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About zorebird

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    United States

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  1. I couldn't dream of playing Skyrim without Frostfall. It's literally impossible, to me it's like a DLC and a required mod. I also miss the AD&D days in high school. My first character was a thief named Yatose (who I started in grade school) and died via a gray pudding I think it was. RIP my friend.
  2. I have to say as a player with about 70 mods installed I don't have any issues with NMM. I use NMM, TesMOdMan, Boss and Wyre Bash and between them and using Tes5 Editor to tweak or clean mods I do very well thank you. One rule I live by in gaming is if it's not working right ask yourself why isn't and go down the line of thinks you can tweak first before blaming it on someon else. That's just simple common sence. Also, unless you have a beast of a machine you will have to lower game settings as you pile on mods or it will stutter, freeze, or crash. Remeber every mod YOU add-on is a mod not intended in the original creation of the game and that costs more strain on the game (and your PC) to keep it working. The best of both worlds usually is just a pipe dream. LOL :) Game well my friends and I hope I helped someone in my incoherent ramblings.
  3. In response to post #7618590. #7623777 is also a reply to the same post. I miss the generic search too, It was easy (for me) to hit a keyword and sift through the resuslts because half the time I don't know what I'm looking for till I see it. Plus, I just liked not having to move to another page.
  4. In response to post #7619470. #7619578, #7619790, #7620517, #7621492 are all replies on the same post. Yeah, skse has given an update already, that was fast. Yay!
  5. In response to post #7619470. #7619578 is also a reply to the same post. You won't be able to if you need skse, unless you turn all mods off that need it. I did and it worked, I just don't want to play it like that 'till I get the mods back. I'm not sure it's another beta? I thought it was a patch. If your save game was with the beta I doubt it would load if you removed the beta? I'm sure someone more informed than I will key in on this eventually... Until then don't do anything you'll regret. Patience is always a virtue.
  6. Yeah I gothe update too, I think it took everyone by surpise. SKSE was ready for the beta not the patch. I was in the middle of the game went out and now can't go back in (with mods activated). Oh well... It's by the way, if anyone cares :)
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