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About Hvizeu

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    Fallout 4, Witcher 3 and Space Engineers.
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    Fallout and MGS series.

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  1. Amazing! Hopefully they patch these issues soon. Thanks for the tip. Edit: This worked flawlessly, terrain deformation is updating normally on the .esm now.
  2. Did you do any special steps to get your terrain sculpting to load in? Either if I am trying to follow your guide or this other one for a unique location (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3266682879) it seems that any sculpting i do on the terrain it does not persist into the game.
  3. That is interesting, I tried having underscores in the name as well, I'll give it another shot, thanks for the tutorial and the help! Edit : Avoiding underscores in the Overlay name seemed to have fixed it, never got this issue again without them.
  4. Not sure if I did something wrong but when I go to edit the cell the terrain doesn't show, is this a known issue or did I screw something up?
  5. In wich file the "concequeces of 0 HP condition" script is? Maybe the scripts that run after death can be found linked to it or in the same file at least.
  6. Well since the mod weapons removal is somewhat unwanted and hard to make we could keep it out and leave the vanilla ones included in the removable list. Regarding the Deathbox, if you use the same system as the "take player stuff and put in a box/chest" that bethesda use oftenly it would probably take all your stuff always since (just speculation) its possible they just use a strip player or drop-all scrips followed buy pun it in box "x" script (because the srip chests are always already placed in the world). A possibility would be editing these scripts so that instead of striping the player it applies a random equipment removal script and put them in a somewhat "cheat container" (witch would be hidden somewhere), this would make you losse stuff upon death and yet be able to recover it if u fell like u are being riped off xD
  7. acctualy i was thinking about this myself since i use some mods weapons and all (includin the m1), but if im not wrong, u can probably make a list of unremovable items, or maybe make the script add the lost items to the npc that killed you and make him somewhat of a named special npc (i dunno but it would probly be a pain in the ass to make such thing). At any rate if a lootable list is added to the main script using only vanilla and none named items (such as maria or this machine) i think there would be no problem, as for the chems and food, its not like they're scarse (obsidian made sure of it), and acctualy makes you more human and less god, since you're stuff arent permanet and offtenly in real life you loose stuff and then you have to replace them, i particulary think it would add something else to do in the FNV world since in 4hrs gameplay u can have 60 stimpacks, a hunting rifle with 204 ammo and 10000 caps,....and also it would force you to explore the world a bit more, looking for food, hems and all those goodies. And about the deathclaw i dont think he would try to loot you,...he would just kill you instead...=P
  8. Well this is just a basic idea, if someone can acctualy make it work we can add new events and outcomes and make diferents esp's witch diferent rates.
  9. So, ever since i started playing the new fallout series (3 and NV) i realy disliked the death concept. I believe that for a (suposed) sandbox game, the GTA "death" style is a lot more imersive and interesting for the player. I will try to make a scheme below on how i think it could work, but i gotta enphatise that i have no programing skills or GECK skills so i dont know how this could be made. On vanilla when you die (i supose) a scrip runs to apply the ragdoll on the PC and load last save, so what i propose is: 1st) Upon death (hp reaching 0) a script will run wich will select one of the following consequences - 1) 50% chance that the player is teleported to the nearest clinic (or cell containing a doc) . 2) 45% chance that the player is teleported to some abandoned building or safe place (cell or area w/o any agressive npc). 3) 5% chance that the player dies. 2nd) Run a script to forward time between 2 and 24 hours and apply the players last health status before dieing thereforth keeping cripled limbs and low health and the need to pay the doc for health care. 3rd) Run a script to make some/all items in the players inventory disapear (presuming the player got looted). And thats it, i dont know if its possible so i realy would like someone experienced in programing to take a look at it. I also have some lore explanations for it, i bealieve that people may not always kill you and since weapons and armors are realy valuables in the wastes someone would simply loot you and leave you for death, and since youre a motherf*#@ing thought curier that survives 2 headshots, why not crawl to the nearest clinic, or maybe a caravan was passing by and helped you, who knows, everything is better than having to quicksave all the time because you may die and if you forgot to save,...well u just lost 2hours or more of gameplay. And i just realized that if possible, make the % of the consequences vary depending on the faction that killed you (ex: fiends would not keep you alive so raise the 2nd and 3rd consequences chance), and even,...maybe,.... im just being greedy here....make a 4th consequence when your killed by either ncr or the legion where you go to jail or get enslaved, where it triggers a quest for you to break out of jail or free yourself from slavery. I hope you guys like the idea and add to it and even make it possible. Thanks in advance, Henry
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