We all remember the sheer epicness of the traditional Bethesda expansion packs. Well. Hopefully MOST of us remember. Morrowind had Bloodmoon and Tribunal, Oblivion had Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. Fallout had....well, not much, but it still had entire new worlds to explore. Not quite as epic as its Elder Scrolls counterparts, but still deserving of a mention. Skyrim holds...so. Insanely much. For the overly-observant fan, a hundred and one possible connections to potential expansion material can be made. The number one being a revolution against the Thalmor. I pray to Kyne nightly that it will lead us into the lands of Hammerfell to assist the Redguard in their fight against the Thalmor as well. Exploring the Khaajiti lands is also a hopeful possibility, as well as a revisit to previously produced Elderscrolls lands. I'm also partial to the idea of a quest to seek out the fate of the Nerevarine in Akavir, but I know how unlikely that one is. What are your ideas? As a community, I think it would be truly awesome if we could influence the developers with our concepts and hopes. It may not be likely, but I want to know what everyone else hopes for, regardless. And who knows, maybe some ideas for immersion mods detailing further the adventures of the Dovahkiin will be tossed around or conceived.