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  1. I really like Vampire Lord, but he is great with magic for me and special powers, as for claw attacks well... what I've got on my mind is new form, which can suit your playstyle as melee character. Vampire can go into Berserk mode transforming himself into wild beast within, it would work like Werewolf but with extra powers like Supernatural Reflexes and Night Cloak plus new extra powers. Here is artwork and how it would look like (WARHAMMER VAMPIRE COUNTS VARGHULF and VARGHEIST) http://burfordus.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/varghulf_sepia.jpg http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1183813_99110207166_VCVarghulfMain_873x627.jpg Alternative Van Helsing Dracula Beast form (been watching last night ;) ) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EzGlBFvBY_s/TYW9bkv4waI/AAAAAAAAADE/xxSmZj04Gck/s1600/DRACULA_-_VAN_HELSING_02_-_16_X_12_CANVAS.jpg http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo345/KageVincent/van-helsing-dracula-wolf.jpg And Also another inspiration Dracula 1992 (best vampire movie hands down) http://resinkit.perso.neuf.fr/version_anglaise/galleries/Dracula_Coppola/Dracula_pics/horizon_bat.jpg Sorry for long post but I found one more,and played this game as well Castlevania Lords of Shadow http://www.relyonhorror.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/vampire.jpg So yeah that would be it for now :) I hope somebody will like this idea, or maybe not.. no expectations at all. ( I know it has no sexy girls and manga :P) Thanks
  2. Just another idea, ok so we got Werewolf, Vampire Lord... and I got an idea for new form for Vampires again, but this time Melee variant only and that would be Varghulf or Vargheist Warhammer got to have best monster design I've ever seen in my life http://burfordus.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/varghulf_sepia.jpg http://a134.idata.over-blog.com/3/15/39/73/Comtes-vampires/Vargheist-1.JPG Also the one from Van Helsing looks great http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BK-r2kjulUI/TYW9gkPtM2I/AAAAAAAAADM/jDDlz83lbsw/s1600/Van-Helsing_7.jpg This would be like Werewolf with vicious melee attacks, biting and draining blood from everything on its path. It would be good to mix some of abilities like Night Cloack, Poison Talons, Detect All Creatures, Blood Healing , Supernatural Reflexes, Savage Feeding (Werewolf) and some new as well :).
  3. Warhammer Mark of Chaos was decent game... pitty that it's dead already, no mod support and no community at all. I know guys at SEGA/ Creative Assembly are working on Total War based on Warhammer, and I do hope it's gonna be Fantasy not 40k, too much of it out there, there from THQ. Anyways as for Skyrim mod it would fit perfectly well Castle Volkihar or mod "Castle Orlok", adding some Empire/Bretonia/Vampire Counts themed armors, weapons, creatures etc. http://bibliotheque-imperiale.com/images/6/64/Carosse_noir.png http://bibliotheque-imperiale.com/images/6/69/Empire_knights.jpg I'll try to learn something about modding for Skyrim :P Damn it nobody will do it.
  4. If I could only operate all these stuffs for creating new armors/weapons etc. then I'd definitely go with Warhammer inspiration it is my fav. Dark Fantasy Universe and very neglected. After reading one of the Vampire Counts inspired book, then I look at the Skyrim and think how awesome it would be to see it in there.
  5. Nice to find this topic, I'm also surprised there is no Warhammer insipred mods here.. only Manga, female mods everywhere... one Armor "Demon Hunter" that reminds me a lot of Witch Hunters... ok so about Warhammer, forget Orcs vs. Empire vs. Chaos this is everywhere in Warhammer games. What I want to bring here is most forgotten Army... That is Vampire Counts, we have Dawnguard which is featuring Vampire Castle, Vampire Lord form and all sort of awesome things... why not recreate some great armors/weapons/creatures/spells inspired by this armies. http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq3/Fifth_miracle/Vampire%20Counts%20-%20Modeling/dragon2.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7zWwWBS0L1I/TyFh5NQ0W-I/AAAAAAAAGlE/IdLTSWFxrP8/s1600/Vampire_counts_long.jpg http://www.blacklibrary.com/Images/Product/AlternativeBL/xlarge/redduke-art.jpg http://bibliotheque-imperiale.com/images/9/9d/Execute.jpg Wish I could have a skills in modding... I'd do this with pleasure.. got no experience, but if there is any talented modder interested then would be nice to see some work :)
  6. I agree there is lots of good Armors and Weapons in there, and I'm also big fan can't wait for last episode :). I'd love to see Hound 2h Sword, Robb Stark Armor or Night's Watch gear there is so many good stuffs there.
  7. Hello good People :) Just been browsing all Vampire Counts Army Books it's my favorite army in this universe, and I see there is no mod that would feature anything related to Undeads. Ok so I'm not talented at all with modeling and texturing, but if someone got time and want to do modification like this then I'm just giving idea :). Would be great to see some Armors and Weapons with Vampires lore, and I will attach some arts here Something like: Blood Dragon Knight http://www.trespassgames.co.uk/media/catalog/category/Vampire_Counts_Art_1.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/blooddragonq.jpg Black Knight Armor http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/4024/blackknight.jpg von Carstein http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pN3inJVK_XM/Twx7gxjnoZI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/0EhD-RSwJMA/s1600/dkonrad.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_MPhqzAUGyVU/TENmP9Ur-5I/AAAAAAAAADA/G_MG7Ghpit4/S1600-R/vampire+1.jpg http://imageshack.us/f/257/dvlad.jpg Wight Lord http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/069/0/3/Wight_Lord_by_RalphHorsley.jpg Necrarh Robe for Mage class for Female Lahmia http://ageofreckoning.warhammeronline.com/sites/war/files/images/modelsheet_necrarch.jpg http://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/2/20/Neferata.jpg Grave Guard Armor http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/069/f/4/Grave_Guard_by_RalphHorsley.jpg I think that would good enough :) I made some screens from Army Book and google helped me with others so I hope someone will be interested as Warhammer is great universe and I think no one even tried to make anything related to Vampire Counts in any game as playable faction or as modification so yeah thanks for interest ;). P.S this could be great mod for upcoming Dawnguard DLC featuring new Vampire Lord model.
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