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  1. Sorted it. I got rid of the addtopics and added the right topics to the Link From box for each topic, works fine now and there's no need for the mucking about with greetings. Thanks for the help everyone! EDIT: Scratch the bit about the addtopics, they're still there. Just noticed I'd used the wrong characters to comment them out so they were still working. Tried commenting them out properly and the problem became defixed.
  2. So basically make a new greeting for each section of the quest with the player's options set as choices? I'll give that a go later. Anyway, if anyone wants to know, I picked up the use of addtopics from this tutorial. I tried using addtopic on only the top-level items but it caused none of them to appear.
  3. In the mod I am making, I have an NPC with several sets of nested dialog options (like, I say something, NPC replies, I then say something in response, NPC replies to that, etc.), however all of the player's dialog options are selectable from the top level even though only the options meant to be at the top level have the top-level option checked. All the dialog options are strung together using the choices box on the preceeding option (as well as conditions for the quest-related ones) and are all added when the quest they are part of is started using the addtopic command. Anyone know what is going on? P.S. Below is the dialog tree as seen in the quest window. (The nested options use the prompt box rather than the topic text box, but you get the point) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10672604/DialogTree.png
  4. I think after what you said, I might try the 'add some every <insert interval>' method using something similar to how food adds radiation to the player. Now I need to work out how to use variables in these scripts :blink: Also, the item (specifically armour) would only add rads when its worn, so it would be slightly less annoying to the user.. maybe.
  5. Right, here is my question: How would I devise an object effect or script to make an item (specifically a piece of armour) give off radiation when it is equipped but for the radiation given off to slowly increase over time (e.g. +1 at time of equip, then +2 five minutes later, then +3 another 5 mins later and so on), and then for the radiation level to slowly decrease when now equipped (so basically it does the opposite of the previous effect but only records the radiation level, it does not add the rads to the player). The basic idea is that as the player uses this item, it slowly builds in radioactivity through extended use. But when it is put away the radiation will not irradiate the player but will slowly decrease though extended non-use. So, continuing with the example above, if the player were to use it for say, 12 minutes, it would hold a +3 rad effect. And then if they were to unequip it for 5 minutes (12 - 5, +7 minutes), in those 5 minutes they would receive no radiation, but if they were to equip it again at that point it would still be at the +2 level (leve at 5 to 10 minutes use) and would start increasing again as they used it. If they were to wait another 5 minutes (12 - 10, +2 minutes) the radiation given by the item when equipped at they point would be +1 again. If anyone still doesn't understand what I mean, just ask and I'll try to clarify further.
  6. Why is it copyright infringement if you own both fallout 3 and fallout new vegas? Also, a lot of the clean (as in, not rusted) vault parts present in fallout 3 are not present in new vegas. I posted a topic about this exact subject about an hour ago too, but no-one replied to that one. EDIT: Aaand, so did the guy who did this one.
  7. Right, so i'm currently in the process of making a rather big mod, but as it is a *very* large, clean vault which are not found very much in New Vegas, a lot of kit pieces I need are missing. Is there a way I can add pieces from Fallout 3 to New Vegas without copying over the entire set of .bsa files?
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