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About drakesteele

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Just a couple suggestions for those that are good with this stuff... First, I can't imagine why Bethesda made cowlings to make smooth tops then made all cockpits at the nose or as a shack stuck on top of a ship, when even now, fighter-style cockpits are a smooth curved window over the top of a vessel... Someone needs to make these, please and thank you in advance. And as a side suggestion for small ships, what about a long cockpit with a docker on the top and an exit ramp at the rear left or right, so you can put it right at the front of a ship and use it for all entry and exits? And what about a double-length entry/exit ramp bay so you can have it on the second floor of a ship, like the taller gear, or if you want your ship to sit higher off the ground? Second, I don't know why Bethesda took it away, but the snapping together of furniture from Fallout 4 should be a part of the outpost building... Why is this a feature they took away? It's frustrating as hell to get things lined up, as they rotate so fast, can't snap to a grid, and can't even snap to each other! WTF, Bethesda?! Can someone fix this? Pretty please? Just the frustrations of a long-time Bethesda fan who can see so much potential in the building systems of Starfield, but sees them so nerfed by their creators... ugh. - Drake Steele.
- ship building
- outpost building
(and 2 more)
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Fallout 4 Main Story Rewrite Mod
drakesteele replied to drakesteele's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
It really was just a suggestion, but I have not the skills to mod it myself, much as I would love to; I could really only offer help writing dialogue/plots, and voice acting for any new characters needed for quests... but that's it. But I know plenty of players are a bit disenchanted with the original storyline, and thus the ideas for a rewrite I outlined above. I also like the idea of a side decision the character can come to of whether or not they are a synth tweaking the story, sdding and changing some references and dialogue throughout. Interesting idea. -
Fallout 4 Main Story Rewrite Mod
drakesteele replied to drakesteele's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I didn't think it would be simple. But I figured perhaps there might be some modders who want to re-craft the story and so threw the ideas out there. If they want to take up the gauntlet, I've thrown it down. *shrug* It would be one hell of a challenge but the game I think would certainly be the better for it for anyone playing it after that mod was made. :) -
Ok, guys... this is theoretical, but since you modders have managed to fix most of the issues that Fallout 4 has with the engine, the difficulty levels, the lack of enemy types, etc... what about fixing the main story? After having played it out countless times, I have some ideas about how emphasis could be taken off the search for Shaun, yet keep it relevant, and make the open world aspect more useful and give it a NEED to be explored, rather than just being able to follow the quest markers and ram through it, and having Preston or the Railroad or the Brotherhood, or the Institute throwing radiant quests at you for busywork so rapitly that you don't have time to properly explore between them. Anyone who hasn't played through the game yet, this will all be spoiler territory, so you may want to walk away now. (obligatory spoiler warning given.) FIrst, I think perhaps using existing voice lines and animations to make a longer pre-war intro, getting to know your spouse and the neighborhood a bit more just to make it feel more sudden when it all goes down, and less ... perfectly timed. Start with the trip to the park with Shaun and the spouse, spend a short time, have some neighbors talk to you, etc... maybe a trip to the functioning Red Rocket and into Concord to a store for some Sugar Bombs and milk and something for dinner... an overnight sleep after watching TV together and Codsworth helping with Shaun, then waking up in the morning to find the neighbors outside, and the Vault-Tec rep leading you to the vault, getting you in, but being left behind himself. Bomb drops, Put in fridge, but... you don't WITNESS the death of your spouse. You wake up once and they're gone. You check the logs and find someone opened her pod. That would make the frantic yells while opening the spouse's pod make sense, and lead to a more mysterious why? What happened? Why is my baby gone?! Now, imagine a new mechanic... take the existing lore in the game from the Institute about this "father" person and maybe add some bits in terminals and such about Shaun being this "Father" - none of the crap about not knowing how old he is, you know he was taken, on what date, and what the current year is, so you figure out how long it's been on your own -- protag isn't stupid. But I digress, the new mechanic is a device... perhaps from Doctor Amari, perhaps found on a courser, maybe both so you find it even if you don't meet Amari right away... but a device that can read memories from the gen-1 and getn-2 synths, and do text searches. So you make every dead synth you leave behind a resource. Tech parts for the Automatron robots and crafting supplies should drop and if you use the scanner, you search for Shaun in their memories, and find the relation to "Father" in their heads. Something like "Credentials and Identifiers for key Institute personnel." and in it, Shaun is listed as leader, and a short bio with his absolute authority, date of joining the institute, current age, sex, etc, all listed out. So when you find this record on various synths, protag realizes it's THEIR Shaun. But why is he doing this stuff witht he synths raiding the Commonwealth? And that leads to going after Nick, and using