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Everything posted by Rixirite
Oops, double post..
Hmm, I will look into that. I believe I did do that, but I will double check and let you know. UPDATE: Yeah it all looks fine, nothing that could go wrong there.. Are there certain flags I need checked within the shader flags 1 and 2? Also, "Has Vertex Colors" is yes, that is ok right? I have not found any good comprehensive definitions of many of these block details, and I find myself often going off tutorials that have older nifskope versions, so everything is different making it hard to follow on.. SECOND UPDATE: Ok, I copied some Block details from steel armor as a reference for the samurai armor. I applied all the settings to the samurai armor and now the game crashes to desktop when armor is equipped. After investigating in creation kit, when ever I open SamuraiArmorAA and select the armor mesh, I get this error in the render window: TEXTURES: BASE meshes\samurai\male\RsSamuraiChestM_1.nif : Tri samuraiarmor 0 is missing an environment map. Ok, so I added a env map common in other armor sets, and that error went away.. But alas, the armor is still invisible on the character. What a headache!
I checked to see if that was the case, but the textures are pointed right into the textures folder within skyrim.
Hey people, I am having a headache trying to figure out WHY my custom armor mod for skyrim isn't working. It is Samurai Armor, and the mesh textures show up in nifskope, and in the Skyrim Construction Kit in the render window when the .nif is selected, the textures are totally visible.. But then when I go to spawn the armor ingame, and wear it there is nothing. All I see when I wear the armor is just my character's head and hands plus whatever he is wearing (sandles in this case.) I don't know where to trace this issue, whether its from Blender3d or Nifskope or possibly the Creation Kit itself? I can't upload the file because it is a port from another game's DLC I own (Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta). There are no crashes in skyrim when the armor is present or worn, just simply invisible meshes. Animations of hands and head work. The mesh is fully rigged.. So what are the options? Thanks. I will submit images of the properties in Nifskope and other utilities if needed. Let me know!
Hey guys, I know that in skyrim you have the Blades armor, but it doesn't look too much like the samurai armor that I have seen. I am not sure if anyone requested this, but I would love to see samurai armor implemented in Skyrim, that is craftable by the player. I am thinking in terms of new meshes, and skins/textures for the mesh. For instance, this armor would be nice: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Hon_kozane_dou_gusoku.jpg Now that I think about it, the old Orcish armor from Morrowind had a heavy influence from Samurai armor. Is anyone up to the task? Thanks.
I am not sure if others had made threads about this before, and I tried searching and came up with no luck. I am new to the Geck in the sense that I have not really done a lot of cell creating and landscape editing.. I also have minimal experience with scripting, however that isn't relevant in this post. I am trying to learn how to utilize Mothership Zeta's view of earth and outer space for use with my own personal space station house. How exactly do you create a "skybox" and place a station inside of it with windows that can overlook outer space? Thanks.
Please, I really need this done for a mod I am working on. I will give credits and kudos to whomever does it.
Hey, I have recently been working on a modern police uniform using the mesh file 1950stylecasual02 outfitm.nif with a retexture. However, the problem is: I cannot get this to work with a female character. For starters, the Mesh is for males only because of the geometry of it. I need someone to make a female version of the male version, not the outfitf.nif because that mesh is different in style. I need the male one converted to a female body for female cop versions so people who have female characters can use it as well. This is too hard of a conversion for me so I can't do it. I need someone else to do it for me, and yes I am sure this request won't be fulfilled but I am just throwing it out there anyways...
Update: I got the textures on the uniform working out. Can anyone tell me how to make the pocket textures with lighting? I want it to look a little 3d. Plus: I need a radio communicator mesh that can be moved to the top left portion of the torso. Paulson's hat from Mothership zeta complements the uniform, but needs to be resized (Smaller). I also need a pistol holster mesh as well. But I don't know how to merge meshes or rig them. So I might need help on that. http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/804/mdspu.jpg
Doesn't anyone else want to patrol the wasteland killing raiders with justice and style? I was wondering if anyone was willing to make a modern cop uniform that features short sleeves, and a Maryland State Police badge and patch. The uniform should be tan, with long olive pants along with a spiral-corded radio communicator, and a weapons holster. Even if you want to just make the mesh and have someone else do the textures is fine, but I really would appreciate it if someone did this. The reason why I want it ingame is because there are tons of modern Fallout 3 mods. Believe me, I love the 50's charm of Fallout but every once in a while I like to modernize the game. http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8356/marylandstatepolice.jpg I don't have a picture of the badge. Here is a picture of the Uniform: http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/8685/fpmdstatepolice051508.jpg
Kudos for you, the Malwarebytes software permanently removed the trojan. I did a registry search to see if it still was there but the trojan is gone. Thanks.
