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About darkekun

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  1. Good news! The solution to this problem lies within this mod: Hats are Hairs The only issue is that to get your proper hair color you'll have to replace the appropriate default hair color with a replacer. Also, nobody has extracted all the hair colors to mix and match to whatever hair color you'd like. Once someone makes a massive master hair color mod, everyone will be 100% able to join the hatless revolution...
  2. It is a problem, and while I think people should be allowed to upload presets, maybe it should be in a different list or filterable so you can not see them if you're looking for function mods. The same thing goes for reshades. You can find a ton of slight lighting tweaks as "mods' that I just don't want to bother with. Filtering by category would help a lot.
  3. Tried some things to help get into the right mindset for examining files and digging into the console and that tables. Put on a wide colored visor, skipped a meal, and tried sitting on the floor with some garbage littered around me. Felt very much in theme but it did not help my technical skills at all. So not the edge and now I have to clean up this mess.
  4. Some questions. For manipulating inventory, can the item recordID be found from clicking on the item in your inventory with the console on? Or will there have to be some database deciphered to know what's what? What's the difference between the additem and spawnitem commands?
  5. TLDR: I'm posting QoL concepts for mods and thoughts on how to make them. Weighing in with community on direction and viability. So there are a number of small QoL things for the game that I think are mostly viable, so I'm posting them here along with a possible way to make a mod provide that benefit. I've played with some values and merged some json files to get my install mostly working well, but I'm not super well versed enough to understand these options without fiddling with them, so a little direction might be useful. I'll look into it myself as well, but I'm no expert, so I wanted to make a major post including what I'm trying and seeing if the community has thoughts or an understanding of solutions that could lead to some wins in this regard. Feel free to replay and say what can and can't be done, or how you would try to make it work... or that everything I'm thinking is wrong and I should feel bad. Invisible head and face items:-Possible solution: Mod that creates craftable "invisible" items with item mod slots, which ought to be possible as there are already some "invisible" items in game either by glitch or intention. Could implement for all slots as well, making any slot "hideable". Unsure on the difficulty of adding items to the game and crafting menu, but there has been some progress on unlinking appearance effects, so making an existing set invisible is probably more likely, or according to stamina. Reusable throwing knives:-Possible solution: Mod such that "thrown knife" never leaves inventory, treating the equipped knife as an infinite stack of throwing knives of that quality. Could treat thrown knife attack somewhat like a melee attack in that it can be done infinitely. Or might be able to just have each knife create a duplicate in inventory when thrown? Slowed timing for cut-in comments:-Possible solution: There should be a value for time progression on those dialogue events in a configuration file already, right? If we could just edit that time value to higher than half a second, that'd be great. If its not a value in one of the ini or json files, then it may be more complicated. Remove lvl cap / Change pts per lvl:-Possible solution: This is something that also should be able to manage in some sort of configuration file, and there's already cheatengine tables that allow you to edit the values, so making a mod for it shouldn't be out of the question. Removable weapon/armor mods:-Possible solution: I know there is a perk that gives you back your mods on an item when you scrap it, so maybe there is a way to trigger the mod return effect by clicking on the item mod itself or when you replace it with another item mod. An alternative idea is making any mod you buy grant its schematic, so you can craft as many as you want with materials, but I don't know how difficult it is to add items to the crafting menu. Maybe there's a way to make the mods behave like cyberware, or like the menus to equip items themselves. Editable appearance after start:-Possible solution: There might be a way to make the character creator menu come up again, lettin you make the changes you want and then going back to you character. If that's possible it could be mapped as an option to the mirror in V's apartment or to the ripperdoc menu. It could also be made the effect of a purchasable item at the ripperdoc, much like the perk point respec token. Change weapon appearance:-Possible solution: Weapons are built on templates, and if there were a way to make a weapon of a certain model cycle through the different cosmetic looks corresponding to each 3D model. Not sure if this is viable since the 3D model and the raster skin might be hard coded to each other in the game database rather than linked during play. If it can be pulled off there might be hope for cycling clothing colors as well. Refresh shop inventories:-Possible solution: Shops change their inventory over time and refresh according to character level, so there may be a way to make that effect happen with a menu button of some sort. If there is a way to make that refresh function happen on demand rather than over time, there may be the problem if it cycling all the shops and not just the one you are shopping at. It'd be nice if it could be mapped to a dialogue option at the shopkeeper appended at the bottom that says "what else you got?", but that's making it even more advanced. I understand some of these might not be possible until proper modding tools are released, but some should be a matter of just finding where the right config value is and fiddling with it, or making an existing in-game function call happen on-demand rather than on only specific conditions. If anyone has a better/alternate solution that can create a similar effect with much less effort, or knows where to start on any of these ideas, please post in response... but please try to offer thoughts in good faith. I'll smirk and snicker at snide comments, but I'm aiming to find constructive solutions.