his knowledge of Kellogg to find him, and get an in to the Institute with the whole Virgil/Teleporter lead. Meanwhile, set the arrival of the Brotherhood to happen on a slightly randomized date, putting it so it happens at one of the random encounter points. So the date arrives and you see them show up even if you haven't confronted Kellogg yet, and let their patrols start. Why the hell are they tied to that anyway. Their goal is the kill the institute anyway, and the institute didn't just show up when you killed Kellogg... so screw that. Make 'em show up suddenly and be a more interesting faction. Setting up a presence in the Commonwealth to try to get the technology of the institute and keep it out of everyone else's hands, like good Brotherhood knights should. Railroad likewise should not be forced on the player but work on their own. Perhaps even have the Brotherhood vs. Railroad event at Bunker Hill over the synths in the basement happen without you if you take too long. Make events in the world happen in a slightly randomized timeline on their own, with or without you... Make it feel lived in, and like s*** doesn't only happen when the player is present. The minutemen. My ideas on them are this: save them in Concord, and help them set up in Sanctuary, but no Power Armor/Deathclaw setpiece. Save that s*** for the random encounters later. Perhaps move the armor and minigun, and remove the deathclaw from that scene. Just making it 10 raiders vs. you and Preston should be fine. (and mod the storytelling part for the kids in Vault 81) and once set up, Preston doesn't give you orders. Instead he just asks you to "help anyone you come across that needs a hand" as he does when there's no missions. Then you go help the settlements you come across on your own. They've made it this long, and don't really think the Minutemen will actually come help anyway. Later after the retake castle mission, after you've forged enough ties on your own, THEN and only then, do they announce on Radio Freedom that a settlement needs a hand... but at a FAR reduced rate. Railroad, similarly, once you join, IF you join, just asks for help sparingly. You might be tough, but you're just one person, why do they expect you to do a million missions when they obviously know from Deacon's intelligence on you that you're a busy person - possible Brotherhood Knight, possible General of the Minutemen, and who knows what else, setting up and helping settlements. They know you can't be their single solution for every friggin' mission they need done... but they ask if there's something they need when you show up. Brotherhood the same. Much fewer direct missions, but the thing with Danse plays out the same, and they still want what they want, and just send you out if they need a hand. But all of them should be able to be saved, including the institute, and you should be free, much like the "Diary of a Madman" mod, to not join any factions at all, or join all of them and find a way to negotiate a stable, if teetering, peace between them. Once you make it into the institute after finding Virgil, you can still help him get his serum, and here's the big change in the Institute storyline: Father can't force you to do things. He makes you head of the institute if you work with them, and then he will try to give you orders, but since you're now the head, you can override him. And he has to accept it. As long as you don't directly attack the institute while there, and get banned, you can veto the action against the railroad and the brotherhood, and broker peace with them. NEW STORYLINE PIECE: If you do this, then you can direct synths to join settlements as settlers, and they will assist and work like other settlers. You can also, after brokering peace, find synths in faction bases, working alongside the regular members, and occasionally find allied faction members inside the institute. The finale? Father dies, and you eulogize him, and announce that the Institute will be fully joining the people of the Commonwealth. An entrance is built at CIT, and combined synth and faction patrols start keeping the peace across the commonwealth, with faction bases being reinforced with Institute tech and turrets, and perhaps some new turret and defense designs being unlocked at the Workshops for settlement work, and a new settlement area in the Institute itself or at CIT so you can have an institute-themed settlement there, connected to the institute below. Once you've gotten the "good" ending (if you manage to pull it off) then all the settlements will auto repair after attacks and the factions will no longer ask you to run to settlements or do missions, as you'd be almost the de-facto president of the Commonwealth. So then you're free to recruit followers from all factions and explore the rest of the commonwealth while the areas between settlements and towns are patrolled by well-armed multi-faction groups. So everywhere you go, if you're jumped by raiders or super mutants or critters, patrollers would jump in to help you. Bonus ending: Perhaps after more time exploring, you find some technology that was abandoned pre-war with the ability to process radioactive soil and water and clean them, and start taking back the Glowing Sea. Anyway, it would be ambitious but there are other mods that have done pieces of it - like the immersive patrols thing and the aforementioned "Diary of a Madman" mod and the "Father Companion" mod did a few things... I just think maybe it's time to fix the bad writing Bethesda did there, and actually make the open world of the Commonwealth RELEVANT and give better reasons for the factions and for you to be part of them. Thanks for reading, and hope you like the idea. Not sure what all it would take, but I think this would fix a lot of loopholes and make for a better time just exploring and checking out every nook and cranny of the Commonwealth. - Drake.
