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About strikerdes

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  1. Hey everyone. So after 7 game deletes due to me messing things up in my skyrim folders I finally come here for help lol. I want to install Realvision ENB along with all the recommended mods but some of the mod instructions (not on the actual mod page but the instructions on the ENB page) aren't all that descriptive so it's very easy to get lost (it's also very overwhelming), does anyone have any advice when it comes to downloading multiple graphics mods and how I should do it? Also I've been using Nexus Mod Manager and wondered if there is anything else that can help me? something that can check whether a new mod I want to install will be messing up any current mods I have installed? Just one more question about Nexus Mod Manager, is it safe to install ALL mods there or do I need to do some manually? Thanks for reading and thank you for any future replies!
  2. I want to know if my system will run Skyrim on Ultra with all options turned up to max and ENB sharpshooters (this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2DS-0ebnwE) texture mods and maybe mods like "improved riverwood" Here are the Specs I'll have on my new PC - Processor - AMD FX 8350 4.0GHz 8 Core RAM - 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600Mhz/PC12800 Graphics card - Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB Hard Drive - Corsair 120GB Force LS Solid State Drive 2nd Hard Drive - Seagate Barracuda 1TB Hard Drive 7200rpm 32MB Cache Thanks :)
  3. Installed it and ran the game through SKSE but when the game started it asked me to install something from Skyproc, so I downloaded Skproc but have no idea where to go from here :( Any idea how to install Skyproc? Thanks :)
  4. Just wondering if this exists, I didn't know what to search haha so decided to just ask. Basically I notice that people make very unique characters, but when I go to make my character the options are so limited I can only guess there is a mod to make better more indepth characters. Could someone direct me to where I can download this mod (if there is one) or tell me how to make such unique characters. Is there maybe something I'm missing? Like sliders for the shape of EVERYTHING like on The Sims. Thanks in advance :happy:
  5. So I absolutely adore this game, but something I find that really lets it down is the combat! The magic for me gets a 10/10 and the archery is amazing, feels so real! But I never use a sword or whatever because swinging my weapon to the left or right is just....dull? So was wondering whether it would be possible for someone to make new animations when fighting, maybe more stylish? Or maybe real movesets? Like the ones from Kingdoms of Amalur or even Dynasty warriors (most likely impossible but it's work asking haha) So yeah, there you have it :) Thanks!
  6. Just wanted to ask whether it would be possible for anyone to make this dress- http://gw2wvw.com/main/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/2166.jpg I wouldn't expect all the bows and thrills, but a dress in this style (corset which goes down into a puffy skirt) If there is a dress like it anywhere could you let me know :) I'm looking for some asian MMORPG based outfits as I find the original skyrim clothes dull haha Thanks all :)
  7. I come back every few months to see if there is anything. I'm waiting for a good shop mod (like the goddess store) and was wondering if there has been any word of anyone making one?
  8. THE GODDESS STORE! I miss this Mod so much, I love dressing my character up but no one has released a massive shop full of clothes and wigs for skyrim yet :( Do you think it would be possible to bring the shop over to skyrim?
  9. I could voice act :) Plus any help you would need (if people want to help you) writing dialogue and planning the story, I have a big brain with a HUGE imagination haha so if you need help with that stuff, let me know :D
  10. Skyrim is a great game, but the combat for me is just awful. I play a lot of combat based games, where flashy moves are involved. Kingdoms of Amalur obviously has some amazing combat, I'm a huge fan of dynasty warriors and warriors orochi, so I think at the moment, I'm not getting sucked into skyrim as much as I'd have liked too because the combat is so...well...shabby? So my question/mod idea.. would it be possible to make new movesets plus add new categories of weapons with new movesets? The dagger moveset is alright, probably the best. But I'd love to see a new 1h moveset for the the swords/maces/axes Then of course for the dual swords, this should have been pretty quick and flashy, but nope. By categories I mean like, you have the sword category, the maces, the axes, the greatswords, the staffs. Couldn't someone make like, throwing knives, whips and just for easy play/ fun guns! One thing I wanted so badly in skyrim, was whips lol Not dominatrix type whips lol, but I mean the steel chain whips. Do you think anyone could ever make a whip moveset? So yeah, any answers would be appreciated :D Thanks :)
  11. Hey guys! Installed all my mods onto Skyrim yesterday on my new laptop and was playing for around 8-9 hours! Then today I started up again, playing for a few hours and suddenly my Game crashed to desktop! Usually when this happens it will come up with an error message or something, but that didn't happen, it literally just went straight to my desktop. First time it did this I looked at steam and in the top left corner it was doing something to my Game. like installing something, so I assumed at the time it was updating the game and had cancelled without asking me first (Steam is awful so I think this was an appropriate assumption) So the install finished (or whatever steam was doing, it didn't actually tell me what it had done) and I booted up the game as usual, this time I'm riding through some forest and it crashed again! At this time i'm getting seriously pissed! So I get google up have a look around and it says something about the sound? So I changed my sound settings and the problem still exists. I have lowered the shadows on my Game, even though there is no lag whatsoever with everything on Ultra so FPS isn't making this game crash. As I said I do have Mods but yesterday my laptop was working fine with them! Laptop Specs- Nvidia GT 555M Graphics Card 16GB DDR3 RAM Intel Core I7-2720QM 3.30GHZ CPU 500GB Hard drive 5.1 Audio Card I'm Using an Xbox Controller if that helps lol I just have no Idea what's going on! Thanks in advance Guys and Girls :)
  12. Was wondering if anyone has started or already discussed making a shop mod, like the one from Oblivion, the goddess store I think it was called. So yeah, it probably won't be a new idea as loads of people have most likely already asked, but I thought I'd just put a word in. Thanks guys an girls :)
  13. I know people probably won't like it, I have been searching the site for about 45 minutes now, but it runs so slowly on my laptop, I must have been able to look at about 5 files in that time, so could someone give me a few direct links to some "new" outfits for females, no reskins :P Also are there any hair mods or wigs, like some real modern fierce hairs haha Thanks guys and sorry for being a pain
  14. Yeah agreed. I thought the purpose of the game being 1st person is so you are actually looking through you;re characters eyes! Last time I checked, I can look at my feet! so should my Skyrim character :P
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