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Posts posted by Melphist

  1. I saw a lot of alternative models for the werewolf transformation on the Nexus, but most mods with them either add a new transformation or totally replace the actual werewolf transformation, which either messes with immersion or other mods like Werewolf Mastery (which i really like). I dunno how much effort this would require, but wouldn't it be possible to switch out the model of the transformation via an MCM menu, so you can play different characters with different transformations without changing the replacer everytime? I mean stuff like werelizard or weredragon models if u play an argonian and the like or a werelion/tiger for the different feline races, or even the countless other models out there that have not much in common with a werewolf but i bet lot of people would like them as an option for fun or to play a custom race where it would make sense (robots, apes, sharks, demons).

  2. nah, i don´t think you have to worry bout that, crysis has a solid fanbase (not me, but it´s big enough without me^^) so i don´t think it will fail. And as far as i can see it it fulfills all (realistic) expectations, so it will suceed. Think about need for speed 5, everyone (especially those who actually played it) is nagging bout it, but it´s still selling real good, and the servers are full most of the time (at least that´s what i heard).


    and you really shouldn´t use discs as frisbees, they have feelings too, ya know

  3. whew, there it is again...


    Your save is corrupted, you will have to restart from a former save or start totally new...

    It could be caused by a really stuffed inventory or some weird scripts that conflict with each other.


    eventually you updated a mod that has also corrupted your data, if you find it you may be able to make a cleansave without it and reactivate after that.


    the most common reason for me is in most cases a way too full inventory list, so the game crashes when it tries to save, the more it saves, me higher the probability.

    i don´t think your save can be ...ummm... saved at the current state, but since the game crashes when you change location it definitely crashes with the autosave, so disable autosave and try to store some stuff (if that´s the reason), when you change the location after that you may be able to save again. generally you should´nt use autosave, it often causes trouble with a heavy modded game, it´s better to save manually more often and make multiple saves, that way you always can return to a previous save if something goes wrong.


    did you notice how often i used the word save...?

    ...oh, well...



  4. yeah, remeber Bbens signature line?


    "Sometimes I think we spend more time getting mods to work than we do playing the game - I know I do."


    not only the mods aren´t often working correctly, they can even mess up a lot, i´m pretty sure i dumped FO3 with such stuff ^-^;

    well, i´ll reset my PC anyway in nthe next weeks, then i can start over again -.-

    and till then i play new vegas^^


    and if everything else fails:

  5. it must be the lings version for FO3 since the two veronica mods are building on each other.

    you only need the data folders from the FO3 lings version, the .esm must be replaced by the NV Version.

  6. yeah, that sounds as if the texture for the sky at day isn´t working anymore, maybe it´s corrupted somehow.


    you could try fixing it with this one:




    as long as the game settings or texture path settings aren´t messed up it should help.


    i´m saying this bcuz it has the default sky data with it

    don´t forget the archive invalidation process


    if it´s not working you should think about reinstalling (which i don´t hope that it will be necessary)


    good luck

  7. here are 2 examples that may interest you, but it´s better you look for yourself, there are so many mods that i can´t say what´s best for you cuz i don´t know your taste.





    btw, this is nawt the oblivion forum, it´s the general forum of the nexus sites, and there are five games that are supported by these (Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3, New Vegas, Dragon Age), but i guess you got here via TES Nexus, rite?

  8. i repeat: for what game are you searching such a pack.

    Oblivion, Fallout3, New Vegas, Dragon Age?

    you should best use the search feature provided by the different Nexus sites, especially when it comes to items theres a huge variety of mods.

  9. well, i´m courious bout that too^^

    i can´t imagine they cut out the soul catch feature (and if they do it´s feed for those comments, but it happens anyway), but aside of the soulsnatching and enchanting mysticism was indeed not rly necessary.

    Well, we´ll see when it´s out...DAMN, i´ll have to buy a new PC when Skyrim launches...

  10. would never judge a game by a preview trailer, i always get my Informations from various videogame magazines and after comparing the tests i decide if i buy it or not.

    I´m not gonna buy Crysis 2 now (cuz it´s that kind of game i keep long, so i wait till the price goes down^^) but after all i know it´s pretty good (superpowers, aliens and BFGs, what could you ask more?^^), but i sure play it in 2-3 months or i lend it from a friend.

    tbh i´m not interested in the multiplayerpart, but that´s more bcuz how multiplayer works: you always have those guys with nearly lunatic pride for their "skills", and if you get a kill at ther costs they hunt you down for the rest of the game or even the the next matches...

    well, i´m not saying it´s always like this, but i saw it in MF2 and some other games, not only shooters, take MMORPGs for example, do you have any idea how many clan wars started of "pride"?

    well, ok, i guess that´s a bit off topic here.

  11. yeah , there are so many things that can mess it up...

    FO3 isn´t working for me too, not even FOMM is working for it rite now.

    But i´m playing new vegas anyway at the moment, and i´ll reset my computer completely in the near future, so i just leave it like that for now.

    well, good luck with your game^^

  12. hmm, can rly only assume it´s mod related, try disabling mods one after another, for start you can ignore item mods.

    could be some kind of conflict.

    if you use mods that require FOSE make sure you have the newest version if you have new mods.

    can´t imagine other reasons from here.

    if you want to speed things up disable all mods for now (well, except those absolutely needed for your save, like custom races etc.)

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