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Everything posted by Bloodshot12

  1. I was playing Dark Messiah today because I never finished the game, and I forgot how great the combat felt. This is something that really sold me on the game when I played the demo way back, because there was such connectivity in all the strikes you would perform. After playing it I realized we could possibly get some of that connectivity in Skyrim. One of the big things about DM that makes melee combat so satisfying isn't just that there is a FBA system or good animations, but Arkane actually used physics based on your power attack direction. I realized this is something we could possibly implement. Basically, It would involve making the combat so depending on the direction of your swing when you do a power attack in skyrim against an enemy that isn't blocking (or an enemy that IS blocking but is low on stamina), it would either A. push the person in the direction the sword swings with a stagger animation, (and maybe make them turn too) or B. ragdollize humanoid enemies and apply force in the same direction of the swing. The game seems to do this sometimes when you get a kill, so I think putting it in during combat would make it feel much more reactive and alive (and light attacks could cause staggers if not blocked), as opposed to the combat mods which makes every attack just stagger an opponent. Thoughts?
  2. Is it possible to add music to the game for specific weather, like if it's raining play song A. snowing then play song B. or just foggy then play song C.?
  3. Diablo 3 may play similar to D2, and have areas from D1, but it's not a Diablo game. They spoon feed you story like a child rather then letting you figure out things on your own like D1/D2, and it's graphical style is a mash up of Diablo and WoW which creates an awkward clash of colors, and instead of making actual atmospheric dungeons, they just cover the screen with a 1-color filter to simulate the effect. And the writing is absolutely abysmal. Look at king leoric in Diablo 3, and look at him in Diablo 1. It's like they didn't even care. That video pretty much sums up the faults story-wise. Gameplay wise it has been streamlined to the point where customization is done completely through items, i.e. itemization - and considering you can't even join a specific server and trading is limited, is more geared towards using the AH rather then the actual game itself. I don't know about the new drop rates with the latest patch, but before the patch you could find just as rare items on a large boss as you could on a barrel. On topic, I want to see seasonal foliage implemented in the game. That is one feature i believe could add a HUGE amount of immersion to the game. One of my favorite things about daggerfall was visiting a dungeon for a while, I'd come back to the same town to find it snowing out and the ground, trees, and houses were covered in snow. Considering you really don't ever see this done in modern games, it stunned me despite me playing it after it became free.
  4. Call me crazy, but my first TES game was Morrowind, then Oblivion, and I played Daggerfall way after those two games, yet I couldn't believe how fun it was to play. It and Skyrim are my favorite two TES games, with Oblivion being on the bottom of the list (morrowind was a great game, but I enjoy the act of playing both DF and skyrim more) The character creation system was really awesome, and the amount of things you could equip on your character was pretty damn cool. My favorite thing about the game was its atmosphere though. I could easily get lost in that game despite the dated graphics, low resolution, and having to run it on dosbox. I guess that comes in part from the fact that with such low fidelity in the graphics, it probably causes my imagination to fill in the blanks with things that are far more interesting then any hand crafted environment could give me. That, and the music really fit the game world instead of just sounding like some sort of movie: But maybe for someone who doesn't have an imagination that active it could cause obvious problems :) Anyway, I would love to see Skyrim a bit more spread out. The game is a bit too cluttered right now IMO, there's no reward from discovery when it happens within 20 feet of your last discovery. The snow climate up north isn't as bad, but still. And horses would be a lot more useful. As it stands, I didn't even use a horse until the latest patch, and I've been playing the game with fast travel disabled. Also I want flails.
  5. As the title says, I'd like to remove the dynamic combat music except for in boss fights like dragons. There's a mod that removes the combat music altogether, but I'd like to hear the music while fighting dragons still because that feels a bit more appropriate and doesn't break the immersion like the regular combat music can sometimes. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Now, before you post, I have already seen the WIP 1st person view mod. What I'm asking is if it's possible to make a mod that puts your legs below you so you can look down and see them, thus preventing the camera issues of the 1st person mod.
  7. +1. Daggerfalls dungeons may not have been easy to traverse, but I had so much fun doing it. Plus their size made them more intimidating and scary. It's why I'm looking forward to DaggerXL so much
  8. Very nice mod, I have a suggestion though. Is it at all possible to have the body show underneath the character, but not the arms - and still have the "arms overlay" using the first person animations? That way you could look down and see your body but the view sway would be the same as normal first person, and the animations wouldn't be hard to see (3rd person fighting anims are very quick and not too noticeable in first person) and bow aiming would work fine. Unless you plan on fixing all these things and making it like a game that has a Full-Body-Awareness system. Also another suggestion if it's not already in, could you make it so when your character gets knocked off his feet the view stays in first person? I love first person ragdolls
  9. Sorry for the Bump, but I'd love to see this as well. The thieves arsenal mod for oblivion made thievery and sneaking great, and the thief games were always great to play and for the most part, the tools would be a great way of expanding skyrim's stealth gameplay.