H O L I D A Y R A D I O C O N C E P T I was thinking a radio station that is dynamic, changing what's played as the game's date changes, would be awesome! Most of the year you'd hear some standard 30's-50's Falloutesque fare, modified as follows with songs related to times/holidays in Amricana: ------------------------- Jan 1-10 - Normal playlist, but add in new year songs and songs about starting fresh or starting over. April-March - Standard, but add some spring-based and rainy-day songs. June - Standard, but adding back-to-school or school related songs added in. August-September - Standard, but add songs about summer and beach/surf music October - replace with Halloween and spooky tunes, Monster Mash and other various Halloween novelty songs. November - Standard, but add Alice's Restaurant, other Thanksgiving or family gathering themed songs. December - Replace normal with all Xmas/Hannukah themed normal and novelty tunes. --------------------------- What do you guys think? Is this possible? I think it would add a s#*!-ton of immersion.
Good luck everyone!
Which stat increase are you expecting? Some things level up and some you use perk points to do, like your SPECIAL stats,and your perks.
Hey guys... having some CTD issues... I ended up restarting my game after fixing a couple things (had multiple Utopia Generator versions enabled, etc) But after fixing and sorting and even trying a few manual arrangements I found I crashed even pretty much doing nothing in a fresh game in sanctuary... so... can anyone help with my load order and/or any patches for compatibility I seem to be missing? Thanks in advance! My load order is below. - Yours in derpiness, Drake. *LOAD ORDER* (From Plugins.txt in my C:\Users\(name)\Local\Fallout4\ folder) *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp*HUDFramework.esm*HoloTime_2.esm*SpringCleaning.esm*SimSettlements.esm*Homemaker.esm*Snap'n Build.esm*Robot Home Defence.esm*ConcealedArmor.esm*ArmorKeywords.esm*Loads.esm*NewCalibers.esp*LuckyYouPerk.esp*uckyYouPerk.esp*JaxsIncrementalSaveManager.esp*No-respawn.esp*LooksMenu.esp*Jetpacks Unlimited Master.esp*Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp*NewRecipesFH-VIS.esp*SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp*WorkshopRearranged.esp*Utopia Generator WW Combo.esp*Wireless Power.esp*Utopia Generator Combo.esp*Conduits and Pylons Various Wireless Power.esp*EFF.esp*Elegant Hardware.esp*Elegant Hardware AWKCR.esp*Elegant Hardware DEF_UI.esp*TransferSettlements.esp*ModdableRobotSettlers.esp*Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp*DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp*OWR_CraftableDecor.esp*OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp*Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp*PIP-Pad.esp*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp*Green Commonwealth.esp*JU Original (Compact).esp*JU Original (V-Wing).esp*JU Worsin's Edition (V-Wing).esp*512StandaloneHairColors.esp*THBrows.esp*JU Worsin's Edition (Compact).esp*PIP-Pad_LMCC.esp*PIP-Pad_THBrows.esp*AutoDoors.esp*Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp*Snappy_HouseK.esp*Snappy_Scrap.esp*Snappy_DecoKit.esp*Snappy_HouseKit_AutoDoors.esp*Armorsmith Extended.esp*LegendaryModification.esp*Decal Stain Remover REDUX - All DLC.esp*Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp*Weaponsmith - VIS Icon Patch.esp*LegendaryModification2LM.esp*AA FusionCityRising.esp*AA FusionCityRising - HotC.esp*Any Armour on Any Clothes - Legendary Edition.esp*Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp*SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp*Vivid Waters.esp*WET.esp*AA Subways of the Commonwealth.esp*BusySettlers.esp*More Pre-War Assets Contraptions.esp*DD_AIO Test Mark 1.esp*BusySettlersRug.esp*IMG_Castle_Wall_Patches.esp*Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp*CWSS Redux.esp*Crafting Workbench.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp*LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp*LegendaryModificationMisc.esp*LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp*DCGuardOutfitOverride.esp*AE Animated Jetpacks.esp*WorkshopRearranged_AutoDoors_Patch.esp*WorkshopRearranged_RobotHomeDefence_Patch.esp*Custom Legendary Modifications Remade.