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    Skyrim, Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment
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    Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, Skyrim, Daggerfall

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  1. Hey thanks! :D That will help me a lot! :D Sorry, about posting 4.), but I still did not manage to get it working, even with your hints. I am really thinking that I found a bug... :( I also already tried to check that flag with underwater combat, but it did not actually do anything - Thought there might be workaround, but it seems this thing is hardcoded :(
  2. Hey! I already did quite some digging, but did not find anything useful regarding a few things I'd like to implement in my current project, maybe someone here could help me out a bit with a good advice? :) 1. I would like to make jumping, swinging your weapon and drawing your bow consume stamina. My problem here is: How can I detect that with basic CK functions? I did not notice anything related to these things. 2. Do I see it correctly that the player is NOT counting as a vampire when he becomes the vampire lord transformation power, but not using it currently? I'm slightly irritated because it seems like instead of then belonging to a vampire race, he just seems to continue belonging to the basic playable race he belongs to without getting the "normal" Skyrim.esm Vampire abilities and traits... 3. Is there a way to make underwater combat enabled/are there any mods that do that at the moment? 4. Is someone else having problems with Fire and Forget - Contact - Magic effects that use conditions? I had several spells that used such effects with conditions assigned to it, but they seem not to be checked at all - like you make a contact spell that uses the archetype effect Stagger - and it does stagger the target upon application, but when you assign a condition, say, GetActorValue Health == 0 (Run on Subject/Target), and even if the target of the spell has more Health than 0, it still becomes staggered? 5. Is it possible to remove a master file and all the entries that belong to it from a mod? Like you make a mod that utilizes stuff from Skyrim.esm and Dawnguard.esm, but do want to make it executable without it requiring Dawnguard.esm by removing everything Dawnguard related from it with a tool like TES5Edit? Is this process available in form of an automated variant, or would it be necessary to clean everything from hand? And, of course, if every single entry has been removed, will the mod run without that related master file again? Alright, that's it for now - thanks for reading through it! :) With the very best regards, Xarrian
  3. You might want to check out a current project of mine: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281/ Not sure if it is what you are looking for, but there are people who say in its default difficulty without easy options included in the mod, it's as hard as it can be without making it frustrating ;)
  4. This project sounds awesome! Been a fan of deep roleplaying games since I first came in touch with them many years ago! :D I wanted to do something similar, but I decided to stick with Skyrim's world and just remake everything else instead of also creating a new game world... I'd offer help, but I do not really have time due to my current project and some other ideas :( Only a suggestion: Might it not be better to make the whole project so that it starts from a major city with a harbor like Deepwater or Baldur's Gate? Might be a better approach for using an "expand with every release" concept - you just have more options with a large city in it, can explain more racial diversity. But of course, it's your project. Just throwing in my two cents! :) Good luck! :D
  5. Let me just post this link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281/ :) I know, most mods have the tend to go more mainstream, but there's quite a couple of mods catering to more serious roleplayers, like role-playing starts, companion mods and more. But I agree to an extend, a lot of mods are not really lorefriendly/roleplaying-encouraging. But that does not mean every mod author hates us roleplayers! :) I guess most people are not very interested in playing out there character, giving her/him a motivation and immersing themselves completely - would be too funny if everyone would do that :P By the way, if I may ask, what are your ideas? Always like to hear suggestions from other passioned roleplayers! :)