  6. Perhaps the issue is there are too many administrative solutions, like firing and reprimands and monetary punishments. I propose trial by combat. Every major developer has a wrestling ring installed on their campus where you may challenge members of the development team to AMPRO wrestling matches to settle grievances. You would have to fight for the patches you really believe in, and possibly lose and have to live with a bug or bad feature, but hearing a dev team lead gasp "I'll patch it! I'll patch it!" when they tap out would feel incredibly satisfying. Also, bonus points if its in theme with the game you are aggrieved about. William Gibson had some great ideas for cyberpunk duels, and I remember one where Molly had to fight a corpo cyborg on a suspended arena that was hooked up to a soundboard where everywhere the fighters stepped would kick up a projected sound effect to distract them.
  7. What might be easier is to make a mod to where your thrown knives don't leave your inventory. Equipping a knife for throwing treats it like an unlimited stack of that knife for throwing, treating it like a tool rather than the weapon itself.. Not sure if there is a way to implement that with an ini or a json, or if that's hard coded into the game, but that would probably be the best way to start a mod-fix for throwing knives.
  8. Yes it is ... just a little harder. you'll need to come as close as you can to the bugged out robot's red dot on your compass, and melee it, it works. So far the only thing I've been able to do is give a companion a strong gun lol. The only way I've found I can damage them myself is via mines or by doing a power armor ground slam aoe (which typically only works outside, having a jetpack helped). I'm more annoyed at not being able to loot than anything lol. Far as the keyword issue, didn't help when I tried resolving that one. That was the first method I tried. I'm going to try the earlier explained method spawning one of the problem robots over and over til I find which mod/mods are the culprit... just dreading the time sink so I haven't done it yet. Update - Finally figured mine out, after removing a few addons to no avail (Jetpacks Unlimited, Wearable Backpacks, and SSEx), the one that finally fixed everything (I saw an Assaultron attacking me! YAY! Lol) was removing More Power Armor Mods. Here's my current load order in case it helps anyone (I've been following the category outline provided by the author of AWKCR, see Gambit77's sticky post here - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6091/?). One last thing I had to do, after everything was fixed I still had bugged friendly NPCs such as Takahashi so I used recycleactor in console and it respawned him fully functional again after a few seconds. How did you respawn him? Did you use recycleactor? I'm at this point where I've resolved the bug and can spawn visible robots again, but Curie and Takahashi are still invisible. Recycleactor doesn't seem to affect them. Spawning completely new versions makes a new copy of them that doesn't seem to be functional (Takahashi just sits idle, Curie can accept follower commands, but won't talk to me like normal, etc...) If you have any techniques to show it would be very helpful.
