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  1. Well, for an unknown reason does even the bodyslider work now, don't ask me how, it just happened :/ And additionally the mod, i posted above helped with the clothes too :D Now I'm ready for Skyrim ^^
  2. Does I have to install this Mod then?: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12273/?
  3. Ah, ok. It might have worked all the times before too, because if I put on clothes, my PregnancyBelly (as a test ;D) disapeared
  4. Oh my god it works ;D tried with 200% pregnancybelly and it worked :D Thank you
  5. and all i have to do then is to start a new game and my character will have then the bodyslide-presets, which I created before, automatically?
  6. Well ok, right now we're talking about creating Presets (.xml?) which I can use then ingame?
  7. Hmm, ok. The first point does NMM automatically. For 3: And what would you recommend me? At least if I won't try to play with her feets :)
  8. Ok, I will try that later with sevenbase. But what did Jeir mean with "use Steam launcher"?
  9. Btw, In Skyrim in the racemenu I can choose a Preset ( the presets which I did with Bodyslide?) and it searchs under /Skyrim/Data/SKSE/Plugins/CharGen/Presets.... Do they mean the steam-folder? Because I don't have there the folder "CharGen". Only a chargen.ini and a chargen.dll :( Any ideas about this?
  10. Well, thanks to Noortje :) 1. "move Steam out of Program Files (x86)": why should I do that? In my case it's 70 GB, shall I just move them to another place? 2. don't I have to start Skyrim via "Skyrim (SKSE)"? 3. In the category Outfit/Body, what does CBBE Body, CBBE Body BBP, TBBP, HDT, Feet etc. mean? :$
  11. Well, but I tried already "BodySlide". But it didn't changed anything. Btw, if I want to uninstall CBBE or any other mod with NMM, is it enough with just disableing the specific mod?
  12. What is the "normal" BodySlide-program? CBBE? Bodyslide 2 and Outfitstudio (including CBBE)? Only the "RaceMenu-Morphs-option"?
  13. Hmm, Ok. But they just "activate" the sliders for a specific (!) Body/armor/what ever... I would like to adjust EVERY female human body with sliders. Isn't that possible?
  14. Well could you re-write that more precisely please ? :$ Which option in which BodySlide? Or did you mean the .exe-program in the CalienteTools->Bodyslider?
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