armor.
  6. Steel, I'd say. Steel, leather, leather strips.. something simple. IDEA! You could have 3 versions: one that is craftable by steel, leather strips, leather, etc with nord plate stats; one that is the "elite" version with stats of ebony and is not craftable but still upgradable, and another that is unplayable and used for an NPC. Here's how this works: you can craft a mediocre version - standard procedure. But - similar to the headless horseman and other ghosts, we could have a spectral knight guarding a tomb much like Hamvir's Rest. This knight will wear the unplayable armor and will disappear on death. What he is guarding, however, is the Ebony stat knight set.
  7. I really like the knight/templar look, but the elven-esque dagger on the front-right breast seems out of place; it seems that a big badass knight-like character withthis armor would use that knife as a bread knife instead of as a sidearm. The inclusion of the knife is cool, but I think the steel dagger fit better, but a simple medieval dagger (or a high-res, polished iron dagger) would be best. Something like this. Or this. When I saw a side-arm knife on the armor, I immediately thought of Jaime Lannister and how he put it in some guy's eye socket.
  8. Not playing Skyrim until this is released; was going to RP a new character that was a Witcher-turned-knight and was really struggling with finding an armor on the Nexus that fits. This one is perfect and I am very excited for its release. Keep up the good work. I love how to support the community by implementing our suggestions. How does first person view look?
  9. Well, I made a list of what I wanted to do when the CK hit: The problem is that I have no idea where to start. I searched the creationkit.com site for any help finding variables to edit so I can start changing these. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I mainly need help with the speed multipliers and stamina usages.. Thanks to anyone who took their time to read.
  10. I recall an ebony armor mesh that elongated the kilt part of the armor. I can't find that armor any more :(.
  11. I'm trying to rebalance the duration of the spell so that the bound weapon (Battleaxe, bow, and sword) will last until its sheathed. The problem is that I have no idea how to start doing this. Can somebody please help me out?
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