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Everything posted by Hangadog5

  1. there were 2 resons i was going to the ship 1 to see if there are any medic supplys and to see if its safe to live there and i think subject is our medic
  2. after 20 mins i come acros a nice looking speed boat i jump in and start hotwireing all in i say
  3. well i say first we find a boat and a fast one
  4. no you wont be lafing you will be in tha passenger :biggrin:
  5. Please Big bro please theres no one to hit sep zombies and trees and bildings and other cars and other stuff and maby starch we will find wemon cloths on the air craft thingy
  6. Go Zephyr yay 40 posts
  7. 1 ok the lince i found out in the street 2 i would happly be your brother 3 and i could posably find a boat but first im going to help anton and then we go to see whats on it But WE need medicl supplys
  8. ok mr. sarcasim will you help me find a boat and take me out therer? Off: i have my moments ok?
  10. Yes one of thos but it looked abonded there were no planes on it and 2 things fenix 1 can i drive i got A lincence and 2 will you adopt me?
  11. (well i cant tese I like it too :biggrin:) but the reson why i asked if they could swim is because when i was on my own i went to the Beach and i saw a Air lander thingy the big boat that planes land on ...
  12. 2 things 1 you kknow you like it 2 can zombies swim?
  13. lol and you better lock your door :D Fenix might be a peping tom :thumbsup: no offence Fenix
  14. ZOMBIES out in the sun HOW? Off: but On: Hey sense i have a drivers lince can i drive ( never said its mine)
  15. name: Shipo Handury Race: Human Age: 23 Wepons: A katana, and a Machine gun unknown to all Cilveins, But they callit ScarLight and a Sniper Rifle. Personality: A black Hearted Assassion Gone bad, He has some Targeting Goggles that let him Zoom in on every thing he sees and Never has mised a shot with his Sniper Appearance: He is always wearing Black. He wears a Black Hoodie and Black Jeans with ScarLight at his side and His Sniper Rifle Straped to his back and his Katana Straped to his side.But not many have Lived to To tell people what he looks like...
  16. Hangadog5


    Have you ever had a dream when you murderd your family and piled there bodys up in the living room and smeard there blood on the walls? (i have issues) :whistling:
  17. I say thanks to Michael. Then i get Roger on the table and trying to find out whats wrong ( by looks)
  18. Hangadog5


    I dream of inventing a way so dogs can walk like us humans and talk like us humans Anyone Can Dream.
  19. Thats true one Can always dream ;D
  20. Hangadog5

    Dream Car

    Well the description says it all...... Mine is a 69 Doge Charger Orange with a stripe around the fin.
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