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Posts posted by figor888

  1. For my quest mod and reasons I can not figure out, I am not seeing the objective marker for a note I have placed in the thieves' guild headquarters. The quest starts fine via a trigger and the next stage progresses which tells the player to find a note on the desk in the TG cistern but there is no arrow pointing to note. I have the Target Ref set to the note and the Reference Alias is set to Specific Reference and I have selected the note in the window. In addition, after reading the note, it does not set the next stage while using the defaultonread script. The properties are set correctly. It seems like the alias is not being filled out in the game?



    Any suggestions are appreciated.

  2. I am working on spell mod that is like Equilibrium but reduces stamina instead of health. I have the detrimental box check on the damage stamina magic effect but in game, the magicka restores but the stamina does not decrease.


    I am unsure what is going on and wondered if the Stamina ActorValue is perhaps different than Health in the game and if that could be part of the problem?

  3. I wonder if you might be able to get Xiderpunk to provide you the the script files in the Caesia patch and see how they are set up? I also noticed that the Caesia has quite a few dialogue lines (.fuz) in the patch so the mod author added those separate dialogue lines into the patch, which integrate into the quest. Having appropriate dialogue for Kaiden might prove tricky if you are wanting it to be immersive. I also see that the Caesia patch has scenes set up. Looks like a quest is set up to handle those scenes and the dialogue occurs in those scenes.


    I can do basic scripting but am trying to learn more. You might try to check out this youtube series and ask her what she thinks.




    I asked a few questions on her channel and she invited me to her discord to make having discussion easier. Might be worth a shot?

  4. I think it depends on what you are looking to accomplish. You will definitely need access to PSC file(s) in order to open the script in your preferred script editor. Can you be a bit more specific on what you are wanting to do?

  5. Correct, as long as you set your mod as the active file, it will save onto that file. Save often just in case the CK (creation kit) crashes. Also, wherever you have your file saved, such as a working folder, when you save you will see that the modified date will also change and you can make sure your most recent changes have been captured. Good luck with your assignment!

  6. Ishara,


    I understand most of the script but I am a bit unsure about how the global variable relates to the quest. Is this variable checking that the quest has fired off?



    GlobalVariable Property myStatus Auto
    {value assigned to the global variable in quest directing player to Enthir}



  7. Just a thought I had as I work through completing some of my current mods. It seems the most daunting aspect of mod creation is the papyrus scripting aspect. I think many great ideas most likely never went anywhere due to the difficulties in understanding scripting. To me this challenge represents opportunity, what if there was a paid resource of script specialists on Nexus one could access to help make a mod happen? I have met several people on the forums who know scripting very well and I am grateful for all their help but what if someone could hire out a script master for their project to help me through the scripting process? I have been studying papyrus for about a year and I feel I barely understand the basics.


    I have followed many tutorials, dark fox, doug hamil, Anthony Bellingham and there is a wide gulf between the "hello world' script on the creation kit wiki and actually making a quest work. Would it make sense for Nexus to have a papyrus script resource section of willing participants who might charge a fee to help with scripting?


    Curious what everyone thinks.

  8. I am looking for some guidance on how I can implement a quest limited container for a mod I am working on. The premise is that the player must be in both the Mages and Thieves Guild and at this point, the player is directed to Enthir to potentially buy some new mage-thief spells I have created. It is my understanding, the end papyrus fragment akspeaker.ShowBarterMenu() access that NPC's specific container.


    My question is how would I go about setting up a container only available as part of the mod quest? Would the container have a script attached that linked it to a specific quest? Something involving GetOwningQuest perhaps? I would also need an alias for that container as well, correct?


    Thank you


  9. this mod involves player entering trigger box along the bridge to college of Winterhold.

    The trigger should initiate a courier quest to deliver a note by Farengar where the player is to investigate necromancers at a Point of Interest location. Loot involves a Mass Reanimation Spell that I created.


    I have followed along DF127 and Doug Hamil's courier quest tutorials,

    Issues I am having, no properties are generated from the auto declaration lines and error is generated when I try to compile that says the following:


    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
    Compiling "SM_MassReanimateTriggerScript"...
    E:\SteamLibrary E\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\SM_MassReanimateTriggerScript.psc(5,0): missing EOF at 'Scriptname'
    No output generated for SM_MassReanimateTriggerScript, compilation failed.
    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Failed on SM_MassReanimateTriggerScript


    here is the script:


    ;Mass Reanimate trigger script
    Scriptname MassReanimate extends ObjectReference
    Book Property Note Auto
    Quest Property WICourier Auto
    ReferenceAlias Property NoteAliasRef Auto
    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
    ActorBase property TriggerActor auto
    {actor that trigger is looking for - all non-empty trigger actors need to be in trigger in order for IsTriggerReady to be true
    Update OnInit when adding new trigger properties!}
    Int InTrigger = 0
    Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
    if (InTrigger == 0) && akTriggerRef == PlayerRef()
    InTrigger += 1
    (WICourier as WICourierScript).AddAliasToContainer(NoteAliasRef)
    Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
    if (InTrigger > 0)
    if akTriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer()
    InTrigger -= 1
    debug.notification("You thought you saw the courier heading your way")
    Thank you!
    Any help is much appreciated!
  10. I have just started getting slightly comfortable with Papyrus but there is still so much I don't understand.


    I have a script I am working on for a trigger box. The quest is about being recruited into the Morag Tong instead of the Dark Brotherhood. I placed a trigger box outside the Orphan Hall in Riften with the attached script. The idea is that if Grelod is Dead a note gets placed in the player's pocket by an unseen Morag Tong agent. .Otherwise, if Grelod is not killed the quest does not progress. I am sure my script has numerous errors so any guidance is very much appreciated.


    Scriptname MORA_Agent_gives_Note extends ObjectReference
    Quest Property MyQuest Auto
    Int Property Stageto Set Auto
    Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
    if akTriggerRef == Game.GetPayer() &&
    if Alias_GrelodAlias.GetActorReference().GetActorBase().IsDead
    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Vanilath's_Note, 1, true)
    debug.notification("A note was slipped in your pocket")
    Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
    if (InTrigger > 0)
    if akTriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer()
    InTrigger -= 1
    debug.notification("You look around but see no one")
  11. I am curious if it would be possible to overhaul staff enchanting to have the option of putting a few different selectable spells into a staff, similar to how multiple enchantments can be put on weapons. Say for example, one could enchant a staff to cast fireball, fast healing, or iron flesh, just as an example, that way a staff would be much more useful. I am guessing this could involve in having a power to select the spell you want.


    I think this would dovetail nicely with Combat Gameplay Overhaul to allow the play to allow strike with the staff and Ordinator which makes the staff more useful.


    I think this would benefit early mage characters when running out of mana in the thick of it really starts sucking for the character.


    Any thoughts on this are appreciated.



  12. I am having trouble locating the world encounter where the thief tries to rob you and says something like "All right hand over your valuables, or I'll gut you like a fish." I think it would make more sense if the thief had some hired thugs for backup with him rather than just being by himself. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. I would like to try to mod this encounter to make a bit more realistic and challenging. Also, if there is a mod out there already this, please let me know.

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