Hello, all. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a mod to enforce the rules for the Wasteland Survival Challange recently started on the GiantITP boards. Full details on the challange can be found here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117203 The base restrictions (Not counting Score Multipliers) are: Eat four food items/day. You may go seven days without before failing Drink one drink item/day. Failing to do so three times will fail the challange Sleep or Wait seven hours/day. Failing to do so five times will forfit the challange. The Scoreing system is thus: 1 Point per unmarked Quest 2 Points per marked sidequest 3 points per Main Quest Segment (Vanilla/Broken Steel only) Then there is a rather large list of other, arbitrary, and optional restrictions, visible through the provided link, which multiply your final score if adhered to. Would it be possible to create a mod enforcing these rules? Just so much as a pop-up message stateing: You need to eat X more food items, drink Y more drink items or wait Z more hours today, or another one stating "You have failed the Survival Challange for R reason" would be great. An on-screen counter would be swell, too. For both points and basic needs fulfillment. Any takers? :thanks: