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  1. Hey guys thanks for the tips, it helped me to get the grass back on. However I still have lots of grass on roads especially near Falkreath with Origins of the Forest. Any idea how to reduce it a bit?
  2. Wow it looks pretty cool! It's weird because it never comes up when seraching for "valkyrie" in Nexus search. Thanks for the link! It was hard to believe that no one had made one tbh...
  3. There is no great Valkryie armor mod. No way. Not after 9 years! Can't believe it. Anyone would like to make a beautiful, not skimpy, Valkyrie armor, maybe inspired by Lenneth's armor? https://static.zerochan.net/Lenneth.%28Valkyrie.Profile%29.full.297828.jpg
  4. No, this is the mod I mentionned in my 1st post. This mod just tweaks the vanilla step sounds. Even with that mod, they still feel clunky and "old". I'm talking about a mod who would replace those awkward with to realistic ones, a bit like this:
  5. Every time I travel by horse, which means a lot,I get terribly upset hearing those 10 year old crappy sounds (even with the popular Improved horse step sounds, which is only a small improvement imo). It just makes the game sound horribly old, especially if you've played RDR 2 or Bannerlord. I would love if someone could replace these unimmersive and very poor quality horse step sounds into more realistic ones, that feel "heavier". I'm amazed, with the vast qty of mods out there, that no one tackled this issue. Pleeeaaase! Anyone?
  6. I totally agree, it's a shame no one still made a mod for this. Maybe down the time to 2 hours. It really breaks immersion for me.
  7. In response to post #24776169. #24776324, #24777034, #24777279, #24777629 are all replies on the same post. I mod because I think I can make the game a little bit better. I first do it for myself, and if people like my mod, cool. Being aknowledge for your work is always good though, whether it's a kind comment or money. Of course, if it's money, it's a bit better depending on how much time (hundreds or even thousands of hours) you put into your mod. And if you do that, you don't want a meager 25% - and you don't want to give 75% of your work's value to someone who just "make it happen". I personally think modders should not oblige people to buy their mods, but if they ask for money, they should receive more than just 25%.
  8. Hello fellow modders and mod users. I am truly sorry for those modders out there who thought to have earned a deal with B&V, but got screwed in the end. What I want to tell you, as briefly as possible, is that I am a fellow modder of this huge community, and I think paid mods is actually a good idea, on the following conditions: 1. If we want, we can keep our mod free 2. We can also ask for donations 3. We get more than a meager 25%, let's say 60%. I find it almost insulting to have been proposed a "take it (25%) or leave it" deal. I think B&V knew it well, and while I think they truly did not know what they were doing, they thought they could make that kind of deal and get away without any problem. Modders diserve to be paid, especially those who put more than like 1000 hours on their work, if they wish to, but they clearly diserve more than a meager 25%. B&V do not make 75% of the mod. They do not diserve such a share. So what we can do as the modder community is unite and negotiate terms with B&V (mostly B I guess). Paid mods will be back, and we have to learn from the recent events to organize ourselves, or we'll get screwed another time. Other suggestion: Taleword's approach about mods has been way more convinving and positive than Bethesda. They hired a crew who made one of the best mods ever out there (creators of Bryttenwalda for M&B Warband) and those guys made Viking Conquest, an amazing mod that currently costs 15$. And it's worth it. Even if you won't play, I know lots of people who just bought it to support the modders and the effort to make a bridge between developpers and modders. And maybe Brytenwalda's team got only 25% from the sales, but they were hired by the devs themselves! So yeah, we gotta unite and talk about that if we want to get the best out of it. Modders of the world, unite!
  9. Eehhff... I got some problems too. My game was working fine. Then I cleaned the master files, following Gopher's video, then I cleaned other mods. Now my game freezes every 10 seconds, and LOOT tells me Dawnguard.esm needs to be cleaned. If I try to clean it up with TES5 Edit (again), when I quit the program to save the file, it tells me "unable to rename the file dawnguard.esm - cannot save" ...
  10. Hi Sam, I love your mods, and I would have liked to PM you, but your inbox seems full and I can't, unfortunately. I hope you don't consider this as spamming your thread since I think it's important. I'm speaking on behalf of the Immersive Settlements team (you might know of this mod). There's Pymous, the main and the "father" modder, donuts and me working on NPCs, dialogues, Voice acting, and that's it for now. Now, I know you seem to be busy, but I still want to ask you: we're looking for an Interior Designer. We had found one, but she unfortunately had to quit (just before starting working on the project). So, I've been looking for another one, and I found your mods pretty interesting. For now, we've mainly added basic villager houses or shops. Their interiors are quite the most simplistic ones - while some of them don't have any interior at all. But it'd be fun to make each one of them look unique. That's where you would come in handy. This project would not take a lot of your time for now. Eventually (we're talking months from now), we will add small quests and would need your help - if you would and could, of course. I hope you're interested and available, Please PM me to let me know what you think asap Good luck with your projects Regards Tsewe
  11. Really useful thread here. Thanks to you Hotemochick1992 for starting it!
  12. All right, thanks, but isnt there a risk that other mods might use scripts with the same names? Isn't there a way to rename those scripts to avoid this? From my experience, the less scripts you have (especially from mods), the better - or am i wrong? I'll try making one single script, and let you guys know about it...
  13. So iit should work if you only type in akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu() in the "script box (in the same page as the conditions, etc)? But this way, won't the CK create a new script for each Trade Line?? which would result in for example 6 scripts for 3 merchants with 2 lines each? Or do we need to create a new script, then type in only akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu() so we can use thereafter the same script for al the merchants?
  14. You actually need to create a SEQ file to avoid this bug. Then, all custom voiced NPCs will work anytime!
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