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Everything posted by dnn00

  1. Dear Nexus admins, please tell me what people who have screen resolution less than 1920*1080 should do? "Trending Mods" look HUGE, while "More Mods" look SMALL. Not just "small", but have layout issues, this has not been fixed since the start of beta (and probably won't be). No, the "buy a better monitor" is not an option, because I have a laptop. I attached screenshots of this problem as soon as the beta started, but it was ignored (like, it's literally a problem with the site layout on small monitors, not a subjective opinion). But as I see it, all other complaints have been ignored too, so it's "okay". Oh, and, of course, I blocked the "Collections" section with adblock IMMEDIATELY.
  2. What's your screen resolution? Mine is 1600*900 and I have the same problem. I wrote about that as soon as this beta came out, but apparently they just don't care about those who don't have the most popular screen resolutions
  3. I'd like to leave a few things I didn't like: - Too much empty space(yeah, a lot of people have already written about this); - I'd like to have the option to hide collections for those who don't use them; - Some parts of the new interface are too big, while some other parts are too small. "Trending Mods" are too big, and the regular mod list is too small. I'll attach a screenshot, I'm not sure if this is the way it's intended or a bug? Or is it because of my screen resolution (1600*900 and I can't do anything about it since it's a laptop)?
  4. I don't like that mods are now sorted by default by "most downloaded" and media by "most viewed". I want the "most recent" sorting back, or at least an option like that in the settings (just like we can customize the sorting in search in the settings). I agree with all the people who say that everything in the profile is too big. I would like the elements to be smaller (mods, media), but their number on the page would be more. Avatar and "banner"(or rather, emptiness instead of banner). If you choose to make them larger, it should make sense. For example, being able to upload larger avatars(because right now they look blurry) and being able to upload a picture to the banner. Bring back the normal display of dates (like "01 Nov 2023" instead of "4 months ago") and the display of the badge of already downloaded mods/mods that are available for update. It's just more informative.
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