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Everything posted by Ithambar

  1. Hmm, alright, sorry for that, I do not have that much knowledge when it comes to modding... Is there any way to fix this, or do I have to start all over (again)?
  2. Immersive and customizable Castle Volkihar Better Vampire Lord Transformation Better Vampires 6.4 Better Vampires 6-4 - Royal Bloodline Compatibility Patch Vampire Lords can Loot and Activate - Only VL Activation - no WW and no map feature Royal Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree - abilities - and more - RoyalBlood-0131 Royal Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree - abilities - and more - RoyalBloodline_ThroneRoom_0131 I think these are all of them.
  3. I did not uninstall a single mod, the only thing I did was to update them if newer versions were released.
  4. Well, I am experiencing some random crashes recently. I am just walking about, in Markath or other in interior cells and the game crashes. Here my papyrus log: I can only guess that "VampireJumpScript.psc" is the culprit, I googled it but couldn´t find anything. My loadorder: One possible explanation is the mod "BVLT - Dark Elf.esp", because BOSS is telling me: "Warning: This file contains unexpected (or out of order) records and should be removed.", but I somehow don´t think that this mod alters the Vampirejumpscript, but I am happy if someone were to prove me wrong.
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