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  1. Recently I lost a lot of data form my hard drive including all my installed mods. My save files were spared (thank god) and now I'm trying to retrace which mods I had installed. Is it possible to see all mods that were used in a specific save file?
  2. This actually looks really promising. Thanks man!
  3. Yo, I dont know if this is the right categorie for what I want, pls dont lynch me if its not. I have a mod installed that raises the maximum number of settlers that I can have in a settlement. So I sent the majority of my settlers to Sanctuary and now I have the following issue. They dont pursue their daily chors properly anymore. I mean, the numbers of food etc. are still all right but the settlers rarely go to their assigned locations. They just stand on the main road, walk 2 meters, wait for 5 minutes, walk another 2 meters, wait again, remember they left the stove on, turn around and walk 2 meters, wait again and so on. If you want me to show a clip for evidence, just say so. Im assuming that they have a problem reaching their destinations because in their heads the way is blocked when in reality its just not wide enough for a brahmin to pass through anymore, sort of in a sims like style.But thats just a loose assumption I made based on my observations so it might not be true. I have a mod installed that removes some of the spots where settlers start to hammer the wall randomly to pretend they are working, if that has anything to do with it. If anyone cares, I currently have 38 settlers in sanctuary (are followers included in that number? If not, codsworth and cait are also in sanctuary) and the only ones that seem to reach their workplaces are guards and the barber. Is there a mod that fixes that/helps with that or a different solution? Thanks in advance and have a good one.
  4. Hm, okay I tried opening some to see if they cose after some time. I dont know what I did wrong. Maybe I was already in the institute when I loaded that mod, not sure tho. But thanks for your help anyways. Have a nice one :smile:
  5. @DieFaM I tried again after I did what you suggested, this time the script showed up. But still no effect ingame. It asked me to add properties to the script after saving but I left it blank, does that have anything to do with it? Here's what I mean: And thats the ref collection alias window: Thanks for not losing patience yet btw.
  6. Thank you, but no. Auto Doors is for Settlements. I want the Institute Doors to auto close. But thanks anyways
  7. I did as you said but when I clicked ok on "add new script" there was some kind of error message that said something about papyrus error. Now the script doesnt show up anywhere but when I try to create a new one with the same name it says its already existing.
  8. First of all, thanks for your help and your quick response. I've followed your steps up to the third and I couldnt figure out what script what exactly you mean. Here's what I found: Sry If it's obvious, I'm a little bit overwhelmed.
  9. Yo, I wanted to edit the slide the doors in game like those in the Institute to open/close automatically when someone comes near them, but I dont even understand how to edit them at all. Thats the door I found in the creation kit. I tried checking the "Automatic Door" box but it just resulted in an infinite black loading screen when coming close to it (or at least long enough 'till I lost patience and hit alt+f4). I would already be satisfied if they just closed a couple of seconds after being opened manually. Also I have no clue how scripting works though, so that might be the issue. But if its not, can anyone help me? Would be much appreciated. Oh and whilst where at it, can anyone recommend any tutorials that are less about adding stuff (npcs, houses etc) and more about changing the already existing? Dont necessarily need to be videos. Thanks in advance and cheers, Tinislav
  10. Yo, I'm fairly new to modding, in fact I only watched like 45 mins of basic tutorials and messed around with the Creation Kit a little bit. I'm not a native speaker so please excuse some mistakes. I hope the topic title is not misleading, I wanted to choose a universal one. Plus I avoided forums until now so I have no idea how you guys handle things round here, please be gentle. All I wanted to do is make it possible to send brahmin from one settlement to another like you can do with settlers. So I found the NPC "workshopbrahmin" and tried to edit it. It had the "workshopnpcscript" so I opened that and set "bAllowMove" to true, since the documentation string said that would make it possible to move between settlements. Thats about everything I did. I saved the .esp in the Data Folder and enabled it via Nexus Mod Manager but when I walk up to a Brahmin in game and open the workshop mode nothing has changed. There is no "Press R to Move" Dialoge or something like that. What did I do wrong? Did I forget something? Or does it only work for fresh spawned brahmin? If it matters (because I saw that in some tutorials): When I open the Actor Window of the "workshopbrahmin" I can't edit much, the majority of boxes is grey and the Warnings Dialog says "DEFAULT: Could not enable form editing on combo box." I already heard that you can ignore the majority of these warnings but I thought I'd post it anyway in case it makes a difference. Here's a screenshot of what I ment with the grey boxes: Help would be much appreciated :*
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