  10. Hey guys, I got Fallout 3 a long time ago, it was my first fallout game, and I absolutely loved it - and it inspired me to check out the originals. I tried both from a friend after I beat FO3, but I quickly wrote them off as not being the type of games I'd enjoy. Fast forward to now, several years have passed and I found Fallout 1 was free about 2 weeks ago on GoG so I got it, and I decided to play it. This time I learned the game mechanics myself and started playing the game. I realized how in depth it was and it really grew on me. I just beat the main quest today and I must say, the first one was fantastic. Once I understood the combat fully I found it quite enjoyable, especially thanks to the gruesome death animations (which are in many ways better and more satisfying than fallout 3's gore - I wish there was a mod for adding stuff like that) And the story, writing, and voice acting especially were fantastic - the dialogue options surprisingly allowed so many ways to screw with the many voiced characters and piss them off as well - but there are 2 things that I loved in particular: 1. The atmosphere is brilliant in the first game. The music is very much to thank for it. I was amazed by the music when I got a music pack for FO3 that replaces it all with FO1/2 songs - originally in FO3 I used to listen to the radio all the time but with that music I pretty much stopped because it was so immersive and scary (which is probably another reason I gave FO1 another chance too) In the first one everything just feels so threatening and it really feels like a dangerous would that your thrown into trying to survive, which leads me into my second point. 2. The difficulty. The first game is brutal if you don't properly manage your character and equip yourself, much more than fallout 3. Although my character is a powerhouse now, I really feel like I worked for what my character has, and I "earned" it. It really has left me with a great sense of reward from the character building - while Fallout 3, and new vegas (without hardcore) increase the difficulty in arbitrary ways by making enemies take more ammo to kill. I want to know, if anyone can give me a list of mods that make Fallout 3 into a hardcore, survival game similar to what fallout 1 is, things like making stats matter more, making you less of a walking tank in regards to damage, etc. Also, I would like mods that have more weapons and ammo types akin to FO1/2, and some that change the weapon models, like the laser rifle and pistol (which I always hated in FO3) into the style of models they were in FO1/2 which IMO, looked better. I've seen FWE and that looks like something similar to what I want, but I also want to see what other alternatives there are and what mods add FO1/2 stuff that aren't really poorly done or conflict. Any help is greatly appreciated
  11. ESC > Controls > Mouse > View based movement. Rebind to WASD Problem solved
  12. Funny, I played Morrowind first then Oblivion, and then I got Daggerfall when it became free - and I was still amazed by it. It is just such a dark game and has so much atmosphere that it makes the game feel more alive then the other ones ever did for me. Most people will disagree with me, but I prefer daggerfall's world and quests to later TES games. I just feel like I'm in a limited world in later games, and I hate when I get high enough and run out of things to do. I never had that happen to me in DF though. And while the dungeons are crazy, they are possible to do. I like them better because it's one of the few games where dungeons are dungeons. Most games have simple dungeons that are cakewalks - but those were full of traps, monsters, and were so damn deep (but you could avoid the deep ones if you really payed attention). That's something I really like about skyrim - even if the dungeons aren't exactly complex (they are simpler then oblivion in most cases) some make pretty good use of traps - which I love. The few games where dungeons actually feel like dungeons I'd say are Daggerfall, Diablo (Diablo 1 especially), and older MMOs like Asheron's Call. And the music was great: It was the only TES game where I didn't need to get a mod to make walking around at night absorbing, and where the music didn't try to sound like a movie, but compliment the atmosphere instead. Yeah it had a lot of problems like repetitiveness and glitches (which are mostly fixed with all the unofficial patches, minus a couple of crashes and the Void - oh god) but if you got past them it really is a remarkable game, especially considering when it was made. It's fun, atmospheric, scary, and gives the player such a sense of freedom. Anyone who's put off by the graphics should check out the XL engine - its a project to inject DF into another engine (with several other games) to be able to mod it like later TES games, improve the graphics, etc. http://xlengine.com/
