This should be the official Windows logo. Still nothing after 10+ tries, you can't tell me that the installation is corrupted because it finishes and restarts and THEN it gives that error message. I tried different BIOS options, blah blah all that. Still nothing. I think I need to format the whole HDD and not just the partition. MEH. mehmehmehmehmehmeh Tried with disk format, tried unplugging my second HDD and only leaving the formatted one in, same f***ing error. Now I'm trying to install XP from a CD and BIOS doesnt want to detect the cd drive... I'm slowly going crazy here. I'm downloading Ubuntu off my dad's laptop and I will try install that so i at least have some kind of OS to do things on. I'm assuming the boot order is set up correctly? :rolleyes: There have been times where I forgot to adjust it couldn't figure out why it wouldn't load the disk. Maybe Windows doesn't want to be installed because it fears you might mess with the kernel again. :blink: In any case, good luck!