Yo, I dont know if this is the right categorie for what I want, pls dont lynch me if its not. I have a mod installed that raises the maximum number of settlers that I can have in a settlement. So I sent the majority of my settlers to Sanctuary and now I have the following issue. They dont pursue their daily chors properly anymore. I mean, the numbers of food etc. are still all right but the settlers rarely go to their assigned locations. They just stand on the main road, walk 2 meters, wait for 5 minutes, walk another 2 meters, wait again, remember they left the stove on, turn around and walk 2 meters, wait again and so on. If you want me to show a clip for evidence, just say so. Im assuming that they have a problem reaching their destinations because in their heads the way is blocked when in reality its just not wide enough for a brahmin to pass through anymore, sort of in a sims like style.But thats just a loose assumption I made based on my observations so it might not be true. I have a mod installed that removes some of the spots where settlers start to hammer the wall randomly to pretend they are working, if that has anything to do with it. If anyone cares, I currently have 38 settlers in sanctuary (are followers included in that number? If not, codsworth and cait are also in sanctuary) and the only ones that seem to reach their workplaces are guards and the barber. Is there a mod that fixes that/helps with that or a different solution? Thanks in advance and have a good one.