Hello fellow modders and mod users. I am truly sorry for those modders out there who thought to have earned a deal with B&V, but got screwed in the end. What I want to tell you, as briefly as possible, is that I am a fellow modder of this huge community, and I think paid mods is actually a good idea, on the following conditions: 1. If we want, we can keep our mod free 2. We can also ask for donations 3. We get more than a meager 25%, let's say 60%. I find it almost insulting to have been proposed a "take it (25%) or leave it" deal. I think B&V knew it well, and while I think they truly did not know what they were doing, they thought they could make that kind of deal and get away without any problem. Modders diserve to be paid, especially those who put more than like 1000 hours on their work, if they wish to, but they clearly diserve more than a meager 25%. B&V do not make 75% of the mod. They do not diserve such a share. So what we can do as the modder community is unite and negotiate terms with B&V (mostly B I guess). Paid mods will be back, and we have to learn from the recent events to organize ourselves, or we'll get screwed another time. Other suggestion: Taleword's approach about mods has been way more convinving and positive than Bethesda. They hired a crew who made one of the best mods ever out there (creators of Bryttenwalda for M&B Warband) and those guys made Viking Conquest, an amazing mod that currently costs 15$. And it's worth it. Even if you won't play, I know lots of people who just bought it to support the modders and the effort to make a bridge between developpers and modders. And maybe Brytenwalda's team got only 25% from the sales, but they were hired by the devs themselves! So yeah, we gotta unite and talk about that if we want to get the best out of it. Modders of the world, unite!