  6. Adding weight to arrows is actually rather simple if you know a few tricks! I did it myself in my current project (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281/), every arrow has a weight based on its material type - it works pretty flawless and is also very leightweight :) Here's how it works: This Script is attached to the player in my mod: Scriptname AA000XarrianArrowWeigthScript extends ObjectReference Ammo Property IronArrow Auto Ammo Property SteelArrow Auto Ammo Property DraugrArrow Auto Ammo Property ForswornArrow Auto Ammo Property OrcishArrow Auto Ammo Property ElvenArrow Auto Ammo Property DwarvenArrow Auto Ammo Property GlassArrow Auto Ammo Property EbonyArrow Auto Ammo Property DaedricArrow Auto Ammo Property NordHeroArrow Auto Ammo Property SilverArrow Auto Ammo Property SilverBolt Auto Ammo Property SteelBolt Auto Ammo Property DwarvenBolt Auto Actor Property Player Auto WEAPON Property ArrowWeightDummy01 Auto WEAPON Property ArrowWeightDummy02 Auto WEAPON Property ArrowWeightDummy03 Auto Int Property CounterArrows01 Auto Int Property CounterDummy01 Auto Int Property CounterArrows02 Auto Int Property CounterDummy02 Auto Int Property CounterArrows03 Auto Int Property CounterDummy03 Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akBaseItem == IronArrow || akBaseItem == SteelArrow || akBaseItem == ForswornArrow || akBaseItem == ElvenArrow || akBaseItem == SilverArrow || akBaseItem == SteelBolt || akBaseItem == SilverBolt Player.Additem(ArrowWeightDummy01, aiItemCount, true) EndIf If akBaseItem == DraugrArrow || akBaseItem == OrcishArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenArrow || akBaseItem == GlassArrow || akBaseItem == NordHeroArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenBolt Player.Additem(ArrowWeightDummy02, aiItemCount , true) EndIf If akBaseItem == EbonyArrow || akBaseItem == DaedricArrow Player.Additem(ArrowWeightDummy03, aiItemCount , true) EndIf EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akBaseItem == IronArrow || akBaseItem == SteelArrow || akBaseItem == ForswornArrow || akBaseItem == ElvenArrow || akBaseItem == SilverArrow || akBaseItem == SteelBolt || akBaseItem == SilverBolt Player.removeitem(ArrowWeightDummy01, aiItemCount, true) EndIf If akBaseItem == DraugrArrow || akBaseItem == OrcishArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenArrow || akBaseItem == GlassArrow || akBaseItem == NordHeroArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenBolt Player.Removeitem(ArrowWeightDummy02, aiItemCount , true) EndIf If akBaseItem == EbonyArrow || akBaseItem == DaedricArrow Player.Removeitem(ArrowWeightDummy03, aiItemCount , true) EndIf EndEvent It basically fires everytime the player picks up an arrow and then adds the same amount of invisible items to his inventory, each with the weight for the respective arrow material type. It also fires everytime an arrow or bolt is removed from the player's inventory; in this case, the respective amount of invisible dummy items is removed again. The only drawback is that the arrows will still depict a weight of 0 in the inventory screen - but that's a cosmetic issue. As said, I use this method myself (now for a few months), and it's a 100% bugfree and well functioning! :) Edit: The weights I use for arrows are 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 units for one arrow (according to a few sources, the average arrow had a weight of about 100 grams (if it was made for the use with a warbow) - I thought a 0.1 would translate this very well to the game, with the others being made more or less completely out of metal, which is why they get twice or thrice that weight in my mod - though I must say, by default, all carry weight is also reduced in my mod to about one third by default.
  7. /bump I really need some info on this - it currently prevents a lot of things I'd like to implement :( Does no one else have such a problem?
