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Posts posted by ZephyrDrake

  1. Two innocents died, one man and one woman. Several others are in hospital from gunshot wounds, including at least one policeman.


    The gunman was on bail on charges relating to the murder of his ex wife (accessory to murder, his current partner is charged with murder), as well as doing community service for sending extremely nasty letters to the families of dead Aussie soldiers. He has also been filmed protesting the war in the middle east by chaining himself to buildings and holding up signs saying "Aussie soldiers please stop killing innocent Afghans". He has also been charged with a large number of sex related offenses.

    He was a "political refugee", and a self proclaimed cleric.

  2. An update on the Sydney Siege. (here is a link to live news currently covering it ABC News Live )

    Five of the hostages have escaped or been released, one had to go to hospital for an existing condition, but nobody was aparently hurt. Three of them were staff of the cafe.

    It apears to be a single gunman, and he has been identified by police as known to them, but police have not shared his identity.

    The gunman has been making demands via forcing hostages to text family/friends with them, calling and sending videos to news stations, and posting on social media, but the police have been supressing them as it is clear that the gunman is desperate for attention.


    The siege is now going into its 14th hour. The hostages apear to be allowed to eat. The exact number of hostages is unknown, and has been reported as between less than 13 and more than 30.


    The flag that is being displayed in the windows has been identified as the "testimony of faith" flag, which to people who don't know the differecne looks like the islamic state flag. Some reports claim that the gunman is demanding a real islamic state flag in exchange for release of a single hostage. Police took hours to establish direct contact with the gunman (not due to lack of trying) and are currently negotiating with him.


    All our thoughts are with the hostages.

  3. Hi,


    I have just installed Automatic Variants, and while I love it to bits already, I can't stand the fact that named dogs have a diffrent skin every time I go back to their location or start the game up again. I want unnamed dogs (the hunters dogs, or other randoms) to have random skins though. I also didn't activate the mod for horse skins for the same reason.


    Is there some way to prevent the named dogs from changing, and also horses? I'm not sure if Barbas changes (I started fresh, so I havent run into him yet), but I thought that prehaps changing the other named dogs to his race might work? Or prehaps a custom dog race?


    Thank you in advance!

  4. I've been playing Skyrim on Xbox since it came out (due to my laptop not having the grunt to run pretty much anything), but have been drooling over the PC mods ever since my Boyfriend showed me the Nexus mods site.


    In the next week or so, we are getting a new gaming PC and a Steam copy of skyrim. One of the first things we both want to do is mod the hell out of it. While we both have different preferences (I really like the immersion mods while he wants pretty much all the weapons, armors and graphics upgrade mods), we both want to get the most out of the game, but neither of us really know what we are doing.


    So my question is, which mods do we really need in order to get the most out of modded skyrim? Ive seen references to "SkyUI" and such, but I don't really know much about it.


    Thank you in advance.

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