So I'm playing SSE now and I was trying to download all the ported mods and compatible Oldrim mods to my new gameplay, and one of the mods that I couldn't manage to find in the SSE modlist is Blood Magic Spell Pack. I tried to install it directly to my SSE but it caused CTD, so I managed to look up for porting tutorials and BSA conversion. At the end of the day, I managed not only to port the mod (perkless version) and make it work perfectly but also edit some merchants lists through xEdit to make it more lore-friendly. And that's where my question shows up: I haven't found this mod on Nexus SSE page, only similar mods. The modder, cansit, is gone since 2015. Should I post the files and try to contribute to the modding community while putting the credits and link to the original mod, or should I just respect the supreme rule of consent and just use my edit as something personal? People were still asking for a SSE port just a couple of months ago so there is a demand. What should I do?