  9. Only if activating the training starts a cinematic montage.
  10. Reposting from the mod request forum since its relevant here too. A mod that replaces reflex sight dots with a custom UI anchored circle/dot/crosshair would be quite fantastic. LinuX123 made a great mod to fix the problem where reflex sights disappear when you use a stealthboy. ( http://www.nexusmods...ut4/mods/6933/? ) Playing with this mod I realized some things that are problems with reflex sights in general. The reflex sight graphic is part of the sight model texture, hence the problem with the sight being invisible when using a stealthboy or other such effect. Being part of the sight model texture means the dot/circle isn't anchored to the center of your screen where you are shooting, but can be shifted if the sight is misaligned. Because of this, if you use mods that affect reflex sights, such as transferring them between weapons, the dot could be completely off from where you are actually shooting.LinuX123's mod fixes all these problems by replacing the sight with the center dot from the UI, however the only option is a small single dot that's in HUDMenu.swf. He's confessed that he doesn't know how to edit that dot to other shapes, and I haven't been able to crack that concept myself. I picked the SWF apart and exported the dot into about 8 frames of 3X3 pixel size animation. I could probably edit it out to a 9X9 or 12X12 pixel size crossshair, but I don't know how to import that back into the SWF, and I also don't know how the images are anchored to the screen. Even if I knew how to import the frames I don't know if the larger frames would be accepted or if they'd be off the centerpoint, putting your aim off. If someone could figure this out and make a way to use custom graphics in place of this dot it could mean big things. Aim would always be on target to the reticle, no matter how you mod your reflex sights, making it easier for modders to make interesting new reflex sight models/textures. All sort of fun and interesting shapes could be used as a reticle. (Personally I prefer something like http://image.sportsm...ticle_91_ts.gif ) Once again, your reflex sight reticle would be useful for aiming even when you go invisible, (a problem that never should have been).Anyone have a solution to this?
  11. A mod that replaces reflex sight dots with a custom UI anchored circle/dot/crosshair would be quite fantastic. LinuX123 made a great mod to fix the problem where reflex sights disappear when you use a stealthboy. ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6933/? ) Playing with this mod I realized some things that are problems with reflex sights in general. The reflex sight graphic is part of the sight model texture, hence the problem with the sight being invisible when using a stealthboy or other such effect. Being part of the sight model texture means the dot/circle isn't anchored to the center of your screen where you are shooting, but can be shifted if the sight is misaligned. Because of this, if you use mods that affect reflex sights, such as transferring them between weapons, the dot could be completely off from where you are actually shooting.LinuX123's mod fixes all these problems by replacing the sight with the center dot from the UI, however the only option is a small single dot that's in HUDMenu.swf. He's confessed that he doesn't know how to edit that dot to other shapes, and I haven't been able to crack that concept myself. I picked the SWF apart and exported the dot into about 8 frames of 3X3 pixel size animation. I could probably edit it out to a 9X9 or 12X12 pixel size crossshair, but I don't know how to import that back into the SWF, and I also don't know how the images are anchored to the screen. Even if I knew how to import the frames I don't know if the larger frames would be accepted or if they'd be off the centerpoint, putting your aim off. If someone could figure this out and make a way to use custom graphics in place of this dot it could mean big things. Aim would always be on target to the reticle, no matter how you mod your reflex sights, making it easier for modders to make interesting new reflex sight models/textures. All sort of fun and interesting shapes could be used as a reticle. (Personally I prefer something like http://image.sportsmansguide.com/dimage/reticle_91_ts.gif ) Once again, your reflex sight reticle would be useful for aiming even when you go invisible, (a problem that never should have been).Anyone have a solution to this?
  12. What I am looking for is a simple replacement mod for all the helmets that uses the circlets as the model/texture for the helmets. Steel/Iron color helms get the iron circlet, and leather/gold colored armors get the gold/copper circlets. That way there is something on your head that indicates you have a helmet on, but still allows you to see your face. I will admit this has been the best game as far as armor/helmet appearance, but I feel odd conversing with people in 3rd person mode in town with a full face helmet, but don't want the tedium of swapping headgear every time I enter/leave town. Also, once you've become a than in multiple towns it would seem right to wear some sort of crown-like headgear. I tried dissecting the current "no helmet mod" to engineer a personal replacement, but I just don't understand enough of how it was made when I look at it in TESsnip. I suppose a straight .NIF replacement could be done, but I need to know how to pull the circlet .NIF files from the base game and layout the directories in the data folder. Anyone have any ideas on how to help on that? -darkekun-
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