Hi! I'm trying to downsize the cheat terminal to my needs and all was good until I decided I wanted the merchant back. I created an npc called Merchant (very original..) and it's ID is aaMerchant. I put a BoS T51 and 15.000 caps in his inventory. So the next logical move ws to make a new line in the terminal with the Item Resut Script of: forceterminalbackaaMerchantRef.sbm or forceterminalbackaaMerchantRef.showbartermenu But it does nothing. If I use the code: player.placeatme aaMerchant it creates a copy of him next to me and if I use sbr or showbartermenu on him, I can get him to trade with 15.000 caps and nothing else in his inventory just as wanted to. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to place him somewhere in the world or do I have to create a script? And also, is there a simple tutorial?