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Posts posted by Xander2177

  1. OK, Never mind, I figured out how to make it work by lowering the resolution to 1090p instead of 4k. It loads perfectly now. Hopefully I can figure out how to make the Default Startup Loop that goes with it because that's where my program crashed when I was almost ready to render the video.

  2. I made an intro movie and so far I have not been able to get it to load even though it's under the normal 40 second length of the default startup movie. My question for anyone is, how should the mp4 be encoded to ensure it plays? I'd like to upload it for people to test but I'd rather it be finished and working before I hear a bajillion complaints. Here's a screenshot of the end of the video. I went to a lot of trouble to time the animations to the existing music (including a flashing "loading" text in English and Aurebesh in keeping with the UI design of the game), but I've run into a problem a lot of people are having with Davinci Resolve where my PC won't let me reinstall after a crash because of a false positive of the "Path is too long" bug. So unless I find an alternative program, this is it. I just want to salvage the existing video and make it work by using Handbrake to encode it properly if that's the issue.


  3. I have this idea for a mod I'm working on expanding. Basically it's adding in a special creature animation where they are behind a door sweeping with the broom and when you open the door they are startled. This would not happen all the time and there should be conditions to trigger it. So monsters like maybe an imp, goblin, or a gargoyle will be sweeping and humming a tune, and then they stop for a second just clutching the broom like they're hiding behind it, but they eventually attack you.


    I already know there's a broom sweeping animation, but does anyone know if there's a shocked look animation? A deer in headlights animation? Or a startled animation? Any of these already in the game would be nice. 

  4. Sorry for the typo in the title. It is supposed to say 45 degree


    The idea is to have single supports like the vertical beam supports, only at a 45 degree angle. Not the smaller/shorter ones that come with vanilla, not the ones like woody's mod or some that others have done with existing assets, but a whoile new beam support that is a true 45 degree angle, long, single beam and looks realistic, and also snaps into place, but can be extended by shorter 45 degree angle beams on the bottom edge. Any takers?



    more large like these and single not double or triple.





  5. The idea is to basically have an exe outside of the game or mod managers, that compiles a custom menu for the workshop, then combines every mod that adds objects to the settlement workshop menu into it's own ESP, ESL or ESM. Basically one would have to input the folders or mod files for wach one into the directory dialogue, and they would all be appended to make a new tab for each individual mod at the end of the menu, instead of hijacking vanilla tabs or piggybacking on them. I feel this would greatly speed up the workshop menu. The key would be intelligent scropting to tell when a menu that is added has references to the vanilla menu, and change them so it only goes to it's own menu, and also error checking to make sure the new menus are going to work before compiling the final ESP/ESL/ESM.


    I know people have probably been asking for something like this for a while, but it is far long overdue for something useful like this to be available to people who are not confident enough to dig around in FO4edit themselves, like me. It is way too intimating and I do not want to screw something up.

  6. well, its been just a day or two since my last update. I have been refining the model and getting everything ready for rendering these to a preliminary texture.


    and we're not quite there yet but this is getting somewhere nice.


    the next step is to painstakingly manually mark all the seams and then unwrap everything. i could just do a smart unwrap for everything but thats going to leave me with a lot of small weird islands for no reason.


    i also have to put a plain material on everything just for an ambient occlusion bake so each part has its own basic map with shadows for adding to the final texture and eventually this will help make the normal maps really pop.


    since the arms and legs are just showing a placeholder texture on the body model for now, i will have to find a suitable pair of pants and a shirt for the mail portions and those will be included as dwemer mail pants and shirt.which can be worn with the armor instead of plain clothing.


    the picture here is a representation of an enclosed version of the helmet, which will also have an open face version as well as some variations on the "beard protector"


    yes, it is a beard protector.


    i was going to try modeling a dwemer beard, which i still might do for a funny "sub-mod" complete with a quest and a specially modded in town, but that might be for another time.


    the helmet is also featuring elements that tie it into the original game model such as the eye protection, and ear protectors in two flavors. one will be fake pointy ears and the other will be sort of a knockoff of the ear protectors from the original game model


    something else i wanted to do is make a symbol similar to the one seen all over skyrim that represents the regional dwemer houses, which is shown behind the dwemer in the concept art. its going to be distinct from the skyrim one.


    anyway it will be featured on the cape and maybe on the loincloth, maybe not. but theres going to be some dwemer metal trim on both.


    i still dont remember if reflection can be set on these models in nifskope, which is something that was lacking on the "New Dwemer Armor" mod, but i think it is possible





  7. last picture for tonight, the second back side pic becuase it was too big to upload on the last post


    And maybe later i will add materials to the redone steam centurion model and the spider, which will be very fun and interesting to work on considering its going to take a lot of ingenuity rigging them and making them work. but for now this armor will be the focus

  8. While i was doing the materials render i realized i forgot to show the back side, so here are a couple of shots of that.


