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  1. Like a mass amount of ships docked together creating the city? that would be pretty coolOnly tricky bit is would require each ship to have 2 docking ports, slightly disrupting vanilla port logic. No reason why ships t decide to instal a 2nd port just to join the flotilla, though. Ship tech can even say as much. I guess it might be possible, though ill advised to link landing ports. The other tricky thing is all ships may need to use those lateral ports to avoid loading doors. I doubt you could seamlessly wander between ships each with their own gravity orientation, so likely all same axis or some off axis but zero g areas. I was imagining like a spacer space station stitched together out of old ships, basically an amalgam of ship parts forming a space station, the ship techs can probably make anything if they have enough suits and equipment
  2. Like a mass amount of ships docked together creating the city? that would be pretty cool
  3. I do not remember any of the TES games having VATS. Starfield is not Fallout In Space. And it's not supposed to be it. Take your frustration elsewhere. Sad to see such pointless comment. You couldn't just keep that to yourself? This kind of is the place to post an opinion on the topic I was talking about which was partially VATS. Save your negativity for yourself next time please.
  4. So regarding the outposts, it seems like we need some good external walls, maybe with a gate or door or something, along with some more building options, also if the building area could be increased that would lead to some amazing outposts. I know its planned to be able to make our own space stations, but it would be cool to build in those. One thing I did not get is why we do not have access to all the parts from our outpost landing pads, I figured it was almost like ordering the parts so it made no sense to me A few quality of life things that I thought of while playing through, it would be nice to be able to "lock" the options while digi picking, and one I really want is the ability to save a ship build as a preset as building a new or same ship every ng is annoying. Fast travel to homes would be nice, and being able to fast travel while docked should just be in the game. I personally would love a vats system that maybe you have to get the neuro amp to use or maybe you need a certain level of targeting that it could also scale with with longer use time shorter cooldown or something like that. My quest idea, if custom quests are possible, would be to have the big ship corporations come after you when you go into new game, I think it makes sense that they would hear of your ship and be after your technology. P.S. new guns, clothing, armor, are always good ideas in my book aswell
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