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About slip9419

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  1. yup, okay, he dont wanna some mythical "nazis" and Trump fans he sees everywhere to use his mods. but, fook, does he really think every fooking one using his mods is living in the US and giving a fook bout US politics? seriously? for example, i'm russian and i dont fooking care who won their election. and i can bet, i'm not the only one around. why shouldn't we be able to download the mods we like? :dry: *yeah, yeah, i usually do have every mod i really like saved on my HDD, but so it happened, that two my HDD's went broken at aproximately the same time, so i've lost my collection. if it'd be no tesall, i would've lost this mod for forever, coz of... Trump winning the election... tell someone, they wont believe - so dumb it sounds...* so why not saying that directly? like "guys, i'm kinda bored and dont wanna develop this any longer"? :huh:
  2. russian version of the mod still avaliable on the net. just sayin) but the reason of deleting the mods... seriously, wut the fook? how the fook is US election connected to skyrim mods? :huh:
  3. doesnt work for me either. tried to change hands mesh (positions of some nodes exactly): when i've applied only transformed nodes under NiNode and BSDismemberSkinInstance - nothing changed at all (like - i see changes in nifskope and in CK under armor section, but nothing ingame, or in CK under actor section), when i also tried to apply root NiTriShape node... well, smth have changed)) i'd rather post a screenshot, since i have no f***ing idea, how to describe it) same s*** appears in CK under armor section, but in actor it seems like positions of whole hands are completely broken. they're flying somewhere above characters head (and i still see no changes i've made). anyone ever faced such an issue? i'm about to give up and start learning blender)) UPD: okay, i'm dumb) i was doing the wrong thing all the way) finally figured this out)
  4. hasnt worked for me. left this window open, loaded my location - still no decals. am i doing smth wrong?
  5. thanks! not quite what i looked for (fo3 to skyrim), but it may give me some clue)
  6. i highly doubt, that mods author is still somewhere around modding community. mod's quite old and the site i've downloaded it from seems to be abandoned since 2012( yup, i know bout this policy of nexus, but was hoping some instructions existed, maybe somewhere out on the internet, but found nothing. looks like it doesnt exist at all( PS: just to clarify - i wanted to convert this object for my personal use, not to later upload it somewhere.
  7. i guess, this thread is pretty much dead, but still... i wanna port one mesh from fo3 into skyrim. it's no weapon, nor armor and it's not from vanilla game content, just an object from one mod. so the question is "does some tutorial bout how to do it even exist?". tried to open fo3 nif i have with skyrims CK, but it shows me red triangle instead of mesh, so i guess not only armor/weapons are completely incompatible. PS: yup, i'm complete newbie to 3d modelling)
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