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About swoopfl

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  1. Hi! Do you think it's possible to add a mod so what ever weapon the player decides to use, his rifle will still be visible on his back? Unless of course he decides to use a rifle. Same goes for a pistol, should always be visible unless you use a gun, then you should only see the holster.
  2. Cosm1cGam3r I agree with just about everything you've said from realistic games to various weapons. It's most players just want a quick arcade combat like you said, press the button it goes BOOM! Really awesome to see i'm not alone wanting something similar :) I've been yearning for YEARS for a game that lets you cock the hammer, check the chamber, properly verify a magazine, and I can count on my fingers of all the games that forfills my request. STALKER is a much better fallout experience in my opinion (withs mods) and it even has proper weapon management. Fallout isn't the only game with insane reloading speeds, just look at call of duty. Cosm1cGam3r already stated several instances where you had to do verify each magazine and what purpose it serves. But i'm a pistol marksman my self in life, and you have to know exactly how many bullets you've fired or how many there's in a magazine, this have nothing to do with soldiering, it's just proper weapon management. Regardless of the genre, any game with proper reloading/weapon system makes a much better experience, well immersion for me. Did I fire all of my rounds, what type of weapon is the enemy using, 7.62 or 5.56? Is that an ak I hear? etc etc <--- great gaming experience Sorry for typos it's very later over "here".
  3. Thanks for the reply :) Yeah I figuered as much regarding the animations. By magazine I simply meant instead of checking the HUD on how much bullets are remaining you'd eject the magazine instead and visually confirm just like real life. It's such a shame there's only a handful games that really cares on proper weapon management. Thanks
  4. Hi! Is it possible to slown down the insane weapon reloading in this game? I mean it's redicolous how fast the player can reload an assault rifle. Also is it possible to make the weapons more realistic? Like when they reload it's like in reality (slow) and you cock the hammer/check the slider etc. Is it possible to check magaizines instead of using a digital number? Is this possible at all :) Thanks
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