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About VersaProd

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    Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Fallout: New Vegas

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  1. I'm starting to script with OBSE, is there any way to keep track of the kills made by the player? You know, like keep track if the player killed something with his\her fists, or made a sneak kill?
  2. I have Fallout 3 GOTY, and installed all my DLCs before I ever started the game. I've gotten a confirmation message, saying that Broken Steel is loaded, and my character is level 22. however, upon finishing the Take It Back! Quest, by entering the purifier and starting it, I get an ending movie and I'm taken back to the Main Menu. I disabled all my mods; same result. As an added bonus, I can't convince any of my followers to enter the purifier. Well, i can, but Sarah Lyons always enters the airlock and tells me to shut the door. Apparently she thinks she's a Super Mutant. Or a ghoul. Or a robot.
  3. The door teleport markers in my Preview window have disappeared and are unselectable. While editing any mod. This, unfortunately, means that I'm appearing inside walls and buildings and such during playtime. What causes this problem?
  4. I can't start Fallout 3. At all. I can hit the main menu, but as soon as I try to start a game or load a game, I get a CTD. This only happened just recently, cause Fallout 3 was working just fine, but something happened. My guess is that it's other software messing up the loading. 1. It's not FFDShow. FO3 is already in FFDShow's exception list. And still not working. 2. System Specs: Windows Vista 32-bit Home Premium NVIDIA 8800GT Graphics Card; 512 MB VRAM SoundMAX Integrated HD Audio 4 GB RAM 4. Windowed Mode Does Not Work. Default Display Settings Do Not Work. Messing With Config settings Does not work. Disabling all mods does not work. Monitor refresh rate is already at 60. Programs Instaleed After Last Time FO3 was played: - Fast Track by M-Audio - Interlok driver setup x32 - Norton 360 Premier Edition - NVIDIA Drivers - Vista Codec Package by Shark007
  5. Whenever I install a mod that puts in new meshes, the meshes mess up. The mesh texture is replaced with a completely unrelated texture of it's own. For example, A Vault door for the RR Companion Vault mod, instead of looking like a Vault Door, looks like a locker in the shape of a Vault Door, or a Vending Machine texture over the Vault Door. Don't understand why this is. In the GECK, the meshes look fine.
  6. I have two weapons with Script Effect enchants on them..... Problem is, they don't work..... Someone please explain why? Dawnstar Effect Script: Summon Protector. This is the one that crashes the game. scn DCDawnstarScript short ProtectorSummon ref target begin ScriptEffectStart If GetRandomPercent >=50 && ProtectorSummon == 0 && GetDead == 0 DawnRefProtect.moveto player set ProtectorSummon to 1 Endif Else return Endif End Begin ScriptEffectFinish If ProtectorSummon ==1 DawnRefProtect.moveto BackToLocationRef resurrect Endif Else Endif End The Effect is Designed to Summon a certain NPC at a random chance at the player, who will then attack the target. When either the target dies or the protector dies, the body is then resurrected and placed back in his holding cell. The problem is, the game crashes as soon as the effect works. The Protector is placed in TestShrine to keep him out of trouble. The other weapon: Runed Dagger; Store Energy scn DCRunedDaggerScript short ConsumeAmount short Consumed ref target begin ScriptEffectStart set ConsumeAmount to ConsumeAmount+1 If ConsumeAmount >= 10 && Consumed == 0 setscale 0.5 ModAV Strength -20 ModAV Endurance -20 ModAV Speed -20 set ConsumeAmount to 0 set Consumed to 1 Endif Else Return Endif End begin ScriptEffectFinish If Consumed == 1 ModAV Strength 20 ModAv Endurance 20 ModAV Speed 20 setscale 1 set Consumed to 0 Endif Else Return Endif End This effect is designed to cause the target to shrink and weaken the target once every ten hits. Once the effect times out, the creature is supposed to be restored to it's normal state. This one has no visual effect, however, but I have not checked before-and-after stat values of every creature I hit, so this one isn't conclusive. Scripting Help, please?
  7. You may want to run the program in Compatibility mode for XP. Also, you may want to see if any settings in your Oblivion.ini are not what they're supposed to be.
  8. The name is VersaProd. I've played Oblivion almost dry, and I love making mods for it, if it is a little time-consuming. I'm a decent guitarist, and I'm into technological toys. And.. I'm also out of ideas of what to say. Whatever. :P
  9. My character is supposed to give a specific greeting at a certain quest stage. But instead, he gives a generic greeting. Here is what he's supposed to say: Topic: GREETING Dialogue: You! What are you doing here? Flags: Say Once. Responses: 2 Conditions: GetIsId Nerastarel 1 && GetStage UNSkingradNerastarel 30 The quest script looks like this: scn UNSkingradNerastarelScript short Doonce1 short Doonce2 Begin gamemode If (player.GetInCell SkingradNerastarelsHouse == 1) && Doonce1 == 0 setstage UNSkingradNerastarel 10 set Doonce1 to 1 endif elseIf player.GetInCell Alyys == 1 && Doonce2 == 0 setstage UNSkingradNerastarel 30 set Doonce2 to 1 endif elseIf (player.GetInCell SkingradNerastarelsHouse == 1) && (GetStage UNSkingradNerastarel 50) setstage UNSkingradNerastarel 60 endif End
  10. If you didn't get the quest update, saying that Mankar Camoran escaped with the Amulet of Kings during the quest "Dagon Shrine", chances are he's still in the caverns with his arms outstretched, or even possibly in Cloud Ruler Temple. The only known fix is to reload a really earlier save, my friend.
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