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  1. k man thanks btw working real hard on that music replacer
  2. Hey man I need some help with some modeling Well I don't have any modeling skills so I was wondering if you make a retexture of a grand soul gem to make it look like a cannonball with some gunpowder beside it (This is for the Hand Cannon)(Duh) maybe this will help http://www.fototime.com/903A8E6027A4964/standard.jpg I plan on adding them to shops so you can buy them and making them a recipe
  3. Good & Bad News I found the berserk game OST (Millennium Falcon & Guts Rage) May have to load somewhere else bc of nexus regulations Should I include Holy Forces?
  4. Bro that is really nice I wonder how many people are aware of what you're working on?
  5. Maybe you're asking in the wrong place I'll look into this month maybe I can figure it out try asking here http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/184-the-creation-kit/ until then all we can do is wait unless does DiNeRo knows anything oh by the way do have the whole quest story figured out or how you want to play it out bc I can help you with that if you want
  6. Hey man I think if we want to get more team members we should make a small mod first y'know get their attention I may start learning how to port your stuff to sometime this month or next month or whenever Point is maybe a small project to get their attention and show what you can make then and I or you could post a help message in the description or in a screen shot or video Message me back if you want to do it
  7. Nice Job Man! But could be a while before someone will port it though for us... New Idea Y'know how in the Dragonborn DLC you can mount a dragon well I'm gonna guess you're up to date with the berserk manga Well like there is a fight where Griffith shows up at the sword place and zodd shows up they fight when Griffith is done he jumps on top of zodd's back so y'know where I'm going with that lol just an idea I came up with but maybe too much I dunno Oh I like restarted the OST bc I wasn't satisfied with what I had so far not to mention hard to find quailty sounding music converters Can't wait to see more man I hope we get some more team members so things will be bit more easier best of luck
  8. I was thinking... Now I know it is to late but what should have done is make a retexture of a dragon priest because it would give him that super natural feel and when ever Femto is born he burst out (sorta like a dragon priest come out of his coffin) Just throwing it out there I'm a genius
  9. Nice Progress I'm still working on the OST probably be done by next weeks end or the week afther (I'm taking music out of some their games like Sword of the Berserker: Gut's Rage and the movies Golden Age Arc I & II & III) wanted to stay appropriate Berserk feeling
  10. "All included files have been included with the original author's permission. " btw xD I'm pretty sure he is talking about Alduin's Scale Armor and Zwei handler
  11. I just added *******HELP WANTED******* to the description of my mod so maybe you can expect to see some people 1 or 2 to drop by this month maybe Oh and an idea for the apostle bosses is that they drop behelits with enchantments that give you powers or increase skill or whatever or make it a way to get to the god hand realm
  12. Do you plan on executing voice acting like will you have someone do some voice acting or pull some out of the anime sorta like this guy *Not sure if nexus will allow that though*
  13. lol don't worry everyone has the "Author's Permission" as long as we include their name
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