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  1. I would have an army of: 50 Bosmer Stealth Archers 50 Argonian Cuthroats (I couldn't think of anything ok???) 75 Breton Nightblades 75 Dunmer Assassins I wouldn't call it an army, but a large troop of designated killers and basically I have an evil army and we use Stealth I would raid the Imperial City fight of all the Imperial Legion garrisonned there. I would attack when the citizens are asleep and soon when they wake they will see their city sabotaged and burned.. Equipment: For Bosmer Archers - Full glass armor, Daedric Bow and Arrows For Argonian Cuthroats - Full leather armor, silver dagger For Breton Nightblades - Ring of Chameleon, full Robe clothing, Ebony Dagger For Dunmer Assassins - Full elven armor, Ebony Bow and Shortsword
  2. Dremora's are cool and have an awesome voice.
  3. Yeah, seeing the probably coolest character in oblivion, Lucien Lachance dead in the mission pissed me off. It just made me want to say "WHERE IS THE TRAITOR?!? I'LL KILL YOU!! I WILL KIIILLL YOU!!" :)
  4. Lol.. Imagine a civil war. It'd be so cool. The citizens of every city arming up against it's leaders for some reason.. Though I think they'll fail, the guards in cities (especially the Imperial Legion) are quite actually tough.. I trired experimenting to use my full scale assault character to assault guards in the Imperial City, I pretty much got owned by like 9 guards.. This experiment was not using too many potions but, sometimes the knockback attacks really just damage my character... Pretty much getting hit by like 9-12 weapons and getting staggered pretty much hurts..
  5. I'm gunna make this journal-ish (Like it's my character who wrote this).. :D Not 100% accurate.. I walk out of the prison.. Go to Vilverin, kill the bandits outside, loot their stuff, kill some mud crabs, get my first sample of Nirnroot... I charm a beggar to telling me who the Gray Fox is.. He tells me how to get to the Thieves Guild... I become a thief... I steal lots of stuff.. I become the Thieves Guild Guildmaster... Then realize, ..... it's methods were crude... Getting the call of darkness... I WANT TO MURDER.... I MURDERED MY FIRST VICTIM AT HER HOUSE AT NIGHT... I get contacted by the Dark Brotherhood... I learned my true destiny... I killed people for profit... Soon, the Dark Brotherhood was mine.. Becoming in full power, my heart is pure-black.. But I realize... I was wrong... Men would need me soon... Forgeting about delivering the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre, I do so.... Become a Blade.... Do things yadayada.. Become the Champion of Cyrodiil.. Then realizing, I've been noble and vile.. An assassin and a knight.. Picking my true destiny..I chose the path of righteousness.. Using my skills for the good of men.. Saving the world.. Making the world a better place.. I left the Dark Brotherhood... Ignoring its very existence.. I became noble.. Lived a good life.. Did all the quests I could.. Explored as much.. Until there was no more to be done.. I am tired.. I have lived well though with many faults.. It's finally time to rest at my bed... Seeing the sights.. I rested.. Then I remembered.. The Shivering Isles... it was something.. I met a god.. But this time.. It's time to venture on.. Stop recording things in this book... and move on..... THE END.. This pretty much explains my firstlike playing habits..
  6. Myself. Basically my character is probably the strongest of all of Tamriel. Also, I'm the one who does all the dungeon crawling. The one who does the fetch quests and other stuff they ask me too do. They just sit there and wait for me to come back rather than at least sending someone with me to help me. Basically all the other characters just sit there doing nothing. Also, without me, Tamriel would basically be a smoking pile of hopeless rubble because I wasn't there to save the world and all. And who would even dare to face me even though Emperor when I strike down any betrayers/enemies with Goldbrand and my character's AWESOMENEZZ!!! :biggrin: . I my character/me was to become emperor, basically Cyrodiil would become a much greater place. If any doesn't pay the fine when he gets arrested, basically I'll have him thrown in a cell, let him watch his family die by my blade, then kill him afterwards.
  7. Depends on what kind of mods you want. Basically if you want mods that require an esp. file you put it in your Oblivion/Data folder and activate the mod by going to "Data" in the menu you see before you play the game. For the textures, meshes, sounds or whatever you just follow instructions. The steps are simple for you do the same thing with placing the files in your Oblivion/Data folder. Just follow instructions included in the file, and you'll be fine. :biggrin:
  8. Sorry about the repeated posts. I had some weird error thingy in the site. Not my fault. :biggrin:
  9. Lol. I say ignoring this topic and leaving it to rot for the ages.. And yes, weird, your asking for help and not trusting the ones your asking.. (Kinda vague the way I said it)
  10. Lol. I say ignoring this topic and leaving it to rot for the ages.. And yes, weird, your asking for help and not trusting the ones your asking.. (Kinda vague the way I said it)
  11. Lol. I say ignoring this topic and leaving it to rot for the ages.. And yes, weird, your asking for help and not trusting the ones your asking.. (Kinda vague the way I said it)
  12. Lol. I say ignoring this topic and leaving it to rot for the ages.. And yes, weird, your asking for help and not trusting the ones your asking.. (Kinda vague the way I said it)
  13. I bring more than that. What I've listed down was only part of it..
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