    I have also been working on other models too so there will definitely be a comprehensive mod for dwemer armor to unify the testures and models, updating them in form, as well as redoing the dwemer spider, centurions etc.


    And eventually i really would like to tackle more armor because some of the textures still seem flat in many ways, unless its just my game setting and texture files being out of whack. which wouldn't surprise me either since i havent been able to run it successfully.


    It will probably be best to use materials to render textures since this will eliminate some of the problems I had before in variuous mods of consistency. so with the same materials i can definitely have continuity between this and the steam centurion, etc...

  9. Just playing around with the materials which will eventually be rendered to texture and then finished in Gimp. The helmet is a modular design so i will probably package several alternate versions. It is also probably not even close to finished. I am also toying with the idea of adding gems to the armor from the better gems mod but not sure yet. The concept art seems to show blurred out gems on the knees and helmet, but the helmet in vanilla morrowind seems to have ornaments in an attempt to accommodate this in some way.

  10. For comparison here is a picture of the concept art for the dwemer armor. I have taken a little creative license but not much as it was my intent to keep as close to the concept art as possible

  11. Here is a third render. This Armor is also fitted to Better Bodies. One of the frustrating things about modding armor in Morrowind is fitment. So I am sure this wont be the last time the armor changes size or shape because it still has to be pieced out and then put through Nifskope

  12. Some of you may remember me from long ago, when i was xander 2077. Unfortunately i cannot seem to remember my login so I had to create a new profile from scratch and really wanted to resume modding.


    Some of my stuff has been featured in Tamriel rebuilt. Like the "More Realistric Dwemer Armor" Mod. And few other mentionables from long ago.


    Well, I have been busy really upping my game in modeling. Several years later and several setbacks later, here I am again trying to do something with what I have learned.


    My last attempt at Dwemer Armor was the New Dwemer Armor which was sort of an attempt (and admittedly not the best) at making a Skyrim style set for morrowind. It turned out just OK, but the textures to me are really cringe. I blame it on my transititon from 3DS max to blender and the learning curve there, but some of it was just bad workflow and learning how to use the program


    So i started recently to make something I think is really lacking in Morrowind mods. Better Armor. And not just a smoothing of the mesh with the same textures, but something much better in mind.


    So as a proof of concept, I have decided to make another set of Dwemer Armor based on the concept art. And I realized one thing about it. It really fits the lore better than the shipped game model does. It shows a direct link between the local elves sense of style and the Dwemer and how they sort of influenced each other. It also fits the overall eastern influence of the game, such as clothing and armor heavily influenced by Thai or Laosian Ceremonial Garb ( just look at Almalexia)


    So here is a sneak peek at what this armor is going to look like. This is only a preliminary render of the applied material in blender and not the finished product. I still have to relearn how to do Ambient Occlusion textures in the newest version of blender because everything changed.

  13. Hi. Long time player and modder of Morrowind. I am currenly attempting to reinstall from scratch a new Morrowind. And one of the frustrations of this is the hodge podge nature of the mods. Some have been nerfed or modders have removed their files. Some are missing textures with no explanation as to where they can be found. Some have dependencies that no longer exist.


    This is resulting in several errors for me. One is that right from the first run, Jiub, no longer has any voice acting. nobody does. Several textures have the bright hot purple pink missing texture, and when i go to create distant lands based on mods installed, several of those mods have missing textures.


    Is there an updated list of SAFE mods to use that is recent? Mods guaranteed to work out of the box without loads of missing textures and missing unattainable dependencies? I'm going to have to wipe the folder completely and start over. I have zero patience with this nonsense right now. it's taken me a week to try running it with mwse and mge xe and it always fails to load (crash immediatley on start) so ive been trying out openmw and that is buggy too. So yes I will start over from scratch.


    Please no links to outdated guides because i have already tried those. I havent played for maybe 4-5 years and it is frustrating to learn that several mods or dependencies don't even exist anymore. (thanks planet elder scrolls)


    and whats with the weird music replacement when you meet Jiub? is that a TR thing? I don't like it.



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