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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. If I'm talking about what you are talking about, that mod saves a character in the list thing whatever and you can just load that up, but what I want is to extract both husband and wife from a existing save (since I've already started my playthrough), and put them into a new one and allows me to use the spouse instead in the new playthrough.
  2. Since it's scultpting instead of sliders, it's highly unlikely that I'll be able to make the two characters exactly the same in a fresh new save, and you can't save during character creation to let you start as a different character. So will anyone be able to come up with a mod that export the apperance of both male and female characters from a existing save file, and import them into another save playing as the different gender so you can play as the spouse?
  3. There's no such thing as over using a mod unless you intended to break the game, like I said, there's no marker for the trigger, if CDPR would've just put a marker outside the door that says Leave Whoreson Junior's hideout or something instead of meeting Priscilla nobody would think they are done here and fast travel back to Novigrad right away. Besides, free fast travel can be toggled on using console which is technically in the game, don't blame a design flaw on players wanting to save time.
  4. Somebody probably have asked this, we all know how all the crafted armors and weapons are s#*! comparing to loot and merchant gear when your get to high level, so why not make the crafted gear scale up as well as you surpassed the supposed level requirements of the items.
  5. I know I'm not the only one who missed this quest as I googled around looking for help. So the quest trigger is placed outside whoreson junior's hideout right after geralt done asking questions and stuff, but since there's no objective marker placed there after you're done with junior, so if you don't know about the part or not paying attention and teleported away using fast travel mod or console without going through the front door you lost the quest forever and missed the whole radovid quest line and unable to trigger triss's ‘now or never’ quest which prevent you from finishing the main story. CDPR have yet to bother telling us what the default world state is and there loads of other things are broken a f*#@ in this game I doubt they would bother with something caused by unwanted teleportation. I have gone way too far ahead doing novigrad's main quest and dandelion and zoltan's quest to have any earlier save to go back to (didn't realize I missed the part), And too many hours have been put into this save being ocd about everything. Can anyone please somehow figure out how to force trigger the quest.
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