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Posts posted by LovesToSpoooge

  1. I don't know if this has been done or requested. But would it be possible to be able to view both your swords when duel wielding. Maybe having the second on your back or something instead of arrows. I don't care if s/he doesn't reach for it, the second sword could just pop into his hands like it does. I just think it'd be cooler if you could see both swords when he doesn't have them out.


    Both swords on his back would be cool too.


    Anyways it's just a thought.

  2. No, I just went to to the sanctuary and seen if the other pair of gloves were messed and they were.


    Edit: I spawned a new pair of gloves and it worked, thanks for the help :)

  3. I thought that too, but now when I backstab it only does x15 instead of x30.


    I figured it wasn't a mod problem cause when I uninstall them it's still there but, the list.


    Black Darkbrotherhood Armour

    4gb Skyrim

    QD Inventory

    Tytanis Ultimate Mod

    Vals Crafting Meltdown

    Darkbrotherhood Male Shrouded Mask


    that's about it.

  4. I was playing last night and just started modding the game, I didn't add many mods, some aesthetic ones. But I noticed the I lost the 2x backstabbing on my shrouded gloves. I then checked both pairs of shrouded gloves i know of and both were gone. I then uninstalled all the mods and tried the game out again and it was still gone? Is there a way I can fix this?


    This is what it shows up as.

    Shrouded Gloves


    I'd really like my backstabbing back:P

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