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  1. OK. Well, I can't and I'm done. Luckily, I have a Flickr and my own blog. Mods can end this thread. Thanks
  2. Still log jammed. Page served in0.035s [of01] Page served in 0.035s [of01]
  3. Anyone else unable to upload to the image share?
  4. All info is found here. Binaries DL, and info in forums. http://enbdev.com/
  5. Believe you’re looking for “Tribunal Robes”
  6. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/771842-copyright-and-you/
  7. Aemer's Refuge might fit the bill - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4751
  8. If she doesn’t have them on her blog, no.
  9. In one of the SG Hairpakcs. You'll need your Google-Fu....
  10. Surprisingly I haven't seen many scarves like that. This is the only one I remember seeing: http://modtype.doorblog.jp/archives/20128618.html Thanks for the tip. It turned out there was one in the Osari Maid outfit package, of all things. UNP Stylish Pirate also has one, though it doesn't fit with as many outfits, since it's designed to go over the pirate outfit collar. thanks for that! the maid one will work for me...tho i can't believe there's not more options for neckerchiefs ir rolled bandana type neck thingys. Fallout had a bunch (tho most were too big and triangular. but w/ neck seams such an issue in skyrim, u'd think there's be more neckerchiefs. Mook - Check the Apachii Divine Elegance mod - some neckerchiefs in that too.
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