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  1. I see loads of mods tweaking enemy stats in the right way: enemies dealing more damage and being more aggressive, but also not being total damage sponges, which is all perfect. My only trouble is that these mods all also either increase enemy spawn counts or leave them untouched. To get to the point, this leads me to request a mod to make enemies more deadly, but also reduce their numbers a bit. Reasoning being that I'd like a combat experience where duels are more personal, so you aren't dealing with 10 dudes at once half the time, but the threat would be just as great since one slip up could mean heavy damage or death. Kinda like a Souls game, where you often face just one or two tough enemies at a time that could bring you down with ease. Please and thanks yall epic modders :happy:
  2. +1... Hogwarts is amazing to behold, but F*** me is the game boring
  3. Does anyone else feel offended by the enemys persistent, overly saturated shield orbs? I want them gone so that i have to strike an enemy and look for the faint effect to know what i need to use to break their defences. Also: Expelliarmus should break through any defence type
  4. Worked in Skyrim. Doesnt necessarily mean it'd work here but I had my VR version set up to change my equipped spell according to custom incantations, which funnily enough i used wizarding world spells for. It felt really really good
  5. Being able to sell more than just clothes would be a godsend. Potions, Harvested Ingredients (eg. Dittany, Hippogriff Feathers), Throwables (eg. Chomping Cabbage) Nothing too crazy, small values would be perfect.
  6. Yeah a mod to remove objects going red during placement is always a winner. Sure people can do some stupid s#*! with it, but people can also be very creative with this sort of freedom, while still being sensible. Fallout 4 was absolute magic with the "No Red Placement" mods
  7. This ^ For controller, maybe double-tapping B/Circle would suffice, or even double-tapping/holding jump (A/X)
  8. The ability to cast spells while in mid-air could be very useful and open up more modding opportunities. For example: A mod that allows you to use Arresto Momentum while falling in order to halt your fall just before hitting the ground, like they do in the movies.
  9. In skyrim I always loved being able to screw with NPC's with illusion spells i.e calm, frenzy, fear etc. and mods took that to a whole new level providing all manner of abilities like making an enemy think theyre under attack from some invisible force; things like that. Id love to see some sort of chemical Grenades/Vials or even Syringer ammo that can let you manipulate NPC's in useful ways. A couple of loose ideas Knockout- Renders target unconscious for a few seconds and causes them to forget about any pursuit (unless in {DANGER} from another source) Persuasion- Forces success on speech checks briefly (rare/hard to make) Hallucinogenic- Target runs around screaming thinking they're being swarmed by stingwings or something Berserk- Targets can no longer tell friend from foe Passive- Targets possessions can be taken without it being considered theft for a short time Maybe some kind of ultimate one that makes the target highly suggestible for like a day or so essentially making them a temporary follower? I'm sure i could thing of much more while playing through but this is all thats coming to me right now. I hope im not the only one who likes the idea haha.
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