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Everything posted by nyteschayde

  1. So my mod introduces more needs in hardcore mode. It is called FurtherNeeds. You can learn more about it at padreams.posterous.com. I had to overcome quite a few issues just to get it to the playable state that it's in. The three quest scripts I have do different things. They don't rely on each other to run in order (i.e. the 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 time interval values) its just that for some reason my mod fails if they all run at a 1 second interval. One of the scripts is a monitor that updates the UI (custom HUD elements I've introduced). This is the most sensitive one given the new crash happy state it was in. This one runs every second, roughly, and checks to see if there are any changes to the new attributes I've introduce to the game as well as to update the UI to notify the user of these changes. I also have the main mod quest which serves as a global scope for the mod. All variables and effects that modify the new attributes reference this script. This script does some background tasks as well. I do you equipment items for menu tokens and and am mostly complete, but I am just testing to make sure that I have successfully fixed the crashing issue.
  2. Well that got me in the game without crashing. I'll debug from here. Thanks so much. I don't know what could possibly have changed, but I'll figure it out. Really glad you were here. It might be something as simple and complicated as the (file) structure of the script forms changed. If that's the case, I'm afraid you're probably screwed. So I finally got it running with your help. The problem is that it seems to have gotten pickier or at least more fragile when it comes to custom script delays. I have some scripts that need to act as soon as the user uses an item so I have them polling every second instead of every 5. Setting these scripts (yeah I have 3 I am looking and consolidating if I can) to 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 respectively solved the problem. As to why this new fragility is there, I don't know.
  3. Well that got me in the game without crashing. I'll debug from here. Thanks so much. I don't know what could possibly have changed, but I'll figure it out. Really glad you were here.
  4. So, sadly, that seemed to have no effect. Same crash. I guess I could see if there are archived versions of nvse and try using those until Fallout fails to load. I think I'll hit that wall pretty fast. I just wish I knew what the problem was.
  5. So I had a mod that was in development. It was working great last year when I was working on it. I recently started playing the game again, but when I try to load I noticed that FO:NV got updated and now the mod hangs the entire game. I've done everything I can think of. I've loaded up FNVEdit and checked for errors. I stripped the game down to just FalloutNV, NVSE and my mod (NVSE is required). The best I can tell is that either the game is crashing because of an NVSE update (usually required to be in sync with every Fallout update) or due to the Fallout update itself. The big question here is how do I find out? I don't know how else to debug the issue. Thoughts?
  6. Hello and thanks for reading. I am currently working on a further needs mod for Fallout New Vegas. This mod adds two attributes Waste and Hygiene. Both appear on the hud (currently as numbers but I'm thinking of making this a progress indicator instead). The idea behind them is that as you eat, walk, and make your way through the wasteland you will find the need to relieve yourself and to keep your appearance up. The higher your hygiene (which might become visibly named as poor hygiene) levels climb you will become more and more repulsive to other people. This influences your speech, charisma and overall charm when dealing with others. I was even thinking about having the highest levels of poor hygiene make your faction level with raiders neutral (which might make townsfolk attack you). Waste levels are exactly what you think they are. You'll need to use toilets to relieve yourself or, if absolutely necessary, you can go outside by holding down the 'P' key. As your waste levels climb your attributes and skills will be affected. Additionally, especially at the higher levels, there is a chance that without choice you may drop your drawers and squat to go because you put it off so long. When relieving yourself you're basically prone for a waste level influenced random amount of seconds until you're done. Obviously, in combat, this could be a very bad situation. The cleanliness of toilets and various facilities determine how clean you can become. Currently the mod also includes the use of water to clean oneself, quench one's thirst and to fill water bottles. Outdoor water sources are also included in this. The mod is still very rusty which is why the nexus page for it is not currently active. I need testers to help me log bugs so that I can get it ready for public consumption. If you like playing in hardcore mode and want to help out, please contact me. Finally, you can track my progress and learn more here: http://padreams.posterous.com (binaries will be available here soon) If you have suggestions or requests along the lines of this mod, please let me know as well. Some ideas I am considering are: Hygiene levels increase faster during the day than at nightHigh poor hygiene levels align you neutrally with Raiders as others can't visibly identify you as not being one
  7. Where can I find your esm and notes on how to use it?
  8. On the contrary, writing this much detail is essential for creating the logs in the computers, notes found in the vault and other details that will surface in conversations. I think it is well written and one of the few ideas rife with enough content to actually start building immediately. If nobody has looked into building this after I've finished my current mod, I'd like to look into building it. Very well done indeed.