  8. Hey! I just wanted to make a contact spell effect that only affects targets that do not have a specific perk. But when I applied the spell despite having the said perk, it still triggered just like that. Being curious, I tested a few other things, like a contact spell that kills a target instantly via a script attached to it. That worked fine, but when I put in a condition (GetActorValue Health > 10000 - meaning nothing that has lower health than the specified amount should be affected) that the said enemies I tested it on before did not fulfill - still, they died, which should not happen. Now, my question is if this is a known bug or is it just me? Before anyone asks, yes, I have tripple-checked all the conditions and anything else related to it (the spell being set up correctly etc.) - it's just a pretty annoying thing, since it seems to prevent a lot of interesting options! Edit: What I also noticed is that the conditions seem to be checked only for isolated effect archetypes - damage and healing effects seem to work properly, but Stagger, Scripted Effects and some others seem not to. I also wanted to make a contact spell that made the target stagger when its hit with a bow under certain conditions, but again, the conditions did not apply, allowing stagger-locking instead with any enemy. When I looked how the perk related to giving a chance to stagger enemies with a bow, I also noticed that Bethesda did not use a contact spell to realize it - instead, there seems to be another magic archetype effect solely for the purpose of giving ranged weapons a chance to stagger - though contact spells seemed to be the more obvious choice - now I also wonder if they have been aware of this problem since the release, which would explain this somewhat weird looking workaround. Thanks for reading! Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
  9. Ah, thanks for posting that excerpt. Well, in that case, it does seem to be not illegal, at least, I agree. I was just curious if asking for money to create the mod would fall under what I thought I read, but I guess I misread it instead. But yes, grey, it seems... Wonder if more mods will be listed there if more mod authors come to know that site.
  10. Hey! I just read on the Nexus main page about Project Eternity and it being funded voluntarily via a website called Kickstarter.com - it's the first time I have heard of this kickstarter thing, and being curious, I wanted to know what else is funded there. Being an active mod author, I was also interested if mods were allowed as projects to be funded there, too - to my surprise, there indeed are a few Skyrim mods registered as projects - one even got a 2200 Dollars according to the page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/anebriate/tales-of-the-drunken-paladin-skyrim?ref=search) - my basic question is, is that legal? From what I know of Bethesda's terms, I thought something like that would be prohibited? Or am I wrong? What do you think about funding a Skyrim mod via such a website? With the best regards, Xarrian
  11. Alright, thanks for your fast response! Now I know it isn't some sort of bug! Yes, I know, it is pretty long, but the mod also comes with a lot of features - First, I wanted to describe it in every detail, but then I already trimmed it (If I would go for a full documentation, I guess it would be four times as long, if not longer). Well, whatever the case, I guess I have to make an external Documentation, then, and make the one on the page more general so I can get space for the bugfixing and compatibility section. Once again, thansk for the answer! :)
  12. Hey! I just had the following problem with my mod description (the long one, not the 350 characters categories description!) on Skyrim Nexus (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281/): I wanted to add something in the middle of the text, but when I saved, about the same amount of lines disappeared at the end of the description. And it happened more than once, so it also seems reproducable. Is this a wanted limitation or is it a bug? The thing is, I'd like to write more about the mod, so everything one needs to know can be accessed via the respective Nexus page, but like this, I really have a problem listing all its features and general support properly! :( Many thanks in advance!
  13. Hey! Is it possible that the newest update for the CK is glitchy? A few months ago, an update of the CK would make mods broken when saving them with it (for example, the third person stopped being rendered when the player character was modified by the mod) - it is confirmed that this was an issue with the Update for the CK. Now, a few days ago, another update for it has been released, after which I made an update (version 0.97) for my current project - I mostly tweaked minor vanilla stuff (spells, misc items) and added some custome stuff - but when loading the game with it, many quests seem to have become broken. For instance, the game has become unplayable because the starting scene glitches fataly, with General Tullies not mounting his horse (it seems to follow the last carriage many yards away while Tulliues just walks), the carriages going way too fast, the dialogue being interrupted at half its duration, then, Helgens Gates do not open, so the carriages just ran into them, further glitching actually makes the carriages go up to the Sky and fly over the entire land - I know, this sounds insane, but it happened to me. Twice. My testers also report other parts of the main quest being broken (Retrieving the Dragon Stone doesn't trigger Irileth to appear) and the Greybeards do not react anymore when trying to do their quests, Delphine also seems to glitch and not show any quest dialogues. Now I can hardly think of the changes I made to be responsible for this, especially because everything worked fine before this update. Has anyone else been having such problems? I am really afraid about my project because of this and would be relieved if there is any more information about this stuff, and if it is already confirmed if the new CK update is bugged. Please, I really need more information on this, as I really am at a loss what to do!!!
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