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Don Prestoni

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  1. Definitely liking the way this is going. I am thinking of having one foundry and adapting some of the in game machinery. I note you can activate windmills though nothing happens (that I have seen) so using this to mill the salts and charcoal into gunpowder. Powder + Cotton + Metal = Ammo. (Foundry bench (work bench with unique script) to make ammo. You have a good point with the Fire Salts. We have 3 options there. i) Balance the power to the rarity as you said. ii) Come up with a way of obtaining Fire Salts. iii) Replace Fire Salts Maybe use this as the ammo levels, Powdered Mammoth Tush (has wekness to fire), Fire Salts, Vampire Dust (they burn), Dwaemer Oil, not sure. I currently favour i) or ii) Re: Fallout gun code I saw more similarity between Oblivion/FO engine wise that between FO/Skyrim so I am expecting very little. If its there then great, that will save a LOT of work. Gun Barrel My current plan is to work with that initially and then update. Move to invisible projectile Add firing noise Add smoke effect Add new Mesh/Texture Update animations Once the mesh is set up and working, then getting various textures for the types will be easier. Other Notes: I like the idea of troll fat, being useful and hard to get. I will try and thing of a way to use it however whilst I can see it burning I am not sure it would explode.
  2. I also want to include some kind of arrows that put out the torches a la thief...
  3. I agree on the simplicity, but really the ingredients that go into crafting is going to be the easy bit of this, meshes, textures and animations are what is going to hurt. I have just been fleshing this out in a post on the main forums: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1284616-wipz-weapons-for-mundanes/ But for the sake of ease while we are here, what I was thinking was: Firearms: Pistol (so you can duel wield) Carbine (a balance between reload speed, accuracy and power) Long gun (more accurate, more powerful but takes forever to reload) Firearm Types: Iron = Iron x 2 + Wood Steel = Steel x 2 + Wood <To be named> = <Missing Ingredient for the stock> + Steel (barrel) + Silver Ebony = Ebony (stock) + Steel (barrel) + Gold Dweamer = Dragon Bone? (Stock) + Dweamer (barrel) + Gold The idea behind having 5 is for the upgrades: Iron: Petty Soul Gem + Saphire + Silver Steel: Lesser Soul Gem + Emerald + Gold Misc: Common Soul Gem + Ruby + Refined Moonsstone Ebony: Greater Soul Gem + Dweamer Gyro + Refined Moonsstone Dweamer: Grand Soul Gem + Centurion Gyro + Refined Moonsstone Ammo: Iron: Iron + Fire Salts + Cotton Steel: Steel + Fire Salts + Cotton Misc: <TBC> + Fire Salts + Cotton Ebony: Ebony + Fire Salts + Cotton Dweamer: Dweamer Metal + Fire Salts + Cotton Not totally happy with soul gems yet, especially if it is for mundanes but it certainly seems the most Tamrielic way to do it.
  4. Great ideas there blankstate. To draw parrels: Bow = Firearm Arrow = Bullet Bowstring = Firing Mechanism Firearm: Bought/Made = Smithing (Maybe with a reference to marksmanship? You need to have some idea how to shoot to make a decent gun?) Metal + Material for stock, getting progressively more expensive as quality increases Projectile: Bought/Made = Alchemy Firesalts + <ingredient2> + Metal Firing Mechanism = Use to upgrade at a workbench. bows can be upgraded using leather straps so use a refined mechanism to upgrade the firearm Soulgem + Precious Metal + <Ingredient3>
  5. Hmm, I like that idea too. I feel the start of a weapons for the mundanes coming on....
  6. I'm thinking that after so many years, and in a world where magic is prevalent and machinery is starting to appear basic firearms might be a possibility. The mundane answer to a mages staff. Now I am not thinking anything advanced but a matchlock or a one shot pistol, with appropriately hideous load times might be fun.
  7. Talent: Scripting Skill level: Mid Talent: Quests/Dialog Skill level: Mid Talent: Cell Creation, interior/exterior, lighting, water levels, north etc. Skill Level: Low/Mid Talent: Animations Skill level: None yet, looking to learn as I go so if you need spare hands this is where I will be doing a lot of focusing Contact method: PM Additional Info: Bethsoft forums name - don_prestoni
  8. If its anything like last time, Beth release a limited wiki with tutorials with the construction set and then over time the community adds to it and fleshes out details. I suspect it will be similar to the last CS/CK, but we won't know till we see it. If the code side is what interests you most (its the same for me) you need a lot less in the way of tools outside the CS. My learning went as follows: Make small shack in the CS Make larger house in the CS Make a short quest in the CS Make a longer quest in the CS Start using scripts Can't really point you in any directions till the new CS is out, but as a rough principle that should get you into the side of modding I think you are looking at. My plan is to relearn what I could do before on the old tools to do on the new tools, and then to learn how to make custom animations.
  9. The biggest miss from my point of view were the unlock spells. I chose alteration in Morrowind and Oblivion for this, my favourite characters being the magic powered traditional assassin. Bound Weapons, bound armour (that's missing too), invisibility, unlock... I used to stack up on a full array of these to ignore their physical counterparts. I was planning on putting them back in myself but if someone else is going to do a magic expanded mod I'd be happy to hand them over or whatever. If you fancy a hand scripting wise, let me know. My abilities have come on since what I released for Oblivion :D
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