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Everything posted by Hangadog5

  1. Chaotical Zombie or infected Chiken?
  2. Wish Granted but its a Monkey I wish For a ALive Fish thats Not diabled
  3. Ban Argomirr for geing a Veteran
  4. Hangadog5


    Dose anyone Know when Skyrim is coming out?
  5. Wish granted but its all in Monoply money I wish i had a life ......
  6. sorry i have been grounded for backtalking and smart remarks ... :) but whats going on ?
  7. Banning Aeon cuz i have no clue what That is....
  8. I like Pizza but Aeon is my Friend :)
  9. :Crys: Why Can't I make a mod :Crys: Banning Aeon For makeing me Cry
  10. Banning Aeon For being a 12 year old
  11. banning Set because his body May be Ancient But his soul is Young
  12. Banning Aeon Because the Greek God Hades told me to do it :-)
  13. Yes Everyone Can Dream!
  14. I used to hack Flash games But never sites.... Hope all goes well
  15. i ment a lake in cancada and I know what do we need Canada for????? YAY 100 POSTS W00t
  16. Bannin Mono For NOT haveing a large amount of bricks and i dont do homework i act stupid so my parents do it :)
  17. Wish Granted bt then you forget I Wish i never found a gene
  18. Ok fine Canada it is but can we move to a lake in canada
  19. Granted but it has no Battery :) I wish i was Elbert Instine
  20. Bannin Dawn cuz i already said that..............
  21. ok what is canada guna do for us its cold
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