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByTypeOverride.esp*Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp*CREAtiveClutter.esp*CleanSettlement Snap'n Build.esp*WorkshopRearranged_SnB_Patch.esp*CBBE Furry Undergarments Fix.esp*Liberty_PA.esp*PIP-Pad_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp*Gunsmith Extended.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp*CleanSettlement.esp*GruffyddsSignsAndPosters.esp*SignsOfTheTimesCategorized.esp*Invulnerable Turrets 1.05 - SET 250 DEF.esp*Invulnerable MOAR Turrets.esp*eniusGamePerk.esp*dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp*dD - Screen Blood Duration Medium.esp*DeployableTurretsPack.esp*DTP - AWKCR Compatibility.esp*CheatTerminal.esp*Homemaker WP.esp*Mystery Science 3000 Disco Ball.esp*AA HotC - Standalone - SE.esp*AA Lets Dance.esp*AA Lets Dance - NPC Version.esp*More Pre-War Assets.esp*OWR.esp*WorkshopRearranged_OWR_Patch.esp*Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp*ConcealedArmor.esp*MeanMachineEyes.esp*RealMagicEyes.esp*CBBE.esp*KSHairdos.esp*Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp*Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp*Lots More Facial Hair.esp*AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp*AA LMSE_VTWorkshop_Patch.esp*dinoshelf.esp*dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp*dinoshelf_retex.esp*dinomore.esp*Thematic and Practical.esp*Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp*HN66Fo4_EarringsV1.esp*HN66Fo4_Nails.esp*ChainBikini.esp*HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp*AWKCR - Last Resort CTD FIX.esp*DA Merged 11 Pack.esp*rpampas.esp*PD_LowerWeapon.esp*mso_sms.esp*cartman1975_concrete-glass.esp
Having the same issue... I had my game modded up and working fine, added a couple more mods, and it started doing this... Removed them... and it continued doing this.... I've since disabled damn near every mod going thru them a few at a time and I can't get out of the bathroom without crashing... boom. CTD, no error, no nothing, just gone. Have tried SO MANY TIMES to figure this out...it's killingme - have tried a new game, a loaded game but as soon as I hit Sanctuary in either timeframe...I leave the bathroom and thwack.
I want a jetpack that is backpack sized and equippable without the armor... with decent ocntrol, I can soft land with the power armor - should be not a problem without it. In fact, it could be made with the acrobat's or freefall legendary trait attached so damage from falls is reduced or eliminated. I just think that would be cool - have it run on fusion cells or cores for balance, so you can't just fly forever (tho a no-fuel one could be fun too.)
Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.0) with Fallout 4 Support Released!
drakesteele replied to SirSalami's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #30920750. Noticed that it is doing this - perhaps NMM needs to set the ini files to normal when starting, then at closing, set them to read-only so the launcher can't undo the changes its made, or make that an option in the settings (perhaps with a warning that in the future, Bethesda.net mods might take issue with this) -
Existing mods you want recreated for Fallout 4
drakesteele replied to Taejang007's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Talkie Toaster's RobCo Certified needs a Fallout 4 release... bringing cyberdogs, cyber-claws, robobrains, jumkbots and more to crafting in the Commonwealth as well as perhaps craftable/repairable synths and assaultrons, as well as the usual handys and sentrybots! -
Yes! Where are the robobrains? And I'd love to see someone bring New Vegas' Cyberdogs and Cyberclaws into Fallout 4...
Since it's likely the Legendary mods are similar to enchantments in Skyrim, I'd love to see someone build a table or add to the exsiting workbenches, the ability to craft legendary base weapons that can then be modded with standard mods. That way you could imbue one matching armor set with the legendary traits you want once you have the skills to do it. Perhaps with an option requiring maxed out gun nut, science and related perks and a miniumum level for those that feel that's too OP.