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Everything posted by 7evenforce

  1. hey guys. i want to make a mod. i did all i need but i want to make it, that when i use the sword (important its a sword) that it costs magicka. i know there are many enchantings. i can choose, but i dont know which is the right. when i use a magic-staff or a spell it costs magicka. this effect i want to have on my sword when i fight with it. can you tell me the name i have to choose in creation kit? thx
  2. thank you for this. but my problem is still there. but its just on the sword i made for testing. i created my first mod and if you want, take a look ;) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55371
  3. i can't correct your steps because i dont know how to make armors :tongue: but in c4d i got the same thing. when my meshes aren't faced correctly they are blue. and in mudbox and in nifskope they are not visible. so... check this :wink:
  4. Thank you for the tip ;) now i use 1.1.0.rc4. but my problem turned. when i edit in mudbox my textures look like this: but in game they are very dark :( can you help me again?
  5. i don't know what you understand when you say "rpg". But one Hack'n'Slay game i really enjoyed was Sacred 1 and Sacred Underworld ;)
  6. Hey everyone. first of all i want to say sorry for mistakes i may make :tongue: i'm from germany. i tried to make my own mod with Cinema4D, MudBox15, NifSkope and the Be. CreationKit. Everything went well, but when i watch my preview i get this greyish-reflecting Texture: Maybe one of you know this and can help me with my problem :/ thanx -7evenforce
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