  9. If you look closely you'll see that my Reduce Hygiene is supposed to be a Base Effect, not an Actor Effect. I have a PoorHygiene200 through PoorHygiene1000 as analogues to the Radiation200 through Radiation1000 Actor Effects. I am trying to simulate a *new* attribute called Hygiene. So the Base Effect ReduceHygiene is something would be applied as an effect to an Actor Effect. To try and make this more clear, the Radiation600 Actor Effect has 4 Base Effects applied to it; they are Reduced Agility (magnitude 2), Reduced Endurance (magnitude 3), Reduced Strength (magnitude 1) and Regeneration (magnitude 6). These Base Effects are what I am trying to duplicate, but in regards to my new attributes. I have created 3; currently they are Hygiene, Waste Level and Comfort. Because scripted Base Effects have no way to discern the magnitude specified for them in an Actor Effect I may have to create several base effects. This is very different than how rad sickness works (at least how I understand it). It also sounds like there isn't going to be a solution here and that I will have to go the route of creating several Base Effects when one would clearly work if there was a way to get the magnitude specified for that base effect inside an actor effect. As far as removing the actor effects go, I am currently calling Player.RemoveSpell PoorHygiene200 when the situation warrants it. I can see the effect disappear from the effects area in the PipBoy, but I still haven't seen the ScriptEffectFinish block execute. I'll play with it some more.
  10. The problem with this approach is that base effects like ReduceHygiene are added and specified with a magnitude when creating actor effects. The only solution that I can come up with, horrible as it may be, would be to create several different base effects. For example: ReduceHygiene10 ReduceHygiene20 ReduceHygiene35 Etc... Wherein each of those has an associated script. The associated script would then be responsible for deducting a hard coded amount of points based on it's type (10, 20, 35, etc...). I've also noticed that it seems that the ScriptEffectFinish block hasn't fired yet for me. I'll need to track down how I can get this event to actually fire. It's also fairly crucial. I have another script that monitors the level of hygiene and applies these events so in this specific case I could use that as a trigger to know when ScriptEffectFinish is actually really supposed to fire and code the equivalent results. But none of this is ideal. It's sad really; only a few minor tweaks from Oblivion/Bethesda and this could work really well for everybody.
  11. So I am in the middle of trying to add a base effect for a new stat called hygiene that I am introducing for my mod, Further Needs. I am tracking the variable as a quest script variable. I've created a new Base Effect called ReduceHygiene. The effect archetype is Script. I have also attached an associated script called ReduceHygieneEffectScript. The flags are: Detrimental, Recover, Self, Touch. Now, this Base Effect is referenced in an Actor Effect called PoorHygiene200 for testing. When the correct conditions occur, namely hygiene reaches 200, the PoorHygiene200 Actor Effect gets applied to the player using Player.AddSpell PoorHygiene200. Don't worry about the logistics of adding ReduceHygiene as an effect of PoorHygiene200. I am adding here to verify it works. I can get NVSE PrintC messaging in the console for ScriptEffectStart and ScriptEffectUpdate blocks. This proves to me that the script for the Base Effect is running. This is good. Most Base Effects however have a magnitude. I've looked through the NVSE docs (nicer version written by me here) as well as the geck.bethsoft.com functions listing. I cannot see any way to: Determine the magnitude of a Base Effect with type Script Determine which Actor Effects or Spells are applied to the Player Determine if a particular Actor Effect/Spell is applied to the player If anyone knows how to do any of these 3 things, please let me know as soon as possible. I can simulate a magnitude if I can detect the Actor Effect/Spell that is applied. For example, "if PoorHygiene200 is applied to the Player, then magnitude should be 10." If there is some obscure function that actually gets me the magnitude I can just use that. If there is some way of looping over applied actor effects I can detect it there and make logical assumptions. I am requiring NVSE for my mod so if there is a way to do so using NVSE please let me know. Thanks in advance, Nyteschayde
  12. Thank you so much Allan. I may take you up on your offer for the meshes. Do you know you how to do animations as well? There are two things I'd like to add, animation wise, that I don't know how to do just yet. One is a squatting position for being able to "go" in the wild and another is men standing in a proper position at the urinals. I was kinda laughing to myself seeing that the characters have to strip completely since Fallout wasn't kind enough to give us top and bottom clothing. I promise to do a full tutorial on what I've done as well as to put up an early version as soon as I get a few more things squared away. Current topics I'll cover in the tutorial, listed here as a reminder for me as well something for others to hold me to, are: How to remove and reapply clothing using NVSE How to disable for a period of time the ability for the player to do something How to replace all the existing objects in a game with one you've designed (aka the toilets in this case) How to attach a script to a piece of furniture and have it affect the main quest values How to display text on the screen like in the HUD project using NVSE The things I need to look into next are How can I add modifiers to all the food and drink in the game and do I have to modify each one or is there a base object I can apply my scripts and logic to? Create the new background/history menu Determine the best rates of waste level, hygiene and comfort increase and decrease to create balance Allow faucets and tubs and other water sources such as large bodies of water to reduce the hygiene meter and essentially clean up the player Determine how to get the players to react differently to the player based on hygiene. I know I can add effects such as modified barter and/or speech skill but I'd like to be able to add conversation points without directly modifying the conversations of each and every NPC in the game. Hoping there's a way. Allan do you live in the northern California bay area? If you do it might be nice to get together to go over some ideas.
