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Everything posted by ztrauq

  1. I'm wondering if there are any equivalent tools yet for Skyrim that provide the functionality of FNVEdit (specifically auto-created merge patch for mod management) and FNV PluginTool (for merging tons of tiny plugins to simplify load order)? Wrye Bash seems to do only part of this with the automated Bashed Patch (it will merge some plugins into its bashed patch, but only certain types, leaving a lot of unmerged plugins, and the bashed patch doesn't seem to provide the complete conflict resolution that the FNVEdit merged patch does). Is there a way to better replicate that functionality in Wrye Bash, or if not, does anyone know if those tools are intended to be ported to Skyrim? I'm admittedly a neophyte with Wrye Bash, and have used the other tools much more, so I may be missing out on similar functionality; but reading through the documentation I have yet to find a clear way to do something similar.
  2. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1469085-1299217391.jpg I'm trying to figure out which mods contain the clothing and equipment shown on the main character in that screenshot. ----- @Johnny09: Is it maybe the Shojo Race mod (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35097)?
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