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Everything posted by ddmlink

  1. :biggrin: :devil: ;D :thumbsup:
  2. :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:
  3. I have taken your throne. :devil:
  4. Actually look for websites instead of going to Wikipedia and reusing the sources it has listed at the bottom when searching for things to cite for an essay. Or maybe reading a book.
  5. I spent the half of the day yesterday trying to fix my mod and get an MCM configuration for it. MCM Designer actually helped. I ended up collapsing on the couch around 10:30. Both objectives accomplished. :ninja:
  6. I hollowed out a coconut because of Monty Python. My friends got a good laugh out of it. ;D
  7. Your kudos are still there. I checked. :P http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/211744
  8. http://www.lifewithcats.tv/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Optical-illusion-kitty.gif o.o
  9. I see myself, 3 guests, and 12 Googlers.
  10. Ever watch Ridiculousness? There's your answer.
  11. This should be the official Windows logo. Still nothing after 10+ tries, you can't tell me that the installation is corrupted because it finishes and restarts and THEN it gives that error message. I tried different BIOS options, blah blah all that. Still nothing. I think I need to format the whole HDD and not just the partition. MEH. mehmehmehmehmehmeh Tried with disk format, tried unplugging my second HDD and only leaving the formatted one in, same f***ing error. Now I'm trying to install XP from a CD and BIOS doesnt want to detect the cd drive... I'm slowly going crazy here. I'm downloading Ubuntu off my dad's laptop and I will try install that so i at least have some kind of OS to do things on. I'm assuming the boot order is set up correctly? :rolleyes: There have been times where I forgot to adjust it couldn't figure out why it wouldn't load the disk. Maybe Windows doesn't want to be installed because it fears you might mess with the kernel again. :blink: In any case, good luck!
  12. -flamethrower picture snipped- Perfect. :tongue:
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