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About KellenWolf

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  1. can someone give me some idea or direction or idea on how this is done? Is it as easy as changing a couple numbers in GECK or is it more involved?
  2. If I just wanted to tweak some of rex's stats how difficult would it be? Is it as simple as going into geck, and upping his DT a couple points, hitting save and renaming/activating .esp in FOMM? Or is it much, much more invovled? mind you I'm not trying to turn him into a tank, just want him a little more survivable given his running headlong into a fight despite being told to wait and be passive.
  3. Ok..this is a head scratch er.. I also went ahead and tried the blue, and grey retex..none of them are working. my file path is exactly as it should be..steam>steamapp>FNV>data>textures>creatures>nvede. this is the only mod that I have that does anything to ed-e. And as I said in my OP, when I veiw ed-e in GECK, he is using the modded textures..so I don't get why there is a 'disconnect' in regards to the textures when it comes to in-game.
  4. any other ideas? could it be that there is no .esp to activate with this mod? I looked at a re-texture of 'Rex' and that came with an .esp.
  5. Thank you for the reply, but as I said in my OP, the textures are all in the place they are supposed to be..exactly as you wrote in your post.. Also as I stated in my OP I tried the achive-invalidation toggle before posting..these things didn't work.
  6. 15 views and noone has any idea how I can fix this, or why it's not working? Thats a lil disappointing
  7. DL'd and followed the instructions to install this mod: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=36493 . A simple retex of ED-E . However it did not change it's texture ingame, I double checked that the files were where they should be: \data\textures\creatures\nvede. They are. I looked at ED-E in GECK , and in the 'model preview' it shows ED-E using the 'black re-textures' that I had DL'd and installed..but no-joy with the actual ingame companion. I can follow simple instructions, and the fact that in GECK it shows ED-E with the new textures, tells me that I didn't mess up the install. So what happened and how do I fix the disconnect between what is in game and what is in GECK? I even tried toggling archive invalidation on/off Thank you for any and all help with this issue. -KW
  8. I don't see why it wouldn't be. I was running FOMM with the mods I'd DL'd fine back in Dec.. I know there have been some patches and such between then and now, which STEAM should have DL'd and installed, and according to the the read me file in NVSE_2_beta9, (which is the latest version of FOMM I could find on their site), you just copy the .dll and .exe files to my fallout NV directory, which is in the Steam\steamapps\common folder. Which I've done.
  9. ok..I'm comming back to the game after not playing since dec. I just now DL'd all the DLCs and when I click on FOMM I get this msg: "you have an unkwn version of fallout. pls check http//nvse.silverlock.org to make sure you're uing the lastest version of NVSE.(version= 00010004000020D)"...I've been to silver lock and DL'd nvse_2_beta9 which is the latest I can find. If I start the game through steam, I get the same msg, but the game will start, however most of my mods don't run. I am running Vista. I am not tech savvy..just a gamer any help would be very much apprieciated! Thank you, -KW
  10. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35014 Ok I'm still trying to figure out why I seem to be the only one not able to get this to work, maybe if I describe it you can help me..I'll be brief as I can: I DL the file to my desktop, then use win.rar to extract the data folder to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas I then go to documents>my games> FalloutNV> falloutPrefs, I find the uHUDcolor..which is about halfway down the list, I change the number,(read only is UNchecked), I hit save and close it I start steam, select my game and load my saved game..and nothing has changed..it's still the default hud. I go back to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas..I click on the fallout new vegas folder and the folder under 'Data' in the list is 'HUD amber' and below that is a folder named 'Redist' I go back to the falloutprefs file and it has reverted to the original number. I'm not a mod ninja..but the directions were pretty straight forward and easy to follow, I even created a folder inside of the \common\fallout new vegas\Data folder with C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\ArchiveInvalidation.txt with textures/Interface/interfaceshared0.dds as txt document in it. As suggested. ideas?
  11. be warned if you have windows7 or vista UAC will tapdance all over your face if you've installed steam into this directory UAC HATES user mods. Well, either a) turn off UAC, or b) move steam.exe and the steamapps folder somewhere else and then double click steam.exe. Problem solved. 99.99762% of all "mods don't work" posts throughout this entire forum still have this problem as the root cause Which is the root cause? That they turned off UAC, (which I don't know what that is), and moved steam.exe and the steamapps folder somewhere else and then double click steam.exe. OR that they didn't? There is a simple HUD change mod that I cannot get to work that does not have an .esp, and I have steam and all that in C:\program files.
  12. title says it all..can somone make some cool tribal tats for the PCs? Somthing like Mike Tysons tribal that he has by his eye.
  13. Hello all I upgraded my video cards to 2 GTX 295s, and started FOMM up, (had'nt played in a while), got a message that said 'detected new settings running game in high'. I started the game up and now it's in wide screen mode..black space above and below the picture..I went to graphics settings and couldn't find anyway to change the resolution..just shaders, textures etc. My desktop is running at 1920x1080 in SLI..how do I change the resolution so I can get it back to normal full screen and not have everything 'crunched and elongated'..kinda like playing the game through a fishbowl now.
  14. Hiya all you hard workin modders! I haven't seen many(any), request for a user interface tweak. Is it possible to make it so that you can stack the action bar? For example instead of have one that goes all the way across the bottom of your screen, (by mid/end game), to stack it in say..rows of 10 for example: ############## ############## vs. ############################## just a little better way to keep skills/spells organized, for rogues, want your archery attacks in the top row, and your melee rogue skill in bottom, or warrior, keep sustained skills separate from attacks etc. just an thought I had, from other games, where you could customized the UI somewhat.
  15. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/2...-1238622023.jpg if these could be put over from obliv. that would be great..would be nice to have some elven looking weapons..with the right scale instead of the giant longswords that look like they should be 2Handers.
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