  13. Wanted to update the thread on my progress. This link contains a single NSFW screen shot. I have a lot of the needs stuff in place but I have a long way to go yet. I am just happy to have made progress. I think I am going to have to learn how to scale the toilets down in size. Most people may not have noticed but the damn things are all out of proportion to the human sizes in the game. :-\ Anyhow, here ya go Further Needs Mod Dev Update
  14. Totally agreed. Where are you located Floatsup? Are you in the northern california bay area by chance? Even two lesser experienced people together could still accomplish a lot. Nyteschayde Yeah I definitly appreciate the help too there dave. THat second tutorial is brilliant. So laid out. Very informative, sorry he didnt complete the other two tutorials. Its difficult to get help just online. I mean reading, and trial by error works, but nothing like a great breakdown, to show you how. I wish I knew someone in my area that did this. 1 hour, face to face, would be like a week, of trial and error. Anyway im back to the geck.
  15. I am happy to hear you are aiming to keep balance and game lore in check. There are so many wonderful mods that are instantly ruined by basically making it a complete cheat. Game balance is everything. If I wanted to cheat I'd make a mod that gives me what I want or just download the majority of mods on the nexus. Would be nice to see the modders, including myself, keep the balance in the game (or at least make it optional).
  16. The more time I spend in these forums the more I realize just how much you respond and post to peoples threads. I have to admit I appreciate it. Do you work for the forums, beth soft or other? Or are you just an appreciated do-gooder? :) If I wanted to add a generic topic that would be chosen by any NPC, how would I go about doing it? Just to let you know, since you responded to my last posting as well, my understanding of NifSkope and Blender is moving along at a glacial pace, but it is moving along. Again, thanks for all your help there too.
  17. I want to write a script that affects everybody's conversation dialogues. I know there are dialogue dialogs in the GECK, but just to get started I was thinking I needed to somehow detect when a conversation starts, when a conversation is occurring and when it ends? Does anybody know of a way to perform these checks? Are they done from within the dialogue dialogs? I'd like to be able to add dialogue injection to every NPC conversation without having to modify every NPC in the game. Is this possible? I suspect it is as I've seen such things done with the Animated Prostitution mod but I have yet to figure out how he's done it. Thoughts?
  18. You could always do nerfed (no bonus inferring) bobble heads from FO3. Their models are present in the GECK for NV. Those should take up some space. Making sure they're not quest items will allow the players to sprinkle them about the player homes and allow more than one in the inventory (for those like me who maintained more than one home).
  19. I recently asked Coneman how he replaced all the toilets. Did he do them all by hand? The answer is no; at least I hope not. For those who don't know, you can do a find/replace to find an object and replace them all with instances of new objects. Unless the objects are the same size and dimensions things will likely not work out well but otherwise it should do the trick!
  20. Excellent. Thanks soo much. Could you please update the mod on fallout3nexus.com so that it reflects that others can reuse your mod? Right now your permissions state that it cannot be ported or reused in any way. Otherwise I'll keep this post and my email as proof that you've given permission. Thanks so much, again. I must have been fairly close in replicating what Coneman had done since his files look very similar in nifscope. I'll keep playing with it because I'd like to know how to actually do this myself. I still have to be able to convert his mod changes to work in New Vegas as well. I'll keep things updated here as I make progress. Hi feel free to use my toilet mod for whatever you want. It has been a fair while since I made this mod and have not done much outside a few pesonal things since. I was not and am still not a very experienced Nifscope user so what I did was not too difficult. From memory all I did was swap out the toilet for the chair in an existing animated chair file, pretty sure I changed all the info manually as cutting and pasting the toilet in just made a mess of things, the positioning was a trial and error thing. I tried adding an animation to a blank toilet but I couldnt get it to work. Sorry I cant be of much more help, but again feel free to use the mod for whatever you want. Cheers Coneman
  21. Found one. I've contacted the author to see if I could use his mod and also if he would write in here how he's done what he did. His mod http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3604
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