  13. I like this topic. I feel a bit different though, because i fall into the younger generation of gamers yet I love tons of old games. I grew up on Quake, Diablo, Doom, and Heretic/Hexen, Starcraft, etc. I realize that graphics don't make a game, but they don't make the game bad either. What it seems like everybody forgets, is that a lot of old games at the time, WERE pushing graphics at the time, its the same boat as now, but there's a big difference. Companies would stand out by making amazing looking games back then, but they also wanted to make a good game and get recognized. They enjoyed making the games, so they put their heart into the games, and it really shows in some of them. The atmosphere in Diablo 1 is a perfect example of something that is yet to be recreated in any other game. I can appreciate any type of game as long as its a good game. I first played Morrowind, then Oblivion and loved them both. I saw Daggerfall videos and thought it looked interesting, but i kept reading s*** about how the GFX sucked and the gameplay is dull and repetitive, etc. But then I played it. Now, it is my favorite TES game out of any of them. I feel like the older graphics do add to the atmosphere (like someone mentioned before) and it's the only TES game that manages to scare me from time to time. The music is excellent, and the world feels alive. Sure, it may be repetitive, but look at oblivion. They have said that they made everything with the exception of the cities by copy pasting, and random generation with some tweaks. Every dungeon in oblivion felt the same, just as many feel similar in DF. Though with DF, i find it adds to the gameplay that i can get lost in a bigger dungeon, unless i carefully watch my route. Just as it adds to the game world that people don't wait for you (time limits on quests, sometimes people give their quests to passerby) All in all, it really surprised me, and i love it. (i was 16 at the time btw) There's no third person, sure, but it's awesome to be able to choose so many different clothes to wear, and to put on capes, and take off the hood, etc. I get this feeling of it being my own character moreso then i do in Oblivion or Morrowind. Even the weather system adds to the atmosphere, and snow actually covers the ground. It seems like Skyrim is taking some ideas from daggerfall, as Todd Howard has before expressed his interest in revisiting DF (maybe that's one of the ways) but we will see how that goes. I just hate when people say NOSTALGIAFAG or anything like that, because they are more guilty of being a graphics prostitute then I am of being a nostalgia fag. Sure, nostalgia has some base in it, but give me a game with the same atmosphere as DF, Diablo, or hell even Quake, with modern graphics that feels as good, and I would still enjoy it. It just sucks people my age just look at graphics and don't see what generic, repetitive gameplay actually is and miss out on the deeper experiences. But seriously, imo the music is just awesome, especially when it snows:
  14. Yeah, i replaced all of the original models and textures in FOOK and made sure they had the same name. Interestingly enough, however, if i replace it with an older version of the mesh and textures for the p94, the textures are still messed up, but they are much better. It's not perfect, but it's not as bad, as some parts, like the three claws in the front are textured correctly, but others are strangely messed up, instead of having a mostly green p94.
  15. Hey, I seem to be having another problem with FOOK. Basically, i killed the guy with advanced power armor there (was hard as hell too) and got his winchester P94 plasma rifle, but the texture is messed up. It looks like this: http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/0d286829c464436c19e6955855bc85ab13080a8e.png http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/51bf9031b6e3e5644f83efe8afb3a22cd7609b84.png http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/55d12bddefdd3073a4f4fddea5eb314f248f8feb.png This really pissed me off, as i was looking for this weapon for a while, and i accidentally stumbled upon it. I tried re-extracting the FOOK textures for it also with no luck. What i don't understand is on my other computer with FO3 and this mod on it (its a much crappier computer) the texture for the plasma rifle is fine. I just really want to find out how to fix this. EDIT: The textures work fine when the gun is on the floor. I also tried replacing the FOOK version with the classic p94 plasma rifle mod. It works seperately, but when i replace it in FOOK, it still gets the same problem. I don't get this at all...
  16. I think i accidentally fixed it when i woke up today. I was going through the folders and i decided to go into the meshes folder, just to check if there was something i didn't delete. To my surprise, after sifting through it a bit, i found two power armor folders that were left over - which was odd because one of them i was sure i deleted. Anyway i deleted them and it fixed my problem. :) Thanks for trying to help me though, If i didn't read this i probably would've never checked the meshes folder again.
  17. Hi, I got the FOOK mod a little while ago. I was playing, and decided i didn't like the textures on the t-45d power armor so i got dx versions, then decided to get dx versions of the t-51b and winterized t-51b. After all that, now some of the custom t-51b's have screwed up, glowing textures. I tried to fix it by removing the dx textures, and disabling and removing the dx .esp(s) but that didn't do a thing. I also tried re-extracting the fook main files, but that didn't help either. I really have no idea how to fix this. pictures: BOS T-51b: http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/dd26b66d31e1149e73cb91ba110d8900d65e6751.png Wasteland T-51b: http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/7c034e60a235286ddbfa125f85869293f9bca850.png Does anyone have any ideas, because i would really like to be able to have t-51b's that don't glow in the dark.
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