Right, here is my question: How would I devise an object effect or script to make an item (specifically a piece of armour) give off radiation when it is equipped but for the radiation given off to slowly increase over time (e.g. +1 at time of equip, then +2 five minutes later, then +3 another 5 mins later and so on), and then for the radiation level to slowly decrease when now equipped (so basically it does the opposite of the previous effect but only records the radiation level, it does not add the rads to the player). The basic idea is that as the player uses this item, it slowly builds in radioactivity through extended use. But when it is put away the radiation will not irradiate the player but will slowly decrease though extended non-use. So, continuing with the example above, if the player were to use it for say, 12 minutes, it would hold a +3 rad effect. And then if they were to unequip it for 5 minutes (12 - 5, +7 minutes), in those 5 minutes they would receive no radiation, but if they were to equip it again at that point it would still be at the +2 level (leve at 5 to 10 minutes use) and would start increasing again as they used it. If they were to wait another 5 minutes (12 - 10, +2 minutes) the radiation given by the item when equipped at they point would be +1 again. If anyone still doesn't understand what I mean, just ask and I'll try to clarify further.