Hey, I was recently on Fallout 3 Nexus browsing for new mods when all the sudden, the web page minimizes to this "WARNING!: Your PC has a Virus! Click here to run a free virus scan!" When I Ctrl + Alt + Delete I noticed an IP address on one of the webpages, perhaps this could help you track down what ever threat has seemed to appear in Fallout Nexus? This could also be a problem on my side, but I sure as hope not. Here is a picture of the task manager showing the pages: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/432/nexuspopup.jpg
Hey, I found a article on how to use the Heightmap editor but the problem I seem to have it figuring out what it will look like. The Geck wiki gives a minimal reading on the Heightmap editor, and the Landscape editor as well. For someone like me, the Geck's heightmap editor is hard to comprehend on how it functions. I understand that the different coloring on the "map" is the height according the color intensity and contrast. But Is there any way to get a realtime preview of the map I am working with? The Landscape editor is somethign I am familiar with, like brushing terrain, etc but the whole camera system designed makes it difficult for me to map. Does anyone have any good guides or tutorials on getting familiar with the Heightmap editor?
If you think of the magnitude of technology in the modern life, it is advanced and dangerous already. As I said before and I will say again: Data mining. Not only is that a problem, but all other technologies that evaporate any pond of privacy. I just think in the Future, Data-mining will become so bad (Advanced) that profiling becomes a major government program. I am no law-breaker, and I don't have any desire to break the law. I don't like convicted criminals who have commited serious crimes, but no matter how much you rationalize how this new technology is "cool" or "safe" it really can be turned against you. I could go all day about this problem, because it exsists and it bothers me to hell. I just think the future will be unsafe for my generation and future ones because of how advanced and powerful technology can really become. Do I look forward to the future? Let history be the judge of that. Then you have your predictions and possible outcomes.
One thing I don't look forward to is the future. Not the next minute, hour, day, or week. I am talking the next few decades. Technology has become so advanced it makes it easier for governments to track, profile, and stop individuals for what ever reason. While the government usually follows the law, the technology can be used against the law when the government goes Blackops. Data mining is generally used by advertising companies to give you advertisments of interest, but the government has the oppertunity to keep information on what they are using secret. So could the government have data-mining capabilities that watch people and collect personal information? Yes. I think there should be a amendment that gets passed that prevents the use of Data-mining both government and private, and also bans the use of repressive technologies from being implemented into government that can stop people easier.
Here are my assumptions and predictions: Remember that many factors can come into play when answering your questions. Political changes, Common sense changes, Moral changes, Scientific changes, etc. But I will keep it simple. What will our day to day lives be like? A. The same as it is today with the exception that technology will probably offer different ways to go about the day. What will our families be like? A. Families vary in many factors, it is hard to say what families would be like other than generations would come to life. How will we travel? A. Hovercars could be a possibility, or rail-cars if the government wants to control us more. space ships might be "spaceliners" that take humans to space assuming our space program gets started back up. What music will we have? (OBTW music through brain waves could be a reality.) A. Music has such a wild diversity in the modern era that I don't think there could be a revolutionary change in its trend. Where will we live? A. We could live in space, on the ocean, or on other planets/moons if space programs get incentives. What sports will we play? A. Who knows? Maybe the same sports we have always played or something new. What entertainment will we have? A. Much much more entertainment if technology will continue the way it has been. What energy will we use? A. If humanity is smart, we will use Nuclear power like France. It is clean, safe, and much more efficient than solar power or coal. (A 10 square mile Solar panel farm only has enough to power 14,000 homes.. Not much for such a large amount of land.) What new laws could come into effect? A. Either laws that make individuals more independant, or laws that repress and limit what the individual can do. Honestly, with the way things are headed in today's political world I honestly believe the future might be a nasty place for people to live in, new technologies make it easier for people to be profiled, tracked, and stopped. I will be watching our future carefully.
For a demo? My god. "The year is 2014, all the game companies release demos to get consumers to try thier product, with the charge of 20 USD people can try out a game before they buy it in full retail price. Why does new technology seem repressive rather than cool?
The DRM in Fallout 3 is unnoticable. Its effects are nothing. I play fallout 3 without the disc and without a digital copy, so the game is basically cream gravy.
Technology has made it easier for leaders to watch the people, great examples of this is in China, Venezuela, and Iran. I was so mad when the Patriot act was put into play. Sure, it catches terrorists but in the long run the government could easily use it to repress the people by means of catching secret rebellious plots to overthrow a tyrannical government. On-Star is terrible. While it can cut the power of a car's engine to stop criminals, what if you were running from a corrupt cop or simply running from tyranny? Nobody can truely deny the fact that the internet has Data-mining and some of it is probably the government collecting data on individuals to profile them. Even with Inprivate browsing or other technologies you still leave traces of your activity. I know this sounds geeky, but Mirror's Edge is a good game that gives a good point to what future technology can do to people. Not everyone can run like Faith can however, so are we truely doomed because the government has more control over our lives than we might think? I always wonder if they can collect data of internet activity you did and then send it to a database where a company who is hiring you can then browse your personal life and decide if they want to hire you or not based off your interests on the internet? This would be what some call "Black ops".
