I'm gunna make this journal-ish (Like it's my character who wrote this).. :D Not 100% accurate.. I walk out of the prison.. Go to Vilverin, kill the bandits outside, loot their stuff, kill some mud crabs, get my first sample of Nirnroot... I charm a beggar to telling me who the Gray Fox is.. He tells me how to get to the Thieves Guild... I become a thief... I steal lots of stuff.. I become the Thieves Guild Guildmaster... Then realize, ..... it's methods were crude... Getting the call of darkness... I WANT TO MURDER.... I MURDERED MY FIRST VICTIM AT HER HOUSE AT NIGHT... I get contacted by the Dark Brotherhood... I learned my true destiny... I killed people for profit... Soon, the Dark Brotherhood was mine.. Becoming in full power, my heart is pure-black.. But I realize... I was wrong... Men would need me soon... Forgeting about delivering the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre, I do so.... Become a Blade.... Do things yadayada.. Become the Champion of Cyrodiil.. Then realizing, I've been noble and vile.. An assassin and a knight.. Picking my true destiny..I chose the path of righteousness.. Using my skills for the good of men.. Saving the world.. Making the world a better place.. I left the Dark Brotherhood... Ignoring its very existence.. I became noble.. Lived a good life.. Did all the quests I could.. Explored as much.. Until there was no more to be done.. I am tired.. I have lived well though with many faults.. It's finally time to rest at my bed... Seeing the sights.. I rested.. Then I remembered.. The Shivering Isles... it was something.. I met a god.. But this time.. It's time to venture on.. Stop recording things in this book... and move on..... THE END.. This pretty much explains my firstlike playing habits..