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About sujeet2555

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  1. stuck with same problem but solved.i don't know which actually solved the problem ,having trying it for days though.disabled some mods + disabled unofficial skyrim and dragonborn mod + disable skyui and skse + used coc qasmoke then coc whiterun. but now i got dialogue menu bug after disabling some mods.
  2. i only have w.a.t.e.r. from sparrow the only environment texture changing mod but still i do have the problem.
  3. i have illia as the follower .i can't dismiss her since she is lost after that. so just used setstage command to get rid of this annoyance.i have UFO installed now both are following me to the castle upto a point .then only serena was following me .after coming back from soul cairns both were again following me. just posting my solution to this problem.
  4. this problem is solved for me atleast . i had installed some mods manually and some with NMM .i wanted to install all my mods with NMM .so ,i uninstalled all the mods with NMM ,removed the manually installed mods .added those mods to NMM .then i re-installed all mods back with NMM . that's the point i started getting many weird bugs .like bounty for nothing , aspect of peryite coming up (nothing works except the console) and my saved item in a custom house gone even though i hadn't touch that mod. i tried loading all the save files but the same thing .so ,i tried to reverse this back ,such that my skyrim data folder got back to it's original structure .i had made a backup of data folder before touching it. i used wrye bash to see what mods do the old save file depend on.after 2days of trying with so many CTDs and reordering the loadlist according to the save file.i successfully loaded my old save file and all those problems were gone. so my suggestion is to use an old save file with the mods installed that were present at that time. use bash to see those mods.
  5. i have searched this forum but there are some post but are old and doesn't provide a solution. i have skyrim with body,face mod+few armor mod installed only.i am getting bounty for nothing .i did not attack anyone ,didn't steal ,didn't trespass ,then what this bounty for. last time ,in solitude i give 1 coin to that beggar outside .then he started his dialog "bless etc" .i pressed tab to exit .he now says stay away from me and bounty added.
  6. ok ,no answer.btw i got through this quest .found the same problem shown on youtube.many thanx to the youtube user
  7. i have a low spec pc and i run skyrim at low.but does anyone noticed that alt+tabbing out of skyrim and then back in decrease the load time. like when fast traveling i minimize skyrim then after 3-4 sec back in.the location load faster than normal.
  8. i have desktop pc with win7 32 bit with hd3200.i normally runs skyrim at low settings on that pc.in skyrim i am stuck at focusing ring quest.i can't see the light coming from the ring ,only some faint glow. i can see the same light in my laptop with hd6xxx ,but not in this pc.i have also set all the settings high and on but still can't see the light.also i can't see fire burning in fireplaces like in breezehome. what could be the problem? how would i completed this quest?
  9. i am just bored to walk such distances to find new places.however we can fast travel afterwards.but it will be nice to have a drivable vehicle like halo buggy with weapons.it will be fun to drive through the terrain on vehicle.
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