Same here, which is why I am not buying UbiSoft titles any longer. I am not buying Bioshock 2 either. Apparently there is a Anti-DRM movement I forget the name of it though. It aims to have game companies drop the draconian DRM. Steam is a form of DRM software that makes sure your game is yours, and no one else can play it. While I like the idea of cutting pirates off, it cannot be done in such a way where the customers who really buy the game suffer. When I really started to get angry about Steam is when I purchased Dawn of War 2 retail. I put the disc in all excited then steam started up and it asked for the DOW2 CD key.. That made me mad. So I entered it in and thought "Whatever" but then before it gets a chance to install Steam says "Our servers are busy at the moment, please wait while they become available."! I became intolerant to this nonsense, but restained myself because I wanted to play the game. So finally a day later, the servers are not "busy" so I install the game through steam, once it was done it took another 15 minutes to patch. I finally started the game thinking that was it.. But it wasn't. I had to create a GFWL (Games For Windows Live) account in order to play the campaign! The campaign is single-player! I don't care about achievements and Cooperative gameplay, yet it required full GFWL access to play the game. The same applies to skirmishes when I want to fight AI. This was the last straw, I threw a fit and wanted a refund but I can't do that because I installed it through steam therefore you cannot "return" a digital copy. I am so fed up with DRM right now I hope the gaming industry crashes like it did in 1983. Nuff' said. There is why Steam is utter fail in my opinion.
But you have to log into steam before you can play offline. Plus steam isn't always working.. It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have to use a third party platform to launch a game I OWN.
Bethesda seems to be the last greatest single-player game developer. Unless of course they go to the draconian DRM as well.
As many of you may already know, DRM is becoming increasingly common among popular game titles like Bioshock 2, Dawn of War 2, COD: MW2, and many other newer releases. Digital Rights Management was designed under the notion that piracy is becoming a big problem in the gaming industry, which is very true. Hacked copies of games and full downloads of retail, and digital titles are obviously around. But is the way that the gaming industry is handling this problem the right cause? Lets take a look at what DRM can do to your gaming experience: 1. Requires continuous online connection to play (Many new titles including UbiSoft ones use this.) 2. Limits the number of installs per a copy (Spore is famous for this issue.) 3. Requires log in to a master server (Dawn of War 2 uses this method.) 4. Requires third party platform to launch the game (Steam is a good example of this.) 5. Can completely stop the game if you lose internet connection (Assassin's Creed 2 is supposed to implement this.) As you can see, these five issues can sever your game if something is to go wrong. Here are some examples of what ifs that can happen: 1. You cannot log into a third-party platform due to connection issues. (Happens to me with steam ALL the time.) 2. You install a game 3 times in the course of 12 months to figure out your disc has become useless. (Spore has this problem, and Bioshock 2 as well.) 3. You cannot connect to the master server for unknown reason to play a single-player game. (Dawn of War 2 has shown these problems.) 4. You buy a game retail to find out it installs through a third-party platform. (Empire: Total War installed steam instead of the game!) 5. Your neighborhood has experienced a nasty storm that wiped out internet connection rendering your game unplayable. (Assassin's Creed 2 does exactly this.) DRM's motive is a lawful conduct. But the way it is being used and implemented derails the whole aspect that you have complete control over your product that you paid for. When I got Spore when it first came out I was angry at the DRM SecuROM for turning my retail disc into a coffee mug coaster. The game had so much potential but I wasn't about to go buy another copy of a game I already own. So DRM in my opinion has a nasty effect on the consumer who buys the product and basically owns it. This, is pure gaming dictatorship and is draconian in my opinion. So what do you think? Yes? No? Maybe? Explain why you think so.
I hate how the Obama Administration will spend almost 1 trillion dollar health care reform that could leave as many as 40~ million uninsured.. Yet they will cut a 300 billion space program budget to nothing. We need real politicians in washington, because all I can see there right now is a circus with a bunch of grifters pickpocketing taxpayers to this stupid healthcare reform. If Washington is going to reform our healthcare they need to do it right..
Problem with Character Movement
Rixirite replied to TheDourDwarf's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Did you edit your Fallout .ini file and set iFPSclamp=0 to iFPSclamp=60? Doing this will cause problems like that. Also I have experienced slower movement when Triple buffering is enabled for some reason.