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Everything posted by nexusEDy

  1. Many times. And yes, I did install it in the right folder. Nothing.
  2. I was playing Skyim just fine until this morning. My SKSE64 just decided not to work and spam this error: SHGetFolderPath 00000005 failed (result = 80070005 lasterr = 00000005) Assertion failed in IDebugLog.cpp (64): SUCCEEDED(err) (code = FFFFFFFF80070005 (-2147024891)) Tried to google this code and all I could find was administrator privilege requirement. Something that Windows Update did or whatever. I already run SKSE as administrator. I always did. Now it just doesn't work. Is anyone having this problem too? How do I fix this?
  3. Thanks for replying, guys. Won't upload it then. I'm gonna use it just as personal editing.
  4. So I'm playing SSE now and I was trying to download all the ported mods and compatible Oldrim mods to my new gameplay, and one of the mods that I couldn't manage to find in the SSE modlist is Blood Magic Spell Pack. I tried to install it directly to my SSE but it caused CTD, so I managed to look up for porting tutorials and BSA conversion. At the end of the day, I managed not only to port the mod (perkless version) and make it work perfectly but also edit some merchants lists through xEdit to make it more lore-friendly. And that's where my question shows up: I haven't found this mod on Nexus SSE page, only similar mods. The modder, cansit, is gone since 2015. Should I post the files and try to contribute to the modding community while putting the credits and link to the original mod, or should I just respect the supreme rule of consent and just use my edit as something personal? People were still asking for a SSE port just a couple of months ago so there is a demand. What should I do?
  5. I don't know what happened, seriously. I don't even know what I installed or uninstalled but, since yesterday (?) the rain looks like a glitched FX. Is there a way to fix it without disabling it on the ENB settings? Take a look on the screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/QApreaY.jpg
  6. Hello there. I got a problem with a texture(?), the oakflesh texture is completely buggy. It looks like ashes on my character's body. Had anyone experienced it before? How do I fix it? http://i.imgur.com/IbW0TJ7.png
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