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About theepicgamer500

  1. I created worldspace and generated building lods.... And then this happened https://imgur.com/a/fnHWd
  2. I've uninstalled every mod and it still persisted. So I'm pretty sure it's not the mods... Probably something Bethesda screwed up...
  3. I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this or not since my last topic on the subject only had views. Not trying to be mean. But am I the only one noticing this "Glitch" I'm not sure exactly what it is but it makes the workshop damn near unusable... Here What it seem to affect. Keep in mind I haven't done more test yet. Before I change cell and come back out... Also the second time I go in it does it as well. https://imgur.com/a/WJApg https://imgur.com/a/Qna9O https://imgur.com/a/jPpHj After... https://imgur.com/a/yJdtz https://imgur.com/a/RfEv7 https://imgur.com/a/gPVUj LIghtbulb seems unaffected but as far as I know the flood/construction light and (static) spot light from SOE (Settlement Objects Expanded) mod is also affected. If anyone knows about this gemme a fix.
  4. For some reason this happen.... Before I enter interior... https://imgur.com/a/p1zZ0 After I enter and come back out... https://imgur.com/a/EVY4N PS. I made a worldspace maybe that has something to do with it...? Also they were made with the workshop... SOE mod... Also uninstalled every mod but SOE and tried on normal world still persisted also affect flood/construction light as well. It also affects interior as well I use the bat that lets u make a settlement anywhere.
  5. I've reinstalled data folder..... Installed quote on quote fixer mods..... But they just aren't there :( https://imgur.com/zbTpouS
  6. I have created a new worldspace and I only generated normal maps for LOD the reason why is because if I do meshes or diffuse map it turns purple. Is they're something I'm missing here? https://ibb.co/hkzWUQ https://ibb.co/cKM6w5
  7. I don't know what it is but it's affecting the whole worldspace. https://imgur.com/a/KzOKJ
  8. I'm gonna be making a new worldspace and wanna know how to make to lods so nothing disappears.
  9. How would you set that because I've got a mod that removes interior fog and I've tried messing with the cell options not much I could do..... Anything you recommend?
  10. Unfortunately everything is correct when I checked that the first time it was false... :sad:
  11. Im trying to make a big underground city but when I make a really big room this happens https://ibb.co/dAbwEF
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