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Everything posted by triveck

  1. Hello! So I am a huge fan of the Duskfang Dawnfang sword, they've added it to skyrim and I bought it because I love it. Id love to be able to dual wield it...but none of the duplication tricks work on it. Was wondering if someone would be willing to just throw a copy or 2 of the sword in a chest and then export the mod to PS4 for me so I can dual wield them there! Thanks for atleast considering!
  2. I have Immersive Weapons and I do love it! Thanks though :D
  3. I've noticed there are no Hooksword mods out there for Skyrim! I think they would be a good addition to the game, add them to a Level list and such. Ive taken a few pics of hookswords and I'll post on this as well, If you'll notice there are different designs, this could be utilized to be different types of HookSwords Ingame such as Deadric, Iron, Steel, Dwarven, etc, The fancier ones being Deadric because they just seem more Deadric(y) to me lol. But of course its all up to the mod creator! I would love to see this done though! I requested Hookswords on Oblivion long ago and someone made them and they looked really good! WIth the capabilities of modders today I think this could be a fantastic and amazingly detailed mod! I hope some other people agree with me and we can get this done! http://th00.deviantart.net/fs7/PRE/i/2005/196/0/9/Chinese_Double_Hook_Swords_by_Slalomsk8er.png
  4. I do beleive that that is a cute elf face hope you find it xD :thumbsup: -Triveck
  5. I think what you should do is call the police of that area and inform them of what he has done...seing as hacking is very much illegal..then im pretty sure that police will straighten out the little skript kitty.
  6. ok...this was my first time ever using CS..so um...you just spoke another language to me... xD
  7. ok well, after 2 hours of finding and changing everything i needed to change...i went to save it and it started saving..then i dont know if it saved all the way or not, because it popped up "Construction Set has encountered a problem and needs to close, we are sorry for th inconvenience" well i proceded to activate the ESP that i just saved, and loaded the game...all the people were in their regular gear...? where did i go wrong? they all still had their normal stuff...i really dont wanna go and do all that again... -Triveck
  8. ok i will give it a try, thanks! i will post how it went when i am finished !
  9. Ok, well, i reqested a few days ago for someone to replace the Battlehorn Men-at-arms armor with armor from Nexxon's altair gear..well i would like to try it myself since it seems no one else will. So it would be really nice if anyone could maybe help or walk me through doing it as it will be my first project..and i really dont want to mess anything up and i would just prefer to have someone who knows what they are doing walking me through the process.. My MSN is [email protected] if you want to contact me via MSN umm you can private message me, or you can just post here and ill keep an eye on this post...but once again it would be really nice if anyone could help me do this please and thanks :thumbsup: -Triveck
  10. Now that is not true, a mace can peirce armor esier than a blade yes, but that is only becuase it takes no skill, you just swing and bash...a truely skilled blade fighter wearing the same armor as a mace fighter would easily take the battle whith his quick and agile steps and swings, and with the proper sword it would take no more than 1 or 2 swings to completly pull out all of the loopholes in an opponents armor..the straps, the unarmored areas, its not that hard you just have got to know what to do. Now im trained in melee combat, and i do not only favor swords im just saying that armor helps, but not all that much..the weapon, does not help all that much..it is the fighter behind the weapon that makes each and ever weapon powerfull, or weak.
  11. ...your going ot have to be a bit more...describing in what you want...a bit nicer to the people instead of just jumping straight to teh point provide some screenies of what you would like...go into some detail and maybe ask... just a few tips and points of mod requsting etiquette :thumbsup:
  12. Yes ive seen it here it is xD : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27110 good luck xD :thumbsup:
  13. IF YOU LIKE THE IDEA PLEASE REPLY! :thumbsup: I just got Battlehorn Castle the other day, i really enjoy it but the steel armor that the battlehorn soldiers wear is kinda boring on my heavily modded game... Can someone please replace the steel armor and weapons with armor and weapons from Nexon's Assassins Creed Altair gear: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19388 All of the basic battlehorn soldiers in white with the syrian sword as their weapon... And the battlehorn castle leader, (i cannot think of his name at the moment), in the Black outfit with the sword of altair And BTW there are 2 versions of the mod, The Heavy armor ESP and the Light armor ESP, i would like to have them in the Heavy armor ESP please. OR, maybe take the Shadow armor from Apachi Hero's store (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22962) and make all the battlehorn Man-At-Arms wear it. the shadow armor, not the shadow outfit. Wich ever one you would like to do, im happy that ayone would even consider^^ thx for your time! Anyone who would be willing to do this for me it would be greatly appreciated. Kudos to the person who does!!
  14. Anyone who would do this would also get my kudos and 5 starts and an e-net cookie, would be nice to have all versions of the gear so my 2 followers can be like my past versions! anyway please anyone who can do this! would be very appreciated! I bet that Nexon could probably do this pretty well Nexon's Altair gear was perfect and i woudl be willing to bet that this gear would be just as good given enough time to do so with it! :thumbsup:
  15. I beleive that they are both amazing in there own way, seeing as they are to completely different games , well different game settings and times, i could not pick beetween either one love them both!!!!
  16. I would like to see the Tider Knight set from the Game Dekaron, i requested it a while back but no one took it up :wallbash: :thumbsup:
  17. Hey, im looking for 1 hand or Sword sheild animations, I have seen DMC but it is more for a quick and agile character not a barbarian^^ so if anyone can maybe send me a custom one or point me in the direction of some good ones then Kudos would be in order! :thumbsup: EDIT: I would also really appreciate anyone that could help me find some backwards swords and stuff like that...thx :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  18. I would go with the hookswords, because they are light and versitile weapons, plus daggers wont do much in the off chance that your theif character gets cought but the hookswords are beast! hope this helps!!!! BTW, wich hooksword mod did you download? :thumbsup:
  19. there are plenty of FF mods out there if your looking for a buster blade just go to the nexus and type in the searc something along these lines: Crisis Core, Buster sword, Cloud...etc :thumbsup:
  20. So, any news? still in complete support of this!!! looks awesome^^ keep me updated pls! :thumbsup:
  21. Thanks a lot Triveck, wanted someone to confirm this for me. :thumbsup: Just to clear things up; say i get the full set @ level 1, i can put in on the pedestal at Lvl 30, it doesnt really matter, it will progress as long as i have gone to a level where it's stats are different? yes, if you get it at level 1 it will stay level 1 until you put it on the pedestal at lvl 30 where it will then become lvl 30^^ with all the stats of it:D
  22. The Crusader armor will level up with you and here is how to do it: Take the armor off and put it all on the stand in the priory. Then take it off and reequip it so if you go from lvl 5 to 10 then do that procedure and it will be lvl 10 also, then do the same with lvl 15 and so no and so forth^^ hope this helped you^^ :thumbsup: -Triveck
  23. yeah thx alot cannot wait for this it looks awesome!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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