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About gi543

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  1. Hi, I was wondering if there is a good mod that let's you change squadmates skills in mass effect 2. I know you can do it in save edit or console commands, but i don't know if that persists between loads or respecs, and also it just adds extra skills, doesn't remove or change the existing ones. Specifically i always thought Jack needed a different loadout. She is made out to be one of the most powerfull biotics, but her skills really don't reflect that, iJack has one of the greatest disjoints between narrative and gameplay. I always thought that she should have Singularity. It is both in gameplay and cannon one of the most powerfull abilities only reserved to high level biotics. And just like in the first game and the third game only an Adept Sheppard and one other squadmate has acces to the ability. (So any other class of sheppard can only have singularity if they bring that squadmate) So should it also be in ME2. Because now a Sheppard that isn't an adept has no acces to singularity. (not counting the brief stint with Liara) So of all the characters it seem most logical to add the ability to Jack in place of her lift, it would encourage people way more to take her out for a spin once in a while. Especially on harder difficulties. Any thoughts on this or suggestions? Is there a way to cleanly and permanently alter her skill loadout?
  2. "Explosions don't push collectible objects" That is EXACTLY what i've been looking for! I've been looking for this for so long. Thank you so much!
  3. As the title asks, is there a mod that disables explosives affecting physics objects in the world. I want to do an explosives run, but i don't want to have the hassle of blowing someone up in their office and then have to start looking for the key that was on their desk that is now launched in to the 5th dimension under the cabinet. And all the other items and loot that just physics around all over the place. I remember there is a mod like that for Skyrim, because fireball in a room could really mess you up by making quest items and loot disappear. But i haven't found something like that yet for NV, so I'm wondering if I'm looking up the right keywords for something that does this.
  4. As the title asks, is there a mod that disables explosives affecting physics objects in the world. I want to do an explosives run, but i don't want to have the hassle of blowing someone up in their office and then have to start looking for the key that was on their desk that is now launched in to the 5th dimension under the cabinet. And all the other items and loot that just physics around all over the place. I remember there is a mod like that for Skyrim, because fireball in a room could really mess you up by making quest items and loot disappear. But i haven't found something like that yet for NV, so I'm wondering if I'm looking up the right keywords for something that does this. If it doesn't exist I'll put this in mod request section.
  5. Quite the opposite. Metro weapons are highly detailed, both in the meshes and in the textures, and cannot be ported, they must be remade from scratch. There's also the issue of animations, which only a few people are doing/able to do for FO4. Here's the closest thing available atm. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28824 I know there is also a Tihar/Hellbreath in the works, and you can get really close to a Metro Kalash with the Nuka World HMR. Yeah, i know, i'm sorry, that's not the way i meant it. I meant more like, i thought they would be well known and popular enough that at least a few modders would jump on them to make em.
  6. In all this time that modding for FO4 has been a thing i can't help but notice that there have been no weapons from the Metro series made yet. I'm not like requesting or demanding that anyone do it. But i would like to know if there's maybe a reason for it, because i find the nexus suspiciously devoid of Metro weapons, especially with the new weapon modding system in FO4 you would think it would be a perfect fit to make a bastard gun, duplet, tikhar, you name it. Are they extremely litigious? has there been legal touble in the past or have threats of lawsuits been made? I'd just like to know why, because i consider the Metro weapons an obvious choice and i'd love to have them in FO4, low hanging fruit even for modders to make. So that makes me all the more suspicoious as to why there aren't any.
  7. I am really anoyed by the jingling sounds that the power armor makes when you walk. There are a few mods that replace the PA walking sound with something even louder or different. But none that just remove the stupid jingling, it's like you got a pair of tambourins strapped to your legs. I can't be the only one that is anoyed by that sound right? I don't know much about making mods, so i would appreciate it if someone else could look in to getting that sound removed, and i think a lot of people would want this because there isn't a single mod that does that yet. Thanks.
  8. Hi, I'm rather unexperienced and not to fond of these soulslike games, however The Surge seemed to resonate with me and i enjoyed it quite a lot. At least that wa sup until i got to the outdoors area with all the acide and after clearing it out the first time realised to my dismay that the spider/scorpion robots in that arrea (that wher epreviously unique single spawns) would actually respawn. That was actually quite demoralising for me as it made it almost impossible to propperly clear out and explore that area because they would respawn each time i needed to heal, and made me quit the game. So i was wondering if there is a mod or .ini file i could edit so i could disable those enemies from respawning? Thanks.
  9. Just a little something that popped in to my head, a fun way to resolve "Blind betrayel", would be to convince Danse to have his synth mind put in to an automatron body. This would be considered an acceptable compromise for Maxon, as danse is at least no longer disguising himself as human. What this mod should do: -keep relations with the brotherhood good, no hostility, maxon alive, as if danse had been killed - Danse's voice/personality and companion perk and just danse as a companion as a whole in an automatron body What we don't expect from this mod: -add new voice lines, i think nobody would complain from some blank voice lines with subtitle dialogue I don't know much about modding but i think the biggest challenges would be quest scripting involving the final assault on the institute, and correcting his combat AI when in an automatron. So he's not as broken as curie is in vanilla. On a side note, has anyone got a mod that fixes curie's AI so she can use other legs than the mr handy thruster? There is a vanilla bug where curie seems to be hardwired in to the mr handy combat AI and will refuse to fight if given other legs, this is completely not a problem with codsworth however weirdly. Also, let's not devolve in to discusions about lore and immersion and blablabla, this is just about keeping danse as a companion, the brotherhood happy and get a new automatron companion (because those are kickass with a couple of parts mods, and so far curie and codsworth the only true companions who can be an automatron). I know it makes no sense lore or characterwise.
  10. Hi, I have tried Fallen order for a bit, but rather soon found myself turned off by something anoying. The low tier animal enemies not dying in one hit. I am enjoying all other aspects of combat, i think the humanoid and bigger boss enemies are well balanced for a fun challange. But i feel like this game lacks "chod", you know, creeps, trash, grunts, whatever you call them. The kind of enemies that briefly make you feel really powerfull as a light intermetzo. Hitting a stupid little biological animal, and it not immediatly slicing in two does not feel good for me, it completely breaks my immersion in the star wars power fantasy. Therefor i think it would be great if any animals the size of the goats should be 2-hit kills, regardless of skills, and anything smaller one hit. For rebalance purpose you could make them do more damage so you at least need to be somewhat on guard with doging and parrying and stuff. This should not go for droids/drone like enemies or other special types of enemies though, just the small-medium unarmored animals. I mean, it's a goat, it's not made out of beskar. So i wonder if these are values that can possibly be modded? And i would greatly appreciate (and i think many other people to) if someone could mod this, if it's possible. thanks in advance.
  11. anything you want. (The site rules still apply!)
  12. Hi guys, As the title says, i have the bug where the atronach forge only creates warhammers and axes with the recipe for a random weapon. The wikia knows about this bug and has a fix that is confirmed for xbox (remove and replace the sigil stone), but does not work for me on PC. Does anyone know a working fix, or is anyone able to create a mod/plugin that fixes this? Thanks in advance gi543
  13. Ok, so here's the plan. As soon as the creation kit comes out we do this. we will need: -someone with a good voice -some voice recording equipment -someone with medium modding skills what do we do? simpel: We change the "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took an arrow to the knee.". do we remove it? no. We simply change it by this one awesome line: "If you havin' adventure problems i feel bad for ya son. I dodged 99 arrows but my knee took one!"
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