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  1. Does anyone know which mod unlocks all face parts (eyes, noses, brows, mouths) for all human races? I swear, I've seen it. I've checked every keyword, I've scrubbed my history, but I can't remember what the heck it's called or what it's filed away under :wallbash:
  2. Man, you'd think then that the Aldmeri Dominion would push for some less universally awful armor like glass or something. Of course, I guess the same could be said for the Empire. >.>
  3. So I may a nitpicky SOB for thinking about this, but what's the lore of Elven gear in-game? Is it purely Thalmor or is it partially Ayleid? when I first saw that it existed in the pre-release screens I was kind of weirded out; I thought there would be Ayleid ruins around. But obviously there aren't, and it still leaves me wondering where the hell all the elven armor and weapons are coming from, and who designed the god-awful texture scheme they have. I got that modded that out so fast. :wallbash:
  4. It seems really weird and kind of over-reactive to take the whole mod down...I mean I liked the mod, I thought he was adding some weird, lore breaking, game breaking elements, and the translations were...quite frankly, atrocious. But the mod did add significant challenge, an element I desperately needed. I would've liked to see where he was going with the potential this mod had...because even though it was by no means fully realized, it was an astoundingly broad effort, one of the best so far. Honestly, my whole range of feelings about this situation is one enormous shoulder shrug. It wasn't a mod I'll miss terribly, and it's not one that won't be retrieved and replaced eventually.
  5. We all remember the sheer epicness of the traditional Bethesda expansion packs. Well. Hopefully MOST of us remember. Morrowind had Bloodmoon and Tribunal, Oblivion had Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. Fallout had....well, not much, but it still had entire new worlds to explore. Not quite as epic as its Elder Scrolls counterparts, but still deserving of a mention. Skyrim holds...so. Insanely much. For the overly-observant fan, a hundred and one possible connections to potential expansion material can be made. The number one being a revolution against the Thalmor. I pray to Kyne nightly that it will lead us into the lands of Hammerfell to assist the Redguard in their fight against the Thalmor as well. Exploring the Khaajiti lands is also a hopeful possibility, as well as a revisit to previously produced Elderscrolls lands. I'm also partial to the idea of a quest to seek out the fate of the Nerevarine in Akavir, but I know how unlikely that one is. What are your ideas? As a community, I think it would be truly awesome if we could influence the developers with our concepts and hopes. It may not be likely, but I want to know what everyone else hopes for, regardless. And who knows, maybe some ideas for immersion mods detailing further the adventures of the Dovahkiin will be tossed around or conceived.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there TC mods for Oblivion that are STILL under development? Nehrim and...that Russian one...but yeah, Skyrim has been out for...what...5 months? Ish? Give it time. As for me, there are some skyrim mods that have me continuously pissing my girlish, fur, trouserless kilt with sheer, unadulterated Nordic glee.
  7. I've been doing testing for the last couple days and I can conclude that most house mods are causing major CTDs as of the 1.5 patch. Does anyone know why this would be? It's bumming me out. All my other mods seem to be working just fine but stuff that even SORT OF alters player property is causing weird CTDs.
  8. Azrael Azuresky (Nord, and it's sky, not ski), Dwemer Airship Captain and cooking extraordinaire.
  9. Not an expert or trying to be an alarmist, but the last time I got stuff like that, my card overheated and died... Can you provide some more pictures? I just want to see if there are any common elements occurring.
  10. Hit Print Screen or Prt Scrn or whatever on your keyboard. Ctrl-V to a picture editor like MS paint. Crop out the right side of NMM and display your mod or plugin list. Also, this is not uncommon since 1.5. They created a crap ton of crashes when in conflict with mods, so just hang in there while the community sorts it out. Try taking all your stuff out of your house(s) then disable any plugins that may have anything even remotely related to the changing of player housing. That includes city structure changes. Not retexturing, but actually adding/removing stuff to the interiors. See if that solves any of the crashes at all. Edit: SOME modded in homes seem to be ok. Im playing the Asteria Dwemer Airship mod from steam with no problem but I get Fast Travel CTDs with The Reserve and Dovakhiin Sanctuary Temple.
  11. I got to a point of stability by going to vanilla and then just...batch testing until the crashes stopped. If it crashes in vanilla something is WRONG. If you have advanced characters....then I dunno. Hopefully none of your gear or anything will be lost if that's the case. I was lucky, I started a new character after taking a long hiatus.
  12. Then that leaves me scratching my head in confusion. And honestly, yeah, I feel ya there. Not really convinced of the functionality of the steam workshop just yet. But I know since 1.5 came out, a truck load of crash issues cropped up. Have you attempted reinstalling yet?
  13. Steam or Nexus mods? I need to change my answer because as soon as I began disabling my Steam mods, it started working ok again. I can't see a solid pattern yet, but so far all my Nexus mods are alright, but several of my Steam plugins cause it to crash on fast travel. It's nothing to do with saves. EDIT: Oh, and don't quote me on that, I have yet to do extensive play-testing. Basically my ability to fast travel is back. I haven't tested the Steam mods that are left to see if they work without flaw. Also, can I just say how epic it is to be able to fast travel again? I mean Morrowind was awesome, but holy crap, walking everywhere with random spawn mobs that can have their massive quivering wangs gouging neat holes in your cranium is such an enormous hassle.
  14. What kind of crashes? Crashing when? What do you do just before it crashes? Something to try in order to test a problem I'm having (yes, I'm having crash issues as well,) try playing with a hard save only. Turn off all auto-saves and don't quicksave. See if that works and let me know. I crash after fast travel unless my last save game was a hard save. -.- Thanks, Skyrim.
  15. I think the general consensus that it's house mods is correct. As soon as I deleted all the mods that might even REMOTELY edit the mesh structure of a house, it works fine...Detailed Cities and Outskirts = both no, but Sexy Whiterun v3 is ok. It only changes the textures. The Marriage Mod (WIP) too, it seems...not sure why. A couple others like Breezehome Light Fix, but...besides that, modded in houses seem ok. It's stuff that changes vanilla housing that messes it up. It should be noted that all the mods I have that I disabled were from Steam. I got the Sexy Cities from Nexus and I'm running them with NMM.
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