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  1. Hi, I had an idea of creating a vendor, who sold WW2 weapons and older, because of some of the fantastic weapon models out there. So to start to learn, without creating my own vendor, i thought i would add a weapon to a existing vendor. The vendor is Chet at Goodsprings and the weapon i was adding was from the AG supplimentary Uniques mod, (Purely because i have it loaded at this moment) I've followed these instructions from the GECK site. "Creating a new container owned by the vendor 1. in the Object Window, under World Objects > Container, double click on any of the VendorContainer* at the bottom of the list. 2. give it a new Editor ID (first text field), and drag & drop the items you want your vendor to sell into the Item List on the right (deleting any items you don't want) and some caps if you want him to buy stuff from you (this is how you increase the amount of money a vendor has). 3. check the Respawns option if you want it to respawn every 3 days, and click OK; when it asks you if you want to create a new Form, click Yes. 4. in the Cell View window, double click on the VendorChestsCell, and drag & drop your new container from the Object Window into that cell in the Render Window. 5. double click on your container in the Render Window, give it a Reference ID (yourNPCVendorChestRef), check a Persistent Reference box, and select the Ownership tab, and select your NPC from the drop down list." Ive done it three times and can't get the weapon to show up. Ive created my own mod esp and created the containers, with this as the active file. Is there a different way of doing it? Is the information out of date? Cheers
  2. Just reporting back with a bit of info. After deactivating and activating each mod in my list, ive found the files that seem to be responsible for the invisible guns: nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esm nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esp nVamp - Effects Override.esp Don't know why or how, but i havent got the issue anymore. I wish i deactivated these first though, took me ages to test them one at a time. @llamaRCA Man you where right!
  3. Thanks, but i'm not at a stage of adding items etc Im assuming you mean by the GECK. Im just loading other peoples work and playing lol
  4. Oh, lol :biggrin: I know I'm right. I've spent an, unfortunately, enormous number of hours testing for this bug to understand what it's doing and when it's going to do it and know what it looks like. I would say, out of the many many annoying things that happen while modding in NV, it's my least favorite thing. I have a companion that I add/remove lots and lots of items to in a lot of scripts over the course of the mod. The thing you are going to run into with deactivating your mods one at a time is you may not know when they are adding the items. Good luck. If you have companions you can change weapons on I would suggest that you give at least one of them a vanilla hunting rifle. It is very prone to blinking/going invisible. Different weapons respond to the bug differently and not all of them go invisible every time an item is added or removed, but the hunting rifle is very sensitive to the issue. lol, I can tell you've proberly been driven insane by it. :biggrin: Don't you think that's one of the worst things about modding. The hours and hours spent, loading, quiting......CTD!, trying to find the little bug that is causing you the sleepless nights. And it can be one letter, one word, piece of code spelt wrong. And you dont get paid for your efforts. :down: @luthienanarion Well that suprises me. I thought it would have had a crash dump somewhere. Cheers guys
  5. Cheers guys for the responses. I think your right. Did the add item command and the weapon was equiped straight away. I think the only thing to do is deactive or reactive the mods one at a time. Can you tell me, where is the crash log text file? cheers
  6. No reply at all after 5 days. I'm assuming those in the know have moved to greener pastures..... skyrim maybe. Anybody left here got a comment?
  7. Hasn't anyone got a solution? Heres my load order: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [X] Ambient Temperature.esm [X] EnergyShield.esm [X] Frequency.esm [X] Inventory Access.esm [X] aHUD.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm [X] nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esm [X] CFWNV.esm [X] DFB - Random Encounters.esm [X] Niner.esm [X] STRobot-Core.esm [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp [X] DynamiCamera.esp [X] HUD Extended.esp [X] Alternative Start.esp [X] STRobot-Companion.esp [X] STRobot-VoicePack.esp [X] STRobot-ChemImmunity.esp [X] Return of the Enclave - Fix.esp [X] Return of the Enclave - Main File.esp [X] HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp [X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp [X] HarderThan.esp [X] CRL9K_ThisMachineSound.esp [X] NewVegasBounties.esp [X] RealisticReloading.esp [X] DFB - Random Encounters - Update - MCM.esp [X] EnergyShield_NV.esp [X] EVE FNV.esp [X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp [X] Frequency - Dead Money Patch.esp [X] Frequency - Honest Hearts Patch.esp [X] Frequency - Old World Blues Patch.esp [X] Frequency - Project Nevada Patch.esp [X] Frequency - EVE & WMX Patch.esp [X] MojaveEnclavePatrols_v1.0.esp [X] GRA WRP Compatibility Patch.esp [X] Playing With Firepower - New Vegas.esp [X] Powered Power Armor.esp [X] Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp [X] AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp [X] Real Weapon Names.esp [X] Jump Fall Fixer.esp [X] Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp [X] WeaponJamming.esp [X] Project Nevada - WMX.esp [X] Frequency - PN+WMX Patch.esp [X] MCL_Weapon_Pack.esp [X] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp [X] Project Nevada - EVE.esp [X] ProjectRealityMkIv5HDR.esp [X] Improved Ballistics Effects V2.esp [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp [X] Project Nevada - All DLC.esp [X] nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esp [X] nVamp - Effects Override.esp [X] CFW-DLC.esp [X] CFW-PN-DLC.esp [X] XRE - CARS!.esp [X] Good things in good Springs.esp [X] Theoplugin.esp < FNVEdit merged patch I've got FOMM and running it through the FNV4GB.
  8. At the bottom of your load order you have: Bashed Patch, 0.esp MyPatch - Lite.esp Im assuming the second one is done in the FNVEdit.( dont know whats meant by Lite) whats the first one? Cheers
  9. Hi, i think this has been touched on before, but i cant find the post, might have even been on the nexus mod site. Sometimes, but not all the time, its quite random, NPC's and followers have invisible guns when drawn. When they fire, the bullet/laser effects happen, but the gun is not there. Anybody shed some light on this issue. cheers.
  10. Hey Xaranth, I suppose to start with the easiest thing. As an example can i change an NPC to be an Enclave soidier?
  11. Hi, can some point me a in the right direction. Im learning to use the GECK and all i want to do is replace an in game NPC with a different one. Simple! I've seen the Vids and the GECK tutorial etc to create a new NPC, but i thought if i could replace one and get it to show up in game it would be a start. Theo
  12. That would be great, i couldn't get it to work, i got confused :wacko:
  13. Ok, i will give you a step by step account of what i did. I made a backup copy of \XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComGame.upk. I ran the XCOM ToolBoks 0_10Beta application. The GUI was displayed and i changed the settings, ticked the enable free rotation & ticked remove overwatch & hunker down delay. Then pressed apply changes. Downloaded XSHAPE Extracted the patcher which says "patcher", Windows Batch File to main game folder, and then ran it. And got the errors: Can't find the Modpatcher? Can't find Java? Edit: The Game then wouldn't load at all, so i put my back up copy of XComGame.upk. into the CookedPCConsole folder and it worked again. As mentioned i've got Java installed for the Warspace Mod which works fine. I have no other Mods installed. Theo
  14. Ok, i might be missing something on the forum. Is it the Mod patcher i need to